英语冀教选修8 Unit 8

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《英语冀教选修8 Unit 8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语冀教选修8 Unit 8(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语冀教选修8 Unit 8 Humankind and Nature课外阅读How Life Began on the Earth Reading教学设计-以图式理论为基础的英语阅读课堂导入作者姓名:冯燕萍单位:江门市新会第一中学学科:英语教学基本信息课题Book 8, Unit 4 Humankind and Nature 课外阅读 - How Life began on the Earth学科英语学段: 选修8年级高二级相关领域注重学生实际的语言运用能力,实施以简图式理论指导下的情景导入英语阅读课堂教材书名: 冀教2003课标版选修8教学设计者的基本信息姓名单位设计者冯燕萍江门市新会第一

2、中学 指导思想与理论依据图式理论最早是由著名心理学家F.C.Barlett在20世纪30年代提出的。Barlett在其著作记忆(Remembering)一书中描述到:图式是对过去经验的反映或对过去经验的积极组织。直到80年代,心理语言学家把图式理论运用到外语教学中来,用它来解释阅读理解的心理过程,从而形成了图式阅读理论。图式阅读理论认为,图式是认知的基础,是储存于人脑记忆中用于表达一般概念的资料构架。人们在接受新信息前,头脑中已经储存了无数的知识(即图式),它包括个人以往的经验、事实或已学过的知识等等,它们经过加工,分门别类地储存在大脑之中,组合成图式网络,给读者提供一种参考系,使读者对所阅读


4、通过图式理论为基础的导入式阅读教学课堂应遵循趣味性,真实性,交际性原则。课堂中应以学生为中心,激发学生的想象力和思维能力,充分培养学生的实际语用能力。基于这种理论有以下成绩:主要成绩:完成广东教育学会“十二五” 教育科研规划小课题基于图式理论下的英语阅读课堂导入的有效教学实践研究。教学背景分析教学内容:Book 8, Unit 4 Humankind and Nature 课外阅读- How Life began on the Earth【学情分析】学习风格与特点:我的教学对象- 新会一中高二7班的学生。本班总体英语成绩在年级表现优秀,多次考试均在年级排名靠前。大部分学生对英语的学习热情高涨,

5、英语基础较扎实。 但是在教学过程中,本人发现部分学生虽然对英语学习感兴趣,因此本人想利用在英语阅读课堂上通过对文章的理解,提炼出文章的结构特点,了解过渡词的使用方法。 【教材分析】高中英语教材冀教2003课标版的特点是每个单元围绕一个话题开展。每个单元分为New words and ideas,Meaning in content,Grammar in Use, Reading and Meaning 四个部分。其中,New words and ideas为课文热身,主要通过问卷调查,看图讨论,情境听说,思考问题等多种形式的活动,激发学生的学习情趣,激活其已有的知识,使学生能运用自己已有的知识

6、和经验思考该单元的中心话题。Meaning in content提供了各单元的主要阅读语篇,题材和体裁多种多样。另外还附有练习和活动用于检查学生对阅读课文的理解程度。Grammar in Use 采用发现和探究的方法,安排多种形式的词汇和语法练习,以加深学生对所学了单词和结构的理解。Reading and Meaning 提供了为学生提供课外阅读拓展材料。【单元分析】本单元的主要话题是通过了解生命的起源来感受生命的多样性和保护环境的重要性。而本节课Reading 主要是了解生命的起源,并熟悉过渡词在文章中的使用。【教材整合】 本单元的话题重点是保护环境。因此,我们可以将在reading中学到的

7、过渡词运用到保护环境的作文课中,使学生写作文时更有条理。【本课时分析】 教师选取了拓展文章 How Life Began on the Earth来源于人教版必修三Unit3,文章难度较大,且内容较枯燥,很难引起学生的兴趣,因此可结合当前热映的电影疯狂动物城中人物带出本节课的任务-向flash介绍生命的起源,会达到更好的效果。教学目标(内容框架)一、话题 Topic Understand the beginning and diversity of life.二、总体目标(Objective) Comprehend the passage and master the usage of coh

8、esive words.三、教学目标(Teaching Aim)Learn to use the cohesive words to combine information.四、语言功能(Function)Use the cohesive words to describe how life began on the earth.Use the cohesive words to describe how to protect the environment.五、语言目标(Target Language) Understand how life began on the earth. Get

9、to know how to the cohesive words: 1. describe order: first, until, as later 2. describe something contrary: unlike, however, but 3. describe reason and result: therefore, as a result, thus六、学习策略思维技巧(Learning Strategies)Provide a comprehensive review of related listening and reading skills.Set the s

10、cene to encourage students to practice the target language.七、多元智能(Multi-intelligence)Enrich students knowledge of life on the earth and arouse their awareness of protecting environment. Develop students interests in learning English.Develop a better understanding between the teachers and the student

11、s.And develop the students ability to deal with the learning problems by themselves.十、教学用具(Teaching Aids)1. Multi-media 2. PPT 3. Blackboard 4. Students work sheet 教学过程步骤教师活动设置意图时间Step 1:Lead-inBy introducing two cartoons, Judy and Flash, get the students understand the task - help them to find out

12、how life began on the earthStudents presentation about the origin of life in different cultures.To attract the students attention and let them know the task- Tell Judy how life began on the earth.3minsStep 2:ReadingTask OneAsk students to listen to the tape and skim for the main idea of each paragra

13、ph 1. Listen to the tape and underline some key words.2. Get the main idea of each paragraph.To master the reading skill: skimming.5minsStep 3:Task Two1. Ask the students to put the events into a timeline.1. Read passage carefully and put the event into a timeline.2. Ask the students to retell how l

14、ife began on the earth.1. To present the order of how life began on the earth.2. To master the reading skill: scanning.5minsStep 4:Task Three1. ask the students to find out the discourse markers in the text and fill in the blanks.2. help students divide the discourse markers into three groups: descr

15、ibing order, something opposite and reasons.1. find out the discourse markers in the text and fill in the blanks.2. get to know the division of discourse markers.To help the students know the usage of discourse markers .8minsStep 5:Task FourAsk the students to retell how life began on the earth making use of discourse markers.1. Practice in groups.2. retell h


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