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1、英语故事jcks yonohe liveit his mohe. theyieinasll house. the amilis poor. thi cow, btsy, giesth milk.杰克是一种年轻小伙子,她与妈妈相依为命。两人同住在一间小屋子里,家里很穷。她们养了一只母牛,名叫贝琪,这只牛供应她们牛奶喝。one a,betsyha no milk jac anhismothe arehungry.ack, needmoy, sy his mohe.tae bets o t mrke and sell her.有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。杰克和妈妈肚子饿坏了。“杰克,我们需要钱。”妈妈说

2、。“把贝琪带到市场去卖了吧。”jack snt hpp ecuse he liks btsy.ady, h walkshr tohe aket. m issading o th roa.he wans ets. hehfive beans ihishad. heshowsthemt jathese bans are seia theycan growery igh,h says. do youwntthem?杰克很不开心,由于她喜欢贝琪。她伤心地带着贝琪走到市场。一名男子站在路上,她想要贝琪。她手中有五颗豆子,便把这些豆子拿给杰克看。“这些豆子可是很特别的哟,它们会长得很高,”她说。“你想要吗

3、?”ack likesthe beas,so h gves betsytohe a. athoe, is mther seetans. sh is vy agr.jck, e need mney! she sawatcn webuy wth as?杰克很喜欢这些豆子,于是就把贝琪给了这个男子。回到家,妈妈看到这些豆子非常气愤。“杰克,我们需要的是钱!”她说。“我们能用豆子买什么东西呢?”jagos t bd. hes ver sad. h motherhrows tebsut thwinow oon, abeanstalk i growing.it gros androwsnd o andgo

4、ws! now, it in e ky!杰克伤心地睡觉去了。她的妈妈把豆子丢到窗外。不久地,一株豆茎长出来。它长呀长的,目前已经长到天上去了!ac wakes up ea. e see th beansalk.where doe o? jakgoes thebanstak.heoe upan up d pfnally, h s a the op.杰克很早就醒了,她看见了豆茎。这株豆茎会通往哪里去呢?杰克沿着豆茎爬上去。她爬呀爬的,最后爬到了顶端。a giant lves inthe s.he hasab husean alot of mne, but esnt nice. he etspepl

5、e! jk doentknow the giant.heoes inote house.天上有一位巨人住在那里,她有一间好大好大的屋子和好多好多的钱,但是她却不是个好人,由于她会吃人!杰克并不结识这个巨人,因此走进了这间屋子。jack loks arunth houe.here artables,cirs, ugs, nd a firlacveryhng s so big! ten, tegiantwifesesk. heis old andkindwho are you? e ak jack a ck, he says. can you givesome food? i a ngry.杰克看

6、了看屋子里的四周,有桌子、椅子、地毯,尚有一种壁炉。每同样东西都好大!这时巨人的妻子看到了杰克,她年龄很大,但心地善良。 “你是谁?”她问杰克。“我是杰克,”她说。“你可以给我一点吃的东西吗?我饿了。”tegants wiefeedsjck. r o isgoodintothose!qick, jk, getintoth pt, sys thegiat we. tegiant likes to t boy!巨人的妻子煮东西给杰克吃,她煮的菜较好吃。就在这个时候,一扇门打开了,巨人就要走到屋子里来!“快点!杰克!快到锅子里去,”巨人的妻子说道。“巨人喜欢吃男孩!”he kitcn he os a

7、rund.i smll a boy,h says wh oud voic.ee is he? i antt athi.there arnooys ere,syis wife sitdon ad ea your brekat.杰克躲进锅子里去。巨人走进厨房,到处张望。“我闻到男孩子的味道,”她大声说。“她在哪里?我要吃掉她。” “这里没有什么男孩子,”巨人的妻子回答道。“坐下来吃你的早餐。”hegiat as goose.he usitonthetable.thegoo lays n egg. it is ad ofgold! jack sees he egg.i want that gooe,

8、 htin. i can sellthgole eg.ten, othr ad i cn buyood.巨人有一只鹅,她把这只鹅摆到餐桌上。鹅下了一颗蛋,这是一颗金蛋!杰克看到了这颗蛋。“我想要那只鹅,”她心想。“我可以把金蛋卖掉,这样妈妈和我就可以拿钱买食物了。”hegiant goes outfthektche. soon tab.idon ee happy, he sas. r,ig mea song!tap sis ywl thegiant smiles, te hap.he ound is rallybeat, tksjack.i can give the hap to mthe.

9、then, shewont b ngr with me.巨人走出厨房,不久又回来了。她在桌上放了一把黄金打造的竖琴。 “我不太开心,”她说。“竖琴!唱首歌给我听!”竖琴唱得非常棒。巨人边吃着早餐边微笑。杰克也在聆听竖琴的歌声。 “这声音真好听,”杰克心想。“我可以把竖琴送给妈妈,这样她就不会生我的气了。”nw, e giant ees lepy. hclossees. on eisleng jackalks to heale. htakestheose andthharp.theyarelosepng. quiet, e takesthem t the benslk. sudenly,he h

10、rpwes u.lp! help! soebody i takin me awy!it cies.巨人目前很困,就闭起双眼,不久便睡着了。杰克走向桌子,把鹅和竖琴抱走,它们也都睡着了。杰克静悄悄地把它们带到豆茎那里。忽然间,竖琴醒了。“救命啊!救命啊!有人要把我带走了!”它叫道。theintwakep.h looks out thwndowad see ac.uckl, ernsfe him. jack os ow the benalk heis vry fast bove him,the gn is oinowth beantalk. il ectc jack?巨人醒了。她往窗外看,见到杰克

11、,于是立即追着她跑。杰克沿着豆茎往下爬,速度非常快。篇二:适合中小学生讲演的英语小故事my istand mylstanndianarmran his cild we ting n h ilds. i wasalost dark b th tme they a finihe teir work nd hefer saido e id,ww!s geting da! quicly pck up thetools ad rn.les u qucly!relx.were not ar froome nd we know thway hoe.why ar o isch a panic? adehld.

12、 heres omthing youot ko. ino aai o iesorlos m ly afraid o te ghansweed the fae。it s ene tat lion a dingnerb ad ovehead er cversto wa this thing caldte night?w could it b ore fearful thani am? i mustfind out aboutit.o homewit hm.early the next morng, on theway,anher ion assed byandfun t ilrous to se a in obedietly ollong a arer. telion asked, what are yo ing? r yu waigbehnd ts man?shh!keep yvoicedwnan leave qicky dntyo nw thatthisbegwaling inron is soething caled theiht.hs vy terribe. lat night,h beat m and shacld me, leavinm cold and strin theentire nigh i hae n i w



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