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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party第四课时Section B (2a2e)1 . Whats today ?今天是什么日子?此问句是一个特殊疑问句,它既询问星期几也询问日期,答语是“Its +星期十日期”。【辨析】Whats the date today ?今天是几月几号?What day is it today ?今天是星期几?Whats today ?今天是几号,星期几?【拓展】在英式英语中,日期的表达顺序为“日月年”,但在美式英语中,其顺序为 “月日年”。2 .辨析 reply 与 answer(1)两者均可用作动词,表示回答。 answer常用作及物动词,r

2、eply常用作不及 物动词,和 to 连用,即 answer the question = reply to the question回答问题。(2)两者均可用作名词,意为“对的答复/回答”,后面均接介词to。如:He gave a quick answer/reply to the teachers question.他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。3 3) answer是常用词,表示一方提出问题,另一方回答,多用于一般性应答;而reply 则较正式,多指经过考虑而作出答复。(4)answer还可表示接听(电话)或对门铃等声响作出反应,后面常接telephone ,door, bell ,

3、door bell 等名词。4 .辨析 surprise , surprised 与 surprisingsurprise 是名词,意为“吃惊;惊喜”,常用于短语in surprise 吃惊地,to ones surprise ”使某人感到吃惊的是;surprised 和surprising 均为surprise 的形容词形式,surprised 的主语是指人的名词或代词,在句中作表语;surprising的主语是指物的名词或代词,在句中作定语或表语。5 . 辨析 look forward to 与 expect(1)look forward to 意为“盼望;期待”,指带着愉快的心情期待着某

4、事的发生。 如:We are looking forward to our winter holiday.我们期待着寒假的来临。(2)expect意为“预料;期待”,指确信某事必将发生,多用于好的事物,也可用于 不好的事物。如:I expect them to win the basketball game.我期待他们赢下这场篮球赛。01基础过关I .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Can you use paper and glue( 胶水)to make a model plane?2. This article is too long.Please delete( 删除)some wo

5、rds.3. Peter said goodbye( 再见)to his classmates and left.4. I must go and dress up before all the guests( 客人)arrive.5. What sad(悲伤的)news ! Lots of people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.n.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Be quiet , please.Your brother is making preparation(prepare) for his exam.7. How

6、 will they celebrate the opening(open) of the new hotel?8. Thanks for your kind invitation(invite) for dinner.9. Dont go into the forest without(with) a guide, or you will get lost.10. . Everyone was very surprised(surprise) at the news.m .英汉互译。11. I am sorry I cant help to prepare for tomorrows par

7、ty.对不起,我不能帮忙准备明天的聚会。12. . The party is the best way to say“Thank you and goodbye ”.聚会是表达“感谢和再见”的最好方式。13. 我们就定在下周一上午吧。Lets make it next_ Monday morning.14. .他为什么拒绝了邀请?Why did he turn down the_invitation?15. 你何时收到她的来信的?When did you hear from: her?,02 能力提升W .短文填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。My

8、name is Samantha and Ill be 11 on March 26th.Its _16_(me)_dream to meet Hannah Montana.I really hope to see her at my birthday _17_. I dont go to oneof her concerts( 音乐会),but I watch all of her _18_(program) on TV.Ill be 16 in November and it would be great if Hannah Montana 19(can) come to my birth

9、day party.I couldnt go to her concert and I just gQ(feel) sad.Hannah Montana is my idol(偶像).I think Ill pass out(昏倒)21 I meet her.Please come to Texas to 22(see) me !I wish Hannah Montana could 23(come) to my party and sing.I want this 24I am her big fan.I love her.I tried to get tickets to _25_(she) concert, but myparents wouldnt give me the money.I really want to see her.16. my 17.party 18.programs 19.could 20.felt21 . if_ 22.see e 24.because 25.her



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