2022年高中英语 Unit5 Period6 Lesson 4 Let’s Dance学案 北师大版必修2

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit5 Period6 Lesson 4 Lets Dance学案 北师大版必修2.选词填空1At the beginning,he would always _ an outline of the lecture.2Please _ the difference between the two words.3This is all I _ it;for the rest,y ou may ask others.4His wife is my daughter._,I am his motherinlaw. 5_,Americans love to travel in

2、their own land as well as in other parts of the world.6I want you both to _ your exercise books today.7_ the eggs _ a little flour and heat the mixture gently.句型转换1A:The boy is too young to go to school.B:The boy is _ _ _ he can not go to school.2A:This is so interesting a book that we all like it v

3、ery much.B:This is _ _ _ _ that we all like it very much.3A:Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.B:Tom is _ _ _ _ that he never tells a lie.4A:Tom didnt e to school yesterday because he was ill.B:Tom didnt e to school yesterday _ _ his illness.5A:I went out with the umbrella in order

4、that I wouldnt catch the rain.B:I went out with the umbrella _ _ I wouldnt catch the rain.Reading prehension()Fast readingRead the text and judge whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F)1Ballet is an important art form in Western culture._2China has not produced any ballets.

5、_3Folk dances are usually solo dances._4Dragon dance and the lion dance are folk dances in China._5Popular or social dances are usually popular for a long time._6Ballroom dancing was a formal dance in a large room._7In the United States,there were only old forms of dance._8People danced with their p

6、artners with “disco”music._()Careful reading1According to the text,answer the following questions.(1)Who started folk dances?_(2)What is the main difference between folk and popular dances?_(3)What is a ballroom dance that came from folk dances?_(4)Why did a lot of new dances e from the United State

7、s?_2.Fill in the form according to the text.Dance TypesTimeOriginCharacteristicExamplesBalletbegan during the(1)_ century began in (2) _tells a story with music and actions but(3) _“(4) _”; “The Whitehaired Girl”(5) _taught from one generation to anothercame from ordinary people(6)_ dancesthe dragon

8、 dance; the lion dance and the(7)_Popular Dancebecame popular in the late (8)_ centuriescame from(9) _ dancesbeing popular for only a short time(10)_;the Tango;the ChaCha;Rock n roll and Disco.Language points1Make sure that the sentence fits_in_with the sentences before and after it.要确保句子与其前后的句子一致。归

9、纳fit in with与相符,一致;与合得来;适应运用(1)His explanation didnt _ what I saw.他的解释和我见到的不相符。(2)这些计划和你的安排一致吗?_(3)Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to _,so she left.Ashow off Bgo upCfit in De over2They_are_easy_to_learn and are usually danced in couples.它们容易学,通常是两人一起跳。归纳(1)sb./sth.be形容词不定式在此结构中形容词说明不定式的特性

10、,句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式用主动形式表被动含义。(2)常见的此类形容词有:easy,hard,difficult,pleasant,impossible等。运用(1)这个句子很容易理解。_(2)他这人很难相处。_(3)In many peoples opinion,that pany,though relatively small,is pleasant_.Ato deal with Bdealing withCto be dealt with Ddealt with3They are_dressed_in beautiful costumes,skipping back_and_

11、forth to the rhythm of loud drums.他们身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点儿,扭来扭去。归纳1be dressed in穿着衣服dress sb.给某人穿衣服(动作)dress oneself自己穿衣服(动作)dress up装扮;乔装打扮运用1(1)这个女孩穿着一身红衣服。_(2)The children _ new clothes on Childrens Day.孩子们在儿童节都穿着新衣服。(3)They _ and try to frighten people.他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。(4)With nothing on,the Emperor walked in

12、 the parade,thinking he _ the most beautiful clothes in the world.Awas dressed himself BdressedCwas dressed in Dwas dressed归纳2skip v跳,蹦;略过,跳过;不做(应做的事等)skip class/school逃课skip off/out悄然离开;溜走skip it(粗暴地表示不想谈论或重复说)别提这事儿,不说这个了运用2(5)_ is not a good way to lose weight.不吃饭不是减肥的好办法。(6)The three girls were out in the courtyard _.那三个女孩在外面院子里跳绳。(7)I suggest we _ the final item of business.我建议我



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