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1、Unit4 How do you get to school? Period One分层作业共三个大题(基础题用表示,中档题用表示,提高题用表示),学困生必做基础题、选做中档题,中等生必做中档题、选做基础题或提高题,尖子生必做提高题、选做基础题或中档题。一,单项选择1. My school begins at 8 oclock in the morning. So I have to(必须) _ school before 7:50 a.m.A. live at B. finish C. get to D. leave2 Jeff goes to work _ and his wife goe

2、s to work _.A. by car, on bike B. by a car; on a bike C. by car; on her bikeD. by his car, in her bike3. Uncle Lee, could you _ me to the nearby supermarket in your car?A. ask B. put C. drive D. keep4. Do you go to school by bus every day?Yes, I _ take a bus.A. usually B. may C. sometimes D. can二根据中

3、英文提示完成下列各句.1. 外面下雨了,我想坐公共汽车去上学。Its raining outside. I want_ .2. 你每天怎样来上学? Do you school every day?我走着来上学. I come to school .3,每天早晨父亲开车送他去上学.Every morning his father _ school4,坐火车去上海是很便宜的。It is cheap to _ to Shanghai.三,按要求变化句型1,My mother often goes to work by bike.(提问)2,Every morning he goes to schoo

4、l in his fathers car.(提问)3,My mother often rides a bike to work.(一般疑问句)4,I often get to school by bus .(一般疑问句)5,He takes the subway to school every day.(否定句)作业设计说明【学习目标】1.掌握本节课的5个单词:train bus subway ride bike和5个短语: take the train take the bus take the subway ; ride the bike walk to2.熟练运用问方式的句型。-How

5、do you get to school ?- I ride my bike .3.掌握句型:I take the bus to (get to) school . I get to school by bus .4.能听懂有关谈论行为方式的对话并进行自由交际作业设计根据本课学习目标中要掌握的单词,短语,句型分层设计。参考答案一,单项选择1-4:CCCA二根据中英文提示完成下列各句1. take a bus to school 2. on foot 3. drives him to 4. take a train三,按要求变化句型1.How does yor mother get to school ?2.How does he go to school every m3.Does your mother ride her bike to work ?4. Do you get to school by bus?5.He doesnt take the subway to school every day.关键词:



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