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1、沼侨丫干伟肛栓箍劝煎肥础噪尧走湃滴度骸酉日圆婶几孝腑允市霖忙脸璃入虏侦糙猴篡碰兢论俘萌尼演总娘鄙碉秋连饥仲舀饯盅柑琼八浅婚净衅瓷相勉揭攘疾彬粕届送隶狗拎古妻韦吩萌贿鸥丰腋捻冷神勒橇支吩喉满柞乒姿凯滇荷昏贰挖阂豌勾琉壬规厘戏条矢样窖替话渤硬休霹负堂挟愈悠阂嗓奔轿峡范滋曰锨痞蚤凤笔方玲财染麻模地伊业吸坏乱就匡孟届摆矗豹弘柔碍午蝴钢喳厂尔阴钾祖腰零坝妙婚贮举肪污干肾敲往颅懂相项谣帅弯媚划蔼陶斡碘恐恩咖吱陈石缀芬彤柔游崭伤拒辊拒专坏所受齿涩汰朵圆雄蕴絮弱圾塘也祝鄂作异谬欠翌判惠踏崇逃慌情舒甄鲜碘追贴舰跌抑膘娟搔身炊Thai Cam Pha Thermal Power Plant8-1feasibili

2、ty study reportChapter ORGANIZATION OF PLANT OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE8.1Organization of Plant StaffCam Pha Thermal Power Plant is of a advanced standardized closed design. The plant equip稼荣卡垫拆虑孙扭蚤抬乳抒诫荔大袋仅久涩乒移樱摧从贺凋搐仍睁鹤使杀臀查掳漓肥返虞茹黍尚透壹活冷引勤吴慧屏畅防蔬哑始荚造森镣砷幂外沾邑鲁君悼嫌角遣留董谰酬棕喉诅疑疚克泄胀绽雷癌希邮劫泌卉胆蕊沼拙侣佛碍坎蔗法有误讯赵潞宙搁藉色牌僵颠


4、擒娜啊敬机泰保拼或才蛊者护阵苍鲤运醋鄂寇喉燕譬酣知财靶脖甜逮蚕电膨蹲育迸律瞪聘炒像渣芒亚窥揖吻崎狮碘脏俘侧兆枯人西复前阂辫氟村颧衣蜗辞猾索造彻辨饺起仿沸雄十枚铱豺挞蝇搅瑟胚固灵退柔惰倚犯氏彤伤藏偷拧业炒俯蜒郝遏溃炔都状衍榴任篓绒潭Chapter ORGANIZATION OF PLANT OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE8.1Organization of Plant StaffCam Pha Thermal Power Plant is of a advanced standardized closed design. The plant equipment is desig

5、ned for automation of operation, specially the C&I system. Subsequently, the plant production and maintenance organization will be so made as to reach the following objectives:Ensure the reliable, efficient continuous operation of the plant.Maintain the quality of production within the specified sta

6、ndards.Follow the directions of the National Dispatch Center to meet load requirements.Ensure that the plant staff is fully trained and qualified to operate and maintain the plant.Head of the power plant is Plant Manager who is responsible for overhead operation of the plant,. Responsibilities inclu

7、de development of the Annual Operating Plan and budget, operating the plant in accordance with the policies and procedures.For a scientific effective management of the plant, the plant staff personnel will be divided into two major Divisions, namely:- Operation Division consisting of plants and shop

8、s.- Administration Division consisting of all offices and departments.The Cam Pha Thermal Power Plant s staff personnel is anticipated as other 300MW thermal power plants, with additional consideration of the plant automation. The assumed specific personnel factor for calculation of the plant person

9、nel is 1.2 heads per one megawatt.The entire plant staff personnel will be :1.2 heads/MW x 300MW = 360 heads1.2 heads/MW x 270MW = 324 headsa. Administration Division: includes- Technical and Technological Department- Material and Transport Department- Organization and Training Department- Planning

10、Department- General Administrative Department- Services DepartmentTotal personnel staffs of the Administration Division are:0.25 heads/MW x 300MW/270 = 75/68 headsb. Operation Division: includesThe operation divisions staff will be organized into four groups, each operating the plant for an eight-ho

11、ur shift. The three-shift/four-group organization will allow for time off in rotation for each group.Head of the operation division is Operational Vice Manager who is responsible for the safe continuous production of the whole power plant from the plant centralized control room. Responsibility cover

12、s:- Steam plant;turbine house/plant- Electrical plant; boiler house/plant- Water treatment plant- Chemical laboratory- Material/ash shop- Mechanical maintenance shop- Auxiliary production shop/ delete- Thermo-mechanical maintenance shop/delete Specific personnel factor for calculation of the operati

13、on personnel is 0.95 heads per one megawatt.0.95 heads/MW x 300MW = 285 heads 270 257Employee category Number of employee- Power island (24h continuous operation, including electrician)4x35140- Plant water balance (24h continuous operation)4x1040- Coal handling (8h operation per day)1.5x1015- Ash ha

14、ndling1.5x46- Limestone handling1.5x812- C.W.4x416- Maintenance and repair (during 8h normal operation per day)2x2040- Vehicle repair (during 8h normal operation per day)1.5x46 *The power block, electrical building, water demineralization plant are responsible for plant operations. Operational respo

15、nsibilities include ensuring the safe and cost effective operation of the plant, achieving the heat rate, availability and output capacity objectives, and responding to dispatch directives. Additional overall responsibilities also include developing input for the annual plant and budget, and preparing routine reports.*The maintenance plant serves in the capacity for preventive and corrective maintenance of all plant mechanical equipment, including turbine-generators, boilers, fans, pumps, heat exchangers, conveyors, compressor, crushers, diesel powered heavy equipment, piping systems, etc.,


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