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1、初中英语 知识点总结课件 人教新目标版1 名词 (1) 不规则名词的单、复数形式要特别记忆: manmen, womanwomen, childchildren, footfeet, toothteeth (2) 单数、复数同形的名词: fish, sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese (3) 常用复数形的名词: trousers, shoes, glasses (4) 只有复数形的名词: thanks, clothes (5) 单数形式但其意为复数的可数名词: people, police (6) 有生命的名词所有格形式: 单数名词加s, 复数名词加s, 不是以s结尾

2、的复数名词加s, 如: childrens room (7) 无生命的名词所有格用of结构表达: 如: the capital of China (8) 表示并列名词各自所有,在各名词词尾加s: 如: Toms and Marys bikes (两人各自的自行车) (9) 表示并列名词共同所有,则在后一个名词的词尾加s: 如: Tom and Marys mother (即Tom与Mary是兄妹) (10) 关于时间、距离、长度、重量、价格的所有格: 如: ten minutes walk, ten miles journey, a boats length, two pounds weigh

3、t, ten dollars worth (11) 双重所有格: a friend of my fathers 2 形容词与副词 (1) 原级,比较级,最高级词形变化: 单元音单辅音的单音节词 fatfatterfattest thinthinnerthinnest hothotterhottest bigbiggerbiggest 以y结尾的双音节词 easyeasiereasiest heavyheavierheaviest prettyprettierprettiest 2、动词不定式的用法之归纳汇总动词不定式(to do)是初中英语课的一个重点,也是中考要考查的一个项目。动词不定式属于

4、非谓语动词的一种形式,很多同学经常把它和谓语动词混在一起,掌握起来有困难。下面我们对动词不定式的用法做简单归纳,帮助同学们记忆: 一、动词不定式在句子中不能充当谓语,没有人称和数的变化。 二、动词不定式是由“to+动词原形”构成(有时可以不带to)。动词不定式的否定形式是“not+动词不定式”(not不与助动词连用)。 三、动词不定式短语具有名词、形容词和副词等的功能,可在句中用做多种句子成分。 1、主语:常置于句末,而用it代替其做形式主语。例: To go in for sports helps you stay fit.(book4,L28) It helps you stay fit

5、to go in for sports. It is dangerous to swim in the deep sea on your own. 注:此句式中不定式逻辑上的主语可由for或of引出,逻辑主语由of引出时,表语的形容词为kind,nice,good,polite,clever,foolish,right,wrong等表示评价的形容词。 例:Its right of him to refuse the invitation.(him为逻辑主语) 2、表语:Our duty is to protect the enviroment. 3、动词宾语:此种情况可按固定搭配或句式去记。

6、例:would you like to see my photos? Kevin planned to visit his uncle.(book4,L11) 和plan用法一样的词还有:start,want,agree,hope,begin,decide等。 I found it very difficult to get a job.(it为形式宾语) 4、宾语补足语: (1)在多数复合宾语及物动词后要带to。 例:I asked a friend to read it to me.(book4,L2) (2)在表示感觉、致使等意义的动词(see,watch,hear,feel,notic

7、e,observe,make,let,have,help等)后不带to。 例:They heard him sing a pop song in the meeting room. 5、定语:动词不定式做定语放在所修饰的名词的后面。 例:Vinny is the first disabled person to sail around the world.(book4,L1) 6、形容词补足语:在表示心理、感情、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明。 例:Weareverygladtomeetyouagain. 7、状语:表示目的、原因、程度等。 例:They brought in photos

8、 of their families for me to look at.(book4,L2) 8、“疑问词不定式”用法:不定式前可带what,who,which,where,when,how等疑问词,这种不定式短语在句中多用做宾语。 例:He didnt tell me where to go. 9、在初中阶段还涉及到“不定式被动语态一般式(tobe+过去分词)”。 例:There are twenty more trees to be planted. 英语中省略冠词的情况一览(1) 称呼语之前不加冠词。 Waiter, bring my bill, please. (2) 家庭称谓如父母

9、兄弟前不加冠词,甚至佣人也都不需加冠词。 Father is out, but Mother is at home. Cook has made mince-pies for Christmas. (3) 三餐名称前不加冠词。 e to dinner (breakfast, lunch) with me. (4) 运动、游戏、颜色、感官的名词前不加冠词。 He likes basketball. White is a beautiful color. Do you play bridge? Sight is one of the five senses. (5) 表官职、身份或亲属关系的名词当

10、补语或作同位语时不加冠词。 He was elected president. George , King of England. (6) School; church; hospital等字,指原有的用途时不加冠词,若指建筑物本身或场所时,则要加冠词。 School begins at eight. (school作抽象名词用) The school stands on the hill. (school指建筑物) (7) 两个相对的名词并用时不加冠词。 Arm in arm; day by day; man to man; young and old英文中各种数字表达的读法(1) 年号的读

11、法: 1979nineteen seventy-nine / nineteen hundred (and) seventy-nine; (2) 电话号码;货币的读法: 1023one o two three; 1227one double two (或 two two) seven; (3) 小数点的读法: 13.91thirteen decimal (point) nine one; 0.23 = nought demical two three; (4) 算术式的读法: 2+3=5 Two plus three is (或equals, is equal to) five. 5-3=2 F

12、ive minus three is equal to two. 32=6 Three times two is six. 93=3 Nine divided by three makes three. (5)货币的读法 $4.25four dollars (and) twenty-five (cents); 名词的相关形式与表达在中考单项选择试题中,除了时态,名词的考查频率也较高。一般考查以下几点: 一、 可数名词与不可数名词 在可数名词与不可数名词上一般出现这样几类,(1)分辨是哪一类名词,并根据结论做选择。(2)可数名词复数的不规则变化。(3)不可数名词的量化表达。所以,考生首先要能够明

13、确哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。其次,还要知道可数名词的复数的变化规则。可数名词的变化规则一般是在单词后面加-s 或-es,如: 1. desk-desks bed-beds piano-pianos hat-hats bag-bags photo-photos 2. bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches brush-brushes 3. t omato-tomatoes potato-potatoes hero-heroes Negro-Negroes 4. leaf-leaves knife-knives 5. baby-babies family-fam

14、ilies 另外,还要记住一些特殊的名词的变化形式,如: Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese Englishman-Englishmen Frenchman-Frenchmen Russian-Russians American-Americans German - Germans child-children foot-feet man-men woman-women tooth-teeth goose - geese deer-deer sheep-sheep 还要掌握不可数名词的量化表达有: a piece of、a bag of、a bottle of、

15、a cup of、a glass of 。 另外,大家应注意:单数集合名词作主语时谓语动词“数的”变化:单数集合名词如class, police, family, school, group, team等。尽管形式上是单数,意义上都是复数,因此,一般要与复数谓语动词连用,例如: Class Five have a foreign friend. 五班有一位外国朋友。(这里的五班指五班的同学的。) His family are good to me. 他的家人对我很好。(很显然,这里的family指家庭成员。) 当上述集合名词着重指“整体”时, 意义上则是单数,因此,要与单数谓语动词连用。例如: Our school team often plays well in our city. 我们的校队经常在我们市踢得很好。(这里的team 指整个队,但意义上仍为单数,故谓语动词用plays. 名词所有格 名词所有格有两种形式:



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