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2、差异,倡导多层次、多角度、结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。一、学情分析一方面,高中年龄段的学生对周围的事物较为敏感,有自己的观点和看法,他们不满足于教科书上的知识,想获得更多的信息。在英语学习上,他们不只是想把英语作为一门死记硬背的课程来学,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。另一方面由于农村高中学生的英语基础有些薄弱,所以在整个教学中应结合学生的实际情况,不能照搬教材上的设计思路,而要想办法做到因材施教,设计的阅读任务不能太难,以便于能够让学生主动学习,做到学有所获。二、教学内容分析(一)教材分析本单元以global warming为中心话题,主要探讨了

3、全球变暖和节约能源两方面的问题。 由于人类过多使用不可再生能源,大气中的二氧化碳含量逐年增加,导致全球气温逐年上升。通过学习本单元,让学生了解能源全球气候变暖的原因和后果,帮助学生树立“节约能源, 保护环境”的主人翁意识。而“阅读”(reading)部分则是一篇杂志文章,它讲述了全球加速变暖的原因人为温室效应,后果以及人们对此的不同观点。(二)教学重点难点(1)教学重点:1了解杂志文章的文体特点并以此指导阅读;2.训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读技能(2)教学难点:1.阅读技能的训练;2陈述观点的口语输出训练(确立依据:阅读高中英语学习的重要组成

4、部分,阅读能力的提高只能在老师的指导下通过实践训练获得。以口语输出的形式不仅检查学生对课文的理解程度,同时又是提高学生口语能力的重要方法。三、三维教学目标(一)知识技能通过本课的学习使学生能够通过不同形式的阅读理解吸收阅读内容,顺利完成各项阅读任务; 在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词、词组、句型的用法。(二)情感态度了解全球变暖的知识培养保护环境的意识。 训练学生辩证思维能力。(三)学习策略(能力目标)1. 认知策略 :通过三读法让学生掌握速读、跳读、精读的要领 2.调控策略:通过阅读让学生了解到阅读过程中与很多阅读障碍,不可求全责备,调整心态和注意力 ,通过读懂细节,推断隐含内容,要掌握大意,获取

5、所需信息。依据:在新课程理念要求老师传授给学生阅读方法,读阅读进行整体教学,而不在局限于单词句型的传统教授。在学生现实阅读当中很多学生过分地方注意力放在生词上面,而不注意阅读方法的培养,在考试中遇到一篇生词较多的语篇就丧失了阅读信心。3.交际策略:通过讨论全球变暖的影响提高用英语交际的能力。四、 教法分析教学方法:问答法(question and answer) ;任务教学法(task-based method);讨论法(discussion); 五、 教具教学手段:Multi-media:PowerPoint(依据:根据本课特点以教材为本,传统教学手段和现代多媒体教学手段相结合,恰当合理呈现

6、本课内容。)六、学法指导 阅读是一种积极主动地吸收、思考、理解、接受信息和反馈信息的过程,也是一种复杂的智力活动。培养学生的阅读理解能力可分三个层次:表层理解、深层理解和评价性理解。表层理解是培养学生对文章表面信息的把握;深层理解是引导学生通过联想、推理、归纳等思维活动对文章主题或某一章节进行进一步的理解;而评价性理解建立在从整体角度对课文深层理解的基础上,旨在引导学生联系社会实际或自身生活,对某一相关话题进行讨论,使学生进行发散性、创造性思维。通过一学期的阅读教学,学生已初步建立了阅读的基本技能Skimming(略读)和Scanning(查读),教师引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅或询问等方

7、法进行学习。 七、具体教学步骤(Teaching procedures) Step1 .Leading-in目的及依据:本环节通过看图讨论激发学生的学习兴趣激活已有的背景知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考本单元的中心话题。能起到温故而知新的作用。Show some pictures of greenhouses on the screen and ask the students some questions.1. What is it in the picture? (A greenhouse).2. What is it used for? (A greenhouse is made

8、of glass and is used for growing plants, especially during cold weather).3. How does it work? (The air inside is warm because the glass traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping. This makes the greenhouse heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period).Today we are not go

9、ing to talk about greenhouse, but we are going to talk about greenhouse gases.4. What are greenhouse gases? (In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases, which are called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor).5. What do you think greenhouse gases do? (The

10、y trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth).Explain: Yes. This is called the greenhouse effect. Because of the greenhouse effect, our earth is becoming warmer and warmer. Does it matter? Whatre your opinions? This is the topic today we are going to learn: “THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT

11、 DOES IT MATTER?” It is an article from a magazine. At first, please read it quickly, and then answer the following questions. Step2.Fast-ReadingTask1:Skim the article and answer the following questions: 1. Who wrote the article? (Sophie Armstrong)2. What is the name of the magazine? (Earth Care)3.

12、What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article? (Dr. Janice Foster, Charles Keeling, George Hambley)4. What is the main topic of the article? (Global warming/ the warming of the earth.)Task2 :What do the 3 scientists think about global warming? Fill in the following blanks. Dr.

13、Janice Foster George HambleyCarbon dioxide has caused the global temperature to _ _. An increase of five degrees would be a _and could be very_ More carbon dioxide is a _thing,which makes crops _more . It will encourage a greater _of animals .( Keys: go up ; catastrophe;serious;positive;produce; ran

14、ge ) Step 3.Detailed readingNow lets read the text again for some details.Read the article again carefully and find out the following statements are true or false.1). It is believed that global warming is caused by the activities of humans. ( )2).Janice Foster believes that she can measure the futur

15、e global rise in temperature. ( )3). The rise in carbon dioxide is causing a steady increase in global warming.( ) 4). George Hambley believes that global warming will do good rather than harm tothe earth. ( ) 5). It is clear what the effects of global warming will be. ( )(T, F, T, T, F )Step 4. Listening Now lets listen to the tape, then analyze the structure.Since this is an expositive essay (说明文),it must include four parts:title, introduction, body, and conclusion. The first paragraph is introduction, the last paragra


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