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1、越冋辺為苑尊轨I毕业论文(设计)题 目智能家居安全监控系统设计姓 名:学 号:系 别:专 业:年级班级:指导教师:2016年2月25日毕业论文(设计)作者声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进 行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外, 本 论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。本人完全了解有关保障、使用毕业论文的规定,同意学校保留并 向有关毕业论文管理机构送交论文的复印件和电子版。 同意省级优秀 毕业论文评选机构将本毕业论文通过影印、 缩印、扫描等方式进行保 存、摘编或汇编;同意本论文被编入有关数据库进行检索和查阅。本毕业论文内容不涉及国

2、家机密。论文题目:智能家居安全监控系统设计作者单位:作者签名:目录摘 要 21 绪论 51.1 课题研究背景及意义 51.2 国内外研究现状 92 智能家居系统架构设计 102.1 智能家居系统需求分析 102.2 家庭内部数据采集及控制子系统 102.3 云服务器数据存储及警报子系统 112.3 家庭内部数据采集及控制子系统 112.4 网络摄像头 123 网关通信 123.1 网关通信子系统 123.2 摄像头采集软件 133.3 传感器网络数据收集及控制 154. 总结 17致 谢 18参考文献 19智能家居安全监控系统设计摘 要:随着科学技术和经济的快速发展,在当下人们的生活水平有了显

3、著的提高进步,物质生活也急速的丰富着, 人们急切需要着更高级的物质生活体验, 智能家居系统可以提供给人们更加舒适便捷和安全的居住环境。 随着设备的小型 化以及家庭网络的高速化, 加上无线、 和等通信技术的发展, 人们已经可以随时 随地的高速地接入。 方便成熟的云计算技术以及物联网技术等也为智能家居的实 现奠定了坚实的技术基础。 一方面,中国的城镇化步伐正在一步步加快同时老龄 化问题和空巢老人、 留守儿童安全都是现代社会存在的问题, 如何保证让年轻人 好好工作同时也兼顾好家庭后方的安全,这样的矛盾越来越突出。智能家居系统在当前的社会形态下意义重大, 借助本系统, 在外面工作的年 轻人可以随时随地

4、的照看家里的老人和孩子, 免除了年轻人的后顾之忧, 可以更 好的创造价值服务社会。 另一方面,通过智能家居系统对家庭进行实时监测保护, 如果有火灾,入室盗窃等险情,用户可以在第一时间知道,并作出相应反应,减 少损失。综上所述,本课题有着巨大的经济价值以及社会意义。但是,现有的设备智能程度、舒适度远远不能满足人们的需求,例如:实时 性偏差,安装操作较繁琐, 信息资源利用率低和数据瓶颈较多等问题。 本文通过 研究基于家庭网关, 实时监控以及云端服务的智能家居体系框架深入研究学习传 感器网络技术、视频监控、新型展现技术,并利用了云计算的多服务性、高可用 性、便捷性和便宜等优点,提出了一种远程且可实时

5、控制的智能家居实现方案, 从而为大家提供最优的服务。 本文通过互联网资讯以及相关文献, 调研了智能家 居领域的国内的政策、 资本领域的投资动态。 了解了本行业的潜力及局限性, 同 时思考和实现这一系统的主要功能需求以及各种需求需要采用何种技术来实现,如何实现的问题。 本系统涉及的技术领域有传感器网络、 视频监控技术、 计算机 网络通信技术等, 通过对上述各种技术的调研以及学习, 将各种技术的优点结合 汇总到本系统。 重点考虑系统的安全性、 简用性以及扩展性, 总体设计智能家居 系统,将系统的功能需求进行了细化到各个子模块, 并采用相应的技术进行设计 以及实现,重点介绍室内及系统的设计。关键字

6、:智能家居,远程监控,安全,云服务器Design of smart home security monitoring systemAbstract : With the rapid development of science and technology and economy, moment in the peoples living standards have improved significantly, material life is also rapidly rich, there is an urgent need for more advanced material lif

7、e experience, the smart home system can provide people with more convenient and comfortable living environment. With the miniaturization of the equipment and the high speed of the home network, as well as the development of wireless, and other communication technology, people have access to. Easy to

8、 mature cloud computing technology and networking technology, etc. also for the realization of the smart home to lay a solid foundation. On the one hand, the pace of Chinas urbanization is being accelerated further, and aging problem and empty nesters, left behind children are now exist in society,

9、how to ensure for young people to work hard, but also take into account the family behind the security problems are becoming more and more prominent.Smart home system in the current society is of great significance, with the system, working in young people can anytime, anywhere to look after the hom

10、e of the elderly and children, eliminating the worries of young people, can better create value and social service. On the other hand, through the intelligent Home Furnishing system for real-time monitoring of the family, if there is a fire, burglary and other dangerous situations, the user can know

11、 in the first time, and react, reduce losses. In summary, there is a huge economic value and social significance of this topic.But the existing equipment intelligence and comfort can not meet peoples needs, such as: the problem of real-time installation deviation, complex operation, low utilization

12、rate of resources and data bottleneck more etc. The through study based on home gateway, real-time monitoring and cloud services of smart home system framework, in-depth study of learning sensor network technology, video surveillance technology, the new display technology, at the same time, using th

13、e advantages of cloud computing services, high availability and low, a remote real-time control of smart home is presented, so as to provide people with the best service. This article through the Internet information and related literature, the research of dynamic investment policy, the field of int

14、elligent home Home Furnishing capital. To understand the potential and limitations of this industry, at the same time thinking to achieve the main function requirement and various needs of this system needs to achieve the use of the technology, how to realize the problem. The system involved in the

15、technical field of a sensor network technology, video monitoring technology, network communication technology and computer technology, through the survey and study of these technologies, the technology combines the advantages of the system. We focus on the security of the system, Jane and the expans

16、ion of, the overall design of smart home system, the systems functional requirements are refined to each sub module, and the corresponding technical design and implementation, focuses on the interior and system design.Key words : Smart home, remote monitoring, security, cloud server1 绪论1.1 课题研究背景及意义随着科学技术和经济的快速发展, 在当下人们的生活水平有了显著的提高进 步,物质生活也急速的丰富着, 人



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