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1、 中考英语作文常见的错误清单1.审题错误 英语书面表达的审题十分重要。审题包括此篇文章要传递给读者什么样的信息,告诫读者什么(即写作目的)。由于英语书面表达的篇幅很有限,所以要求学生在写作时要精心组织材料,紧扣主题。不要产生偏题或者漏掉重要信息等问题。【例文】:蒙山是山东著名的游览胜地,一年四季都有其独特的景色(scene)。尤其春天的景色更加迷人。每当春天来临,青山滴翠,美丽的景色吸引了许多游客前来踏青观光。可最近几年,游人不注意保护环境,乱扔垃圾,攀折树枝花草, ,点火野餐,致使自然环境遭到破坏。请你写篇报道,说明蒙山旅游环境的变化,号召人们文明旅游,保护生态环境。【学生习作】:Mengs

2、han Mountain is a famous place of interest in Shandong Province. It has its special scenes all the year round, especially in spring. When spring comes, the days get longer and longer and the weather get warmer and warmer. Trees are beginning to turn green, and all kinds of beautiful flowers come out

3、. Everything begins to grow.The mountains are covered with a lot of green tall trees and all kinds of colorful wild flowers. It is so beautiful that a lot of visitors come here and enjoy its beauty every day. But in recent years, some of the visitors paid no attention to protecting the environment.

4、They threw lots of rubbish such as plastic bags, fruit skins and waste paper on the ground. They dont know that cleaners work from morning till night to sweep away the rubbish and waste things. Sometimes they broke some branches, picked flowers and even killed birds. Some even made fires in the fore

5、st to cook food. How dangerous it was! Luckily, the local government has begun to do something to stop polluting the area. Great changes have taken place here. New roads and nice hotels have been built; trees and flowers are planted around them. I hope all the visitors can keep the idea in mind that

6、 we should protect the environment. 【问题分析】:这就是属于审题不清,文章的中心偏离了主题。文章应围绕蒙山环境状况变化以及环境保护主题展开,与蒙山有关的春天的景色可以略写,但不宜用太多的笔墨去描绘春天的风景,这样就会冲淡主题。所以文章的第一段应该简写。同样在第二段中也没有必要去谈论清洁工是如何清理这些垃圾的,也没有必要谈论新的宾馆的建设及修路等情况,第二段的最后一句也应去掉,与主题无关。【精彩例文】:Mengshan Mountain is a famous place of interest in Shandong Province. It has its

7、 special scenes all the year round, especially in spring. When spring comes, the mountains are covered with a lot of green tall trees and all kinds of colorful wild flowers. It is so beautiful that a lot of visitors come here and enjoy its beauty every day. But in recent years, some of the visitors

8、paid no attention to protecting the environment. They threw lots of rubbish such as plastic bags, fruit skins and waste paper on the ground. Sometimes they broke some branches, picked flowers and even killed birds. Some even made fires in the forest to cook food. Luckily, the local government has be

9、gun to do something to stop polluting the area. Great changes have taken place here. I hope all the visitors can keep the idea in mind that we should protect the environment. 在审题时我们要做到:(1)确定内容。即:认真观察图画、图表或提示语,确切了解所要求表达的内容,即文章的中心内容。(2)确定文体。即:明确本篇短文是应用文、记述文还是其它文体。(3)确定人称。即:用第一人称、第二人称还是第三人称写。(4)确定文章的主体

10、时态。要特别注意表示时间的词语(一些提示语)或画面。(5)提炼书面表达的要点。即:确定书面表达提示或图示中所规定的必写的内容。(6)明确要点之间的关系。即:明确各要点之间的联系和因果关系。只有这样,写出来的文章才不会跑题,才不会不对文体,才不会遗漏要点,才不会弄错相互关系。2. 思路问题很多学生在写作时常常出现思路不清的问题。在做书面表达的过程中,有的考生一拿到考题就慌慌张张开始写,在写作之前没有构思好先写什么后写什么,哪些内容应该详写,哪些内容应该略写,而是一边写一边构思,不能合理地组织所给的材料,东一句,西一句,写得支离破碎,文理不通,从而导致文章逻辑不清,层次感不强,整篇文章不知所云。甚

11、至还出现考生在写完之后才发现有重要的信息遗忘了,于是又在文章中进行添加,这又导致了文章的表达和书面的混乱。有的考生在文章中过多地使用简单句,句段之间缺乏必要的连接过渡成分,段落主次不分,使整篇文章显得松散、呆板。【例文】:以“My beloved teacher”为题,介绍你喜欢的一位老师。写一篇80词左右的作文。【学生习作】: I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I think it is a good job. I will be glad to have many lovely students. I like them. I will work

12、 hard to teach the students well, and I will get on well with my students. Mr. Li is my teacher. I like him. He teaches me English and he is strict with us.I will learn from him to be a good teacher one day.【问题分析】:这篇作文的问题就在于思路不清,表达没有条理。要求写自己喜欢的一位老师,却在文章开头写了自己想成为教师的愿望及自己成为老师时后的一些做法,而后才写到Mr.Li 是自己喜欢的老

13、师。这时本应该重点对Mr. Li进行介绍,说明喜欢他的原因,但是却没有做。写作的思路非常混乱。【精彩例文】: My Beloved Teacher Mr. Li is one of my beloved teachers. He taught us physics when we were in Senior 1.He was old, but he taught very well. He could make his classes lively and interesting. Mr. Li made good preparations for his lessons and was s

14、trict with us, too. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct and do it again. I used to be poor in physics. Mr. Li often helped me with my lessons very patiently. Thanks to his help and hard work, I have made good progress and caught up with the class. As a retired teach

15、er, hes still working hard for our educational cause. 3. 语法错误在英语书面表达中常见的语法错误有:拼写错误、形近异义词混用、主谓不一致,人称时态不一致、修饰语错位等。 时态错误:一、时态混用。学生对所给以书面表达提示、背景没有很好理解,加之对即将要作文的事情发生的时间、状态没有很好的提前思谋、判断,造成文章前后时态不相衔接或使用的时态不吻合,该用一般现在时的句子,用了一般过去时,而该用将来时的句子,用了完成时。二、时态构成混乱。主要是乱用助动词、乱用动词变化,也就是说学生对各种时态基本构成规律、特点掌握不好。 错句:He left hi

16、s hometown for almost ten years. 他离开家乡有十多年了。 We are going to see a movie if it wont rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨我们打算去看一场电影。改正:He has been away from his hometown for almost ten years. We are going to see a movie if it doesnt rain tomorrow. 单词拼写、使用错误:主要表现两方面。一是单词拼写错误。部分学生平时不注意记忆单词,基础单词掌握不牢固,文章中单词多字母、少字母现象突出。二是单词使用不当,比如代词使用不当,该用some用了any,该用主格用


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