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1、the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four t

2、o devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function

3、of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of ou

4、tstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes throug

5、h the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on

6、 solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus

7、 on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision

8、to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, w

9、hile focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not

10、for, and Chi and endless corrected four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated第十四

11、章 内能的利用第1节 热机 【教学目标】知识与技能1.了解四冲程汽油机的基本结构和工作原理。2. 知道热机中能量的转化。3.了解人类使用热机的情况和热机对人类发展史上的重要意义。过程与方法1.通过演示实验使学生了解可以利用内能来做功。2.利用热机的模型和课件动画演示并探究四冲程汽油机的基本结构和工作原理。情感态度与价值观1.通过演示实验培养学生观察和分析问题的能力。2.通过阅读“科学世界”,扩展学生的知识面,进一步养成热爱科学的情感。【教学重点】四冲程汽油机的基本工作原理。【教学难点】汽油机和柴油机的异同,热机中的能量转化。【教学准备】教师用:铁架台一台、酒精灯一盏、试管一只、试管夹一个,火柴

12、一盒、水、软木塞一个金属网、汽油机实物模型、柴油机实物模型、多媒体等学生用:每个学习小组一个汽油机实物模型和一个柴油机实物模型。【教学过程】主 要 教 学 过 程教学环节教师活动学生活动一、创设情境导入新课【情景设置】多媒体投影,钻天猴图片【提问】:你见过我们元宵节燃放的钻天猴吗?【讲授】:是的,不少同学也亲手燃放过,它的工作原理实际和公路上行驶的汽车的发动机的原理是类似的,我们这节课就来学习一下它们的工作原理,板书课题第1节 热机。【观察、思考回答】见过(设计意图:抓住学生好奇的心理特点,由生活中常见情景导入新课,让学生对即将学习的知识产生浓厚的学习兴趣。)二新课讲授1.内能可以对外做功2.

13、观察热机模型3.自学内燃机的基础知识4.学习汽油机的工作原理(1).理解记忆汽油机的结构(2).四冲程汽油机的工作过程(3).易错典题分析(4) .强化训练(5).加深对汽油机的了解(6).从物理走向生活5.柴油机的工作过程吸气冲程压缩冲程做功冲程排气冲程【演示实验】:水蒸气冲开橡皮塞【提出问题】多媒体投影下列问题思考并回答:1.看到了什么现象?2.木塞被顶开,是谁对它做了功? 3.水蒸气既然能够对木塞做功,说明水蒸气具有能,它具有的是什么能? 4.在加热过程中水蒸气内能的变化情况怎样? 5.在此过程中,有无不同形式能量的相互转化?【总结及过渡】根据这个原理可以制造出很多利用内能转化为机械能来产生动力的机器。这些机器统称为热机。多媒体投影下列下列图片:几种热机 使用蒸汽机的火车 汽轮机 飞机上的喷气发动机 火箭上的喷气发动机汽油机 柴油机在大家看到的以上几种热机中,在日常生活中人们使用的最多的热机就是汽油机和柴油机这两种内燃机【指导自学】请同学们看书第18页,对照汽油机模型,解决以下问题1.理解并记忆内燃机的概念2.内燃机主要分为 和



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