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1、清华大学英语教授50年研究成果,高中英语学习必备官方网站:http:/ 高中英语会考词语背诵一、一个星期七天1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday4. Thursday5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday二、一年十二个月1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December三、一年四季1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4.

2、winterAt the age of 在年龄 At the end of 在 结尾 At the head of 在前面 At the mercy of 任由摆布: 在的掌握中 At the moment 在时候 At the same time 与同时,一齐 At times =now and then 间或,时常 At work 在工作,在上班 Be addicted to 沉溺于,上瘾 Be afraid of 担心,害怕 Be amazed at 对感到害怕 Be angry with sb. 生的气 Be aware of 知道,了解,意识到 Be busy doing sth.

3、忙于 Be busy with sth. 忙于 Be famous for 因而著名=be known for Be fit for 适合于 Be fond of 喜欢 Be full of 充满 Be good at something doing 善于 Be late for 做迟到 Be like 用做的 Be made up of 由构成 Be on good terms (with sb.) 与关系良好 Be satisfied with 对满意=be pleased with =be content with Be used to sth / doing 习惯于 Because o

4、f 因为 Before long 不久,没过多长时间 Begin with=start with 以方式开始 Believe in 信赖,信仰 Belong to 归于,属于 Benefit from 从中获利(益) Bothand 和:不仅而且 Break away from 脱离,与分手 Break down 分解;(人)病倒,(机器)坏了,(车)抛锚 Break out (疾病,战争,洪水,地震等)爆发(没有被动形势) Bring back to life 使复活;使苏醒;使充满生机 Bring in 带来,挣(钱),引进 Bring (sb.) back 把带回来,使恢复 Bring

5、up 把抬高,抚养(常用被动形势) Burn down 烧毁(房屋,城镇) Burst into sth. 突然大声地(哭,笑等)burst into tears / laughter By bus/plane/ship/air/sea 乘交通工具 By mistake 偶然,无意地 By the side of 在边上 By the time 到时候 Call for 要求,请求 Call in 叫进来,(电话)打进来 Call on 号召 Call out 大声说(喊)出来 Call up 使回忆起,call (sth or sb)up 打电话给 Calm (sb.)down 使镇定下来

6、Care about 关心,在意 Care for 想要,喜欢 Carry on 继续(与with连用) Carry out 执行 Catch fire 着火 Catch up with 赶上 Centre on/upon 把集中在 Changeinto 把变成 Change ones mind 改变主意 Cheer (sb) up 使高兴起来,振作起来 Clean up 整理,收拾干净,整理整齐 Clear up 清理,整理 Come about 发生 Come across 偶然遇到 Come along (用于祈祷)快点,赶快=come on Come back 回来 Come down

7、 下来 Come from 是人,来自于 Come in 进来 Come into being 存在 Come off 脱落,分离,下落 Come on 快点,赶快,跟随,来吧(挑战语)进步,发展,发育,开始,来到 Come out 出现,显现,(花)绽放,(消息)传出,(真相)大白,出版,罢工,表露 Come over 过来(只比较远处);改变立场或意见,(感情,影响力)掌握住,占据 Come to an end 结束 Come to life 复活,苏醒 Come to oneself=come to ones sensd (昏厥后)恢复知觉,恢复知觉,恢复明知或正常) Come to t

8、erms with sb 于某人达成协议 Come ture 实现 Come up to 等于,达到,及于 Come up with 追上,赶上(某人) Common sense 尝识(由生活经验而来) Concentrate on 把集中上=focus on Consist of 由构成 Contribute to 捐献,贡献,是的原因,有助于,促成 Cool off=cool down 变冷静(淡) Current affairs 时事 Cut down 砍断,砍倒 Cut off 切掉 Cut up 切碎 / Date back 追溯 Day after day 日复一日 Day and

9、 night 日日夜夜 Deal with 处理,对待,解决=do with /cope/with Depend on=rely on=rest on=count on=lean on 依赖,依靠 Devoteto 致力于,把贡献给 Die down (指炉火)渐息,(骚动等)渐平息,(闹声等)渐消失 Die of 死于=die from (外因) Die out 死光,绝种 Dig up 翻土=dig sth up 从地上挖掉 Do (some) reading 读书(报,杂志等),阅读 Do morning exercise 做早操 Do sb. a favour 帮忙 Do sb. go

10、od 为某人 Do well in 在方面做得好 Draw ones attention (to) 做到的注意力;把的注意力引到上 Dream of 梦想,幻想 Dress up 打扮,(为演戏,参加化妆舞会等)着特殊服装 Drive off (水滴等)掉下,落下 Drop sb. a line 给写封短信 End up (with ) 结束,以告终 Enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过的快乐 Even if/though 尽快,即使 Even since 自从 Every now and then 不时地,时常地 Except for 除以外(除去一个部分)except (除去一个整体)

11、 Experiment with 用做实验 Fall behind 落后于 Fall down 跌倒 Fall ill 生病,病倒 Fall in love with 与相爱,坠入爱河 Fall off 消减,减少 Fall to the ground 跌倒在地 Far (away) from 远离,离开很远 Feed on 以为主食 Fill up with 用把装满,填满 Find out 找出,发现,(指经过调查,搜索等) First aid 急救 First of all 着光 For ever 永远=forever For example 例如(后接句子) For the momen

12、t 眼下,暂时, 目前 Free from 免于 From then on 从那时起 From time to time 经常 Get across 横过(get sb sth across 使横过,被人了解) Get around (=get about ) 到处走动 Get away from 离开 Get back 回来,get sth back 把弄回来 Get down 下来,get down to sth/doing 认真应付,处理 Get hold of 拿住,抓住 Get into 进入 Get off 下车 Get on ones feet 站起来 Get on with 与

13、相处 Get through 结束,完成,到达目的,及格,通过 Get to 到达 Get used to 习惯于(后接n.或doing ) Get/be tired of 讨厌;厌倦 Give back 归还 Give birth to 生小孩 Give in 屈服,让步 Give off 放出,散发(热,光,气味,辐射等) Give sb. a hand 帮助 Give sb. a lesson 教训 Give up 放弃 Go about 到处走,走来走去(谣言)流传 Go along 进行,进步,陪伴,与有相同的观点,通常伴随,连同配合go along with 陪伴 Go by 经过

14、 Go down (指船只等)沉默,(日月等)下落,(食物)被吞下,平静,平息 Go down on ones kness 跪下 Go for 来取或来接,被认为,攻击,可以应用于 Go hiking/sailing/skating/boating/fishing/hunting/climbing/swimming 去远足/划船/滑冰/划船/钓鱼/打猎/爬山/游泳 go off (剧本中的演出说明)下场,爆炸,砰然发射,变坏,品质变坏,失去知觉,离去(尤指情绪等) go on with 继续 go over 预习,复习,走过去,过一遍,批改作业等 go through 详细讨论,仔细察看,;履行,参加,受艰难,(指出)被售出go through with 完成,做完 go up 上升,被建立,被炸坏,进入大学,进城 go wrong 弄错了 grow up 成长 had better(do ) 最好做 hand in 上交=turn in hand in hand 手拉手 hand out 分发 happen to 谁发生了了(往往只不好事) have a look/test/try 看一看/测一测/试一试 have an effect on 对产生影响 have an eye for 有的眼光 (鉴赏力) have mercy on 可怜



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