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3、不受雾、云和雨的阻挡,具有全天候、全天时的特点,并有一定的穿透能力。因此,它不仅成为军事上必不可少的电子装备,而且广泛应用于社会经济发展(如气象预报、资源探测、环境监测等)和科学研究(天体研究、大气物理、电离层结构研究等)。星载和机载合成孔径雷达已经成为当今遥感中十分重要的传感器。其空间分辨力可达几米到几十米,且与距离无关。雷达在洪水监测、海冰监测、土壤湿度调查、森林资源清查、地质调查等方面显示了很好的应用潜力。关 键 词:铰链四杆;自动控制器;自动接收器;底座;AbstractWith hinged four-bar linkage to control the working princi

4、ple, to achieve processing methods and requirements, job performance and uses. Provided primarily by the base, two brackets, crank, even the frame bar, automatic controller, joystick and an automatic receiver etc.; be able to accurately control the completion of the free receiver. Radar concept form

5、ed in the early 20th century, before and after the second world war to obtain rapid development. The working principle, radar transmitter through the antenna is equipment the electromagnetic energy into space a certain direction, in this direction reflects met electromagnetic wave; Receiving this re

6、flection wave radar antenna, send to receiving equipment and processing, the extraction of certain information about the object object to radar (distance, distance rate or radial velocity, orientation, height, etc.). Radar into continuous wave radar and pulse radar two kinds big. Pulse radar for eas

7、y to achieve precise location, and receive in firing pulse echo is rest period, so receiving antenna and antenna available the same antennas in radar, and development in a major position. Measuring distance is the actual measurement firing pulse and echo pulse, because the lag between electromagneti

8、c wave travel at the speed of light, accordingly can convert to target the precise distance. Goal orientation is the sharp azimuth using antenna beam measurements. The elevation of elevation measurement by narrow beam. According to the elevation Angle and distance can calculate target height. When r

9、adar and between target have relative motion, radar receiver to target echo frequency and radar launch frequency is different, both the difference value is called the doppler frequency. From doppler frequency can be extracted in one of the main information is the distance between the radar and targe

10、t rate. When a target and interference clutter coexist in the same spatial resolution radar, radar when units using doppler frequency between them different from interference clutter can detect and track the target. Radar advantage is day and night all can detect remote target, and do not suffer fog

11、, clouds and rain preventing, have all-weathe, when all day and have some characteristics of the penetration ability. Therefore, it is not only become military indispensable electronic equipment, and widely used in social economic development (such as meteorological forecast, resource exploration, e

12、nvironmental monitoring, etc.) and scientific research (celestial research, atmospheric physics, the ionosphere structure research, etc.). The satellite and airborne synthetic aperture radar has become very important in todays remote sensing sensor. The spatial resolution can amount to several meter

13、s to dozens of meters, and has nothing to do with distance. Radar in flood monitoring, sea ice monitoring, soil humidity survey, the forest resources inventory, geological survey shows good aspects potential applicationKerwords: hinge four poles ; automatic control;automatic receiver;base目 录前 言1第一章

14、雷达的系统组成21.1雷达系统组成与介绍21.2主要技术分析与评价3第二章 雷达的性能与用途52.1雷达的性能52.2雷达的用途6第三章 雷达的工作原理73.1本装置的功能73.2工作原理7第四章 雷达零件的组成与装配94.1雷达零件的组成94.2 零件装配16第五章 雷达各部件的加工方法与要求175.1加工方法175.2加工要求17第六章 结论19参考文献 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15、 . . . . . . . . . 20致谢21 前 言在各种机构型式中,连杆机构的特点表现为具有多种多样的结构和多种多样的特性。仅就平面连杆机构而言,即使其连杆件数被限制在很少的情况下,大量的各种可能的结构型式在今天仍难以估计。它们的特性在每一方面是多种多样的,以致只能将其视为最一般形式的机械系统。在古代和中世纪许多实际应用方面的发明中就有连杆机构,例如我国东汉时期张衡发明的地震仪、列奥纳多达芬奇所描述的椭圆车削装置等,在这些发明中,都巧妙地应用了平面连杆机构。在近代,随着工业越来越高度自动化,在大量的自动化生产线上,许许多多的连杆机构得到了应用。特别是机器人学成为目前一个前沿学科,连杆机构又有了新的应用,例如日本等国家开发的类人型机器人等。在仿生学上,连杆机构巧妙地实现了人类关节的功能,例如国外研制的六杆假肢膝关节机构。当今,工业生产自动化程度越来越高,连杆机构以及它与其它类型的机构组成的组合机构将得到更加广泛的应用,特别是形状丰富多样的连杆曲线将应用在更多的场合中。第一章 雷达的系统组成1.1 雷达系统组成与介绍简易的ANSPY-1A相控阵雷达系统主要是有信号发射器组合、接收天线组合、信号处理器组合、信号传输系统、控制系统组合等几部分组成1)


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