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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 5 Lets celebrate!短语:专心-专注-专业1.dress up as 装扮成2.Monkey King 美猴王(孙悟空)3.Chinese New Year = Spring Festival 春节4.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节5.Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节6.Thansgiving Day 感恩节7.eat mooncakes 吃月饼8.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事9.in the USA = in America 在美国10.celebrate Halloween 庆祝万

2、圣节11. have a special party 举办一个特别的聚会12.on October 31st 在十月31日13.on the evening of October 31st在十月31日的晚上14.play a game called 玩一个叫的游戏15.tick or treat 不招待就使坏16.knock on ones door 敲某人的门17.give sb. sth. as a treat = give sb. a treat of sth. 给某人某物作为招待18.play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人19.at Halloween 在万圣节20.wear

3、 special costumes with masks 穿有面具的特殊服装21.paint ones face 给某人的脸涂色22.cut out 剪出,切出,刻出23.the sharp teeth 尖利的牙齿24.have hot drink 喝热饮料25.eat lot of nice, hot food 吃许多美味的热的食物26.Happy Halloween! 万圣节快乐!27.pumpkin lantern 南瓜灯笼28.make A out of B 用B制作A29.New Years Day 元旦30.May Day 五一国际劳动节31.Childrens Day 儿童节32

4、.Teachers Day 教师节33.National Day 国庆节34.have a long holiday 有一个长假35.see the doctor 看病36.club meeting 俱乐部会议37.have a meeting 开会38.Chinese New Year Party 春节聚会39.on holiday in New York 在纽约度假40.watch the lion dance 观看舞狮41.eat some traditional Chinese food 吃一些传统的中国食物42.feel/be excited 觉得兴奋43.on the other

5、side of 在的另一面44.try to do sth. 试着做某事45.a few seconds 几秒钟46.people in the West 西方人47.put candles in 把蜡烛放到里48.in many ways 用许多方法49.the light shines through 光从里透出来50.on the last day of October 在十月的最后一天句型:1.Lets celebrate! 让我们庆祝吧!2.What are you doing? 你正在干什么?3.I am dressing up as a ghost. 我正在装扮成一个鬼。4.Wh

6、ich is your favourite festival? 你最喜欢的节日是哪个?5.Halloween is my favourite festival. 万圣节是我最喜欢的节日。6.We play a game called trick or treat. 我们玩一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏。7.They give us some candy as a treat. = They give us a treat of some candy. 他们用糖果招待我们。8.Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we a

7、re. 有时我们给我们的脸涂色,人们不知道我们是谁。9.We make our own special pumpkin lanterns for Halloween. 我们为万圣节做我们自己的南瓜灯笼。10.People eat special Halloween chocolates and candies on that day. 人们在那天吃特别的万圣节巧克力和糖果。11.Amys birthday is 2nd November so we want to have a big party for her. 艾米的生日在11月2日,所以我们想为她举办一个大型聚会。12.Maybe I

8、can take him for a long walk. 或许我可以带他长时间散步。13.It is my first time to see it and I am very excited. 这是我第一次看它,我很兴奋。14.I am going to eat some traditional Chinese food. 我打算吃一些传统的中国食物。15.There will be firework in Chinatown. 在唐人街将会有烟花。16.What do you do for Chinese New Year in Beijing? 在北京过春节你做什么?17.Why do

9、 you like your birthday so much? 你为什么那么喜欢你的生日?18.People celebrate Halloween in many ways. 人们用很多方式庆祝万圣节。19.They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. 他们把蜡烛放到它们里面,所以光从眼睛,鼻子和牙齿里透出来。20.I like Halloween best. = My favourite festival is Halloween.我最喜欢万圣节。UNIT 5

10、语法:wh- questions 特殊疑问句Which is this festival?u When do people celebrate it?u What do people do to celebrate it?u How do children play “trick or treat”? u Who do they play the game with?u .wh-words 特殊疑问词:be动词助动词 +主语+情态动词特殊疑问词的用法意思用法例句who谁问人的身份,姓名等He is LiLie Who is he ?He is my brother. Who is he ?wh

11、om谁问人的身份,姓名等(问宾语)I can ask him the question.Whom can you ask the question?what什么问人的职业或事物是什么He is a worker. What is he?He has a book. What does he have ?which哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物The big box is mine. Which box is yours?The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?whose谁的问所属关系This is her book. Whose book

12、is this ?This book is hers. Whose is this book?what color什么颜色问颜色(表语)My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?What time几点问点时间We play games at five in the afternoon ?What time do you play games?when什么时候问时间We play games in the afternoon ?When do you play games?where什么地方问地点(状语)We play games at home on

13、Sunday ?Where do you play games on Sunday?why为什么问原因He isnt at school today because he is ill.Why isnt he at school today ?how怎样问健康状况、做事的方式等He is fine/strong. How is he ?I go home by bike. How do you go home?how old多大几岁问年龄He is ten. How old is he ?how many多少跟复数名词,问数量There are thirty boys in my class.

14、How many boys are there in your class?how much多少跟不可数名词问数量或价钱 There is some milk in the bottle.How much milk is there in the bottle?how far多远问路程Its five kilometers away from here? How far is it from here?how soon多久问in+一段时间He can finish it in half an hour.How soon can he finish it ?how long多久问一段时间,问物体的长短He has lived here for a year. How long has he lived here?The desk is one meters long. How long is the desk ?how often多久(一次)问频率I go to see my parents once a month.How often do you go to see your parents?对画线部分提问,除了要注意选择正确的疑问词外,还要注意语序的运用。1、 对句子的主语提问,其语序是:疑问词+谓语+其他成分?(整个句子是陈述句语序)She is their teache



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