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1、Journal of China Institute of building, 2008, 137(8): 0732-9764.External wall insulation technology andenergy-saving materialsAbstract: This paper used on the exterior of our current technology and energy-saving insulation material to be addressed. Vigorously promoting external insulation technology

2、, newenergy-saving materials to strengthen the development and use of energy-saving construction so that really to be implemented.Key words : energy-saving building; materialsThe implementation of building energy conservation and environmental protection and energy conservation policy and the main c

3、ontents of the national economy and implementing sustainable development is an important component part.In such a series of energy conservation policies, regulations, standards and mandatory provisions under the guidance of Chinas energy-saving housing construction work has been constantly deepened,

4、 energy conservation standards continuously, and the introduction of development, many new energy-saving technologies and materials, and in residential buildings to promote use.However, Chinas current level of building energy conservation, but also much lower than the developed countries, Chinas ene

5、rgy consumption per unit area construction climate is similar to the developed countries, three times to five times. Cold in the north building heating energy consumption accounts for the local society more than 20% of energy consumption, and the vast majority are used in thermal power generation an

6、d coal-fired boilers, at the same time to cause serious environmental pollution. Therefore, the construction of this century, Chinas energy-saving construction is an important topic.In the construction of the external structure for the heat loss larger, external retaining structure in the wall and m

7、akeup a large share. Therefore, the reform and building wall wall is the development of energy-saving technologies building energy-saving technology one of the most important partof the exter nal wall in sulatio ntech no logyand the developme nt ofen ergy-sav ing con structi on materials is the mai

8、n en ergy-sav ing mode.1.A n external wall in sulatio n tech no logyEn ergy-sav ing in sulati on wall con structi on tech niq ues can be divided into external walls, insulation and Exterior Insulation two categories.1.1 in sulati on tech no logy and its featuresExternal wall in sulatio nin con struc

9、t ion,in the in ternaland exter nalstructureto the in sulati onlayer.Con struct ion of in sulati on fast,convenient operati on flexibleand can en sure the con struct ion progress.Applicati on of thermal in sulati on within a Ion ger time, mature tech no logy, con struct ion tech niq ues and testi ng

10、 sta ndards are relatively sound. In 2001 the external wall insulationin construction,about 90 percent of theengin eeri ng applicati ons,in sulati ontech no logy. Bee n in the area to promotethe in sulati ontech no logy:Enhan ced gypsum composite polystyre ne in sulati onboard, polymer mortar compos

11、ite polystyre ne in sulatio n board, rei nforced cement composite polystyrene insulationboard, the Interior paste polystyreneboard clea n wall plaster and polystyre ne particles floor in sulatio n Mortar and crack ing slurry pressure Network Haile practice. However, the use of thermal in sulati on w

12、ill be more occupied area, thermal bridge is no easy soluti on, making it easy to crack, but will also affect the con struct ionspeed,the sec ond decorati on of the affected reside nts, and the hoisti ng of the interiorwalls and fixed objects can easily damagethe insulationstructure.In sulati on wit

13、hin the tech ni cal un reas on able, its decisi on must be replaced by the in sulati on. 3 stri ng1.2, and its technical characteristics of insulationExterior Insulation is vigorously promoting the construction of a thermal in sulati onen ergy-sav ing tech no logies.Exterior In sulati oncompared wit

14、h thethermal in sulati on, tech ni cal reas on able, and there are obvious adva ntages of using the samespecifications,the samesize and performanee of insulationmaterials, exterior in sulati on, in sulati oneffect tha n good. ExteriorIn sulati on tech no logynot only apply to the new structure works

15、, but also totran sform the old buildi ngs, applicable to a wide range of high tech no logy content; exterior insulationpackage in the main structure of the outer sideto protect the main structure, and extend the life of buildings;effectivelyreduce The thermal structure of the bridge, construction o

16、f an effective-1 -in crease in space at the same time elim in at ing conden sati on and improve thelivi ng comfort. Materials n et http:/www.52cailiao.c nCurre ntly in sulatio non the exter nal walls of relatively mature tech no logiesin clude the followi ng types.1.2.1 plug-Exterior In sulati onPlug the insulationmaterial ROCK (ORE), cotton,glass wool carpets,polystyre ne foam (p



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