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1、Unit 4 What s the best movie theater第五课时Section B (3a Self Check)A 基础起航I .根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。1. The twins have many things in common 2. The park is close to our school.3. Bill Gates often helped the poor_ people in America.4. The winner in the talent show will get a good prize_5. Please take the medic

2、ine before the meal(s)6. Parents play an important role_ in their childrens lives.7. We should take these problems seriously n.用方框 中所给单词的适当形式填空。good, cheap , popular , comfortable , bad1. Dumpling House is _the cheapest restaurant in the city. You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan.

3、2. Spring Park is the most popular place in the city on weekends. Many families go there with their young children.3. You can rest _comfortablyat Flower Hotel. Their rooms are clean and big.4. Of all the radio stations, FM 109.9plays _the_worst music. The songs arealways boring and too loud.5. PEPHi

4、gh School is the best school in this t own. They have big classrooms, fantastic teachers and an excellent sports center.B语法扬帆m.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Thanks for _telling(tell) me.2. Some students in our school are truly _talented (talent)3. Its always interesting _to_watch_ (watch) people _show_ (show) the

5、irtalents.4. The people who watch the show usually play a role in deciding (decide) the winner.5. Which c ity is _the most beautiful(beautiful), Beijing, Shanghai orHangzhou?6. Lucy is the best _performer (perform) in the group.IV.单项选择。( B )1.Dont make any noise. We have to read in the library.A. qu

6、icklyB. quietlyC. loudly D . clearly( A )2.When do you finish your breakfast in the morning?A. eating B . to eatC. eat D . ate( B )3.You have to arrive seven in the evening because thats the time to begin the party.A. after B . beforeC. since D . until( D )4.The traffic and so many people make the t

7、own.A. heavy; heavyB. crowded; crowdedC. crowded; heavyD. heavy; crowdedC提升冲浪V .完形填空。The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. It runs fromthe east to the west in North China.It is about 6, 300 kilometers _1 It isoften _2_Ten thousand li Great Wall ” . It is one of the “Seven

8、 Wonders” ofthe ancien t world.The Great Wall is wide enough for ten men to walk 3. Horses can also run along it, too. The Great Wall was_4_ stones and bricks(/).There are huge stones on5 side and on the highest part. But now some sections of it are_worn_out. There are tall watch towers on the Great

9、 Wall. Once upon 6 time, the soldiers kept watching the enemies(敌人)in the watch towers day and night. They made _7_ on the towers to _8_ each other when the enemies came.Nowadays we dont use the Great Wall to keep away the 9 anymore. It is a famous place of interest to all the people in 10 . Every y

10、ear thousands of people come to visit it from all over the world.(C )1.A.wideB. tallC. long D . high(C )2.A.calling B. callC. called D . to call( A )3.A.side by side B . one by oneC. one after another D . step by step(A )4.A.made of B. made fromC. made in D . made for(C )5.A.both B . allC. each D .

11、either(B )6.A.an B. aC. the D . /(A )7.A.fire B. a kiteC. a face D . tea(A )8.A.tell B. talkC. find D . say(D )9.A.animals B . peopleC. foreigners D . enemies(B )10.A.As .ia B . the worldC. Europe D . China读后词汇拓展猜出画线单词的词性和中文意思以及词组的中文意思,并收入自己的小词典。1. ancient _ adj.古代的2. are worn out_ 破损3. soldiers _ n

12、. 士兵 D单元写作指导写前品读Last week, we did a survey about some best places in our city. Here are the results. Most of the middle schools are good, but No.2 Middle School is the best in our city. It is the most beautiful and it has the best teachers. Peoples Hospital is the best of all, because it has the mos

13、t comfortable beds and the friendliestservice. New Century Cinema has the biggest screens. So people like going thereto see the movies. The best clothes store is Fashion Clothing Store. It has the cheapest clothes and they are of the best quality.I think it is a great city for living and having fun

14、as well. Welcome to my city!任务一:根据上面的调查报告将表格填写完整。the best placesNameReasonmiddle schoolNo. 2 MiddleSchoolbeautiful, good teachershospital_Peoples Hospitalcomfortable beds, the friendliest servicemovie theater_New Century Cinemabig screensclothes storeFashion Clothing Storecheap, good quality任务二:请找出文

15、中的最高级形式_the best;the most beautiful;the most comfortable;the friendliest;the bi ggest;the cheapest写作指导结合以上这篇说明文,请你思考:1.写调查报告类的作文,以什么时态为主?一般现在时_2.三者及以上的同类事物进行比较时,通常会用到形容词或副词的最高级形式。想一想你自己的城市里最好的地点(如最好的餐厅,最好的商场,最好的书店等 )并给出理由。I think the best in my city is Itis/has略写作实践假设你是李明,你的美国朋友Tom刚来杭州,周末想去看电影,请你按照下面表格中的信 息介绍你家附近的三座电影院:CinemaQualityBroadwaythe best screen; the best soundQingchunthe most popular ;.Jinjiangthe cheapest ;.汪思:1 .开头已写好,请你接着写;2 .必须包括表格中的信息,可以做适当的拓展,并请你谈谈自己的选择和理由;3 .词数:80左右;开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。


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