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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Module 2 FriendshipUnit 1 Can you tell me where youre from?单词1. friendship(n.)友谊,友好2. hold(v.)拿,举,持,拥有3. if(conj.)是否;如果4. whether(conj.)是否5. personal(adj.)个人的,私人的6. classmate(n.)同班同学7. public(adj.)公共的,公众的8. relation(n.)亲戚9. close(adj.&v.)亲近的;近的;关10. foreigner(n.)外国人短语1. hold

2、the line(不挂断电话)等一会2. right now现在3. whether or not是否4. in fact 事实上5. a couple of几个,两个6. feel like (doing sth)觉得;想要做某事7. by the way顺便说8. Can you tell me ?你能告诉我、?9. ask sb sth问某人某事10. some personal questions一些个人问题11. the last public concert最后一场公众音乐会12. in a couple of months几个月以后13. Good luck with the c

3、oncert. 祝音乐会顺利。14. be part of the programme是这个节目的一部分15. have some close friends有一些很好的朋友16. a very exciting place一个令人兴奋的地方Module 2 FriendshipUnit 2 No one knew who I was单词1. gift(n.)礼物,赠品2. lonely(adj.)孤独的3. afraid(adj.)害怕的4. anyone(pron.)任何人5. laugh(v.&n.)大笑;笑,笑声6. worry(v.)担心,焦虑,苦恼7. usual(adj.)通常的

4、,平常的8. pass(v.)通过,经过;传递9. touch(n.)触摸,碰10. bright(adj.)明亮的11. matter(v.&n.)有关系,要紧;事件,问题12. believe(v.)认为短语1. junior high school初中2. far away遥远的3. be afraid to do sth害怕做某事4. make friends with和、交朋友5. worry about担心6. at that moment在那时7. day by day一天天地8. at first开始,首先9. an important gift一个重要的礼物10. the e

5、arly autumn初秋11. be lonely感到孤独12. feel my heart break感到心碎13. as usual像平常一样14. sit at the desk unhappily无精打采地坐在桌旁15. pass sb从某人旁边走过16. turn back转过身来17. feel the touch of something bright and friendly感到一种明朗而又有好的东西的触动18. change ones life改变某人的生活19. So smile at the world and it will smile back.所以向世界微笑吧,它

6、也会向你微笑的。20. It doesnt matter.没关系的。21. become closer to everyone和每个人都越来越亲近22. remember doing sth记得曾经做过某事23. all the dark days所有灰暗的日子24. I believe that the world is what you think it is.现在我认为,你觉得世界是怎样的,它就是怎样的。Module 2 FriendshipUnit 3 Language in use短语1. feel like 觉得,想要做2. take a long time花费很长一段时间3. c

7、ome over to do sth来做某事4. in a few months几个月以后5. have an argument (with sb)和某人争吵6. speak to each other彼此讲话7. look lonely看上去很孤独8. do nothing more 不再做更多的事情9. not any more 不再、10. be angry with sb生某人的气11. do badly in在、做得差12. make a revision timetable制定复习计划13. a group of一群、,一组、14. face to face面对面15. the two of you你们两个人16. a long, boring conversation一个很长且厌倦的对话17. instead of代替, 反而18. care about sb 关心某人 /


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