2020【人教版】七年级英语上册:Unit 3 Period 2Section A 2a3c教案

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Period 2 Section A 2a3c.教学准备1教师:录音机和录音磁带、多媒体课件、图片和物品实物。2学生:关于学习用品的图片以及学习用品实物。.教学目标1让学生进一步了解如何确认物主关系。2使学生能够利用所学物品进行完整的英语对话。3学习本课的知识点。(1)词汇:excuse,me,thank,teacher,about,yours,for,help,welcome(2)句型:Excuse me.Is this your pencil?Yes,thank you.Are these your pencils?No,theyre Bobs.What ab

2、out this dictionary?Its Helens.Thank you for your help.Youre welcome.4训练学生在听录音时听懂基本的英语会话的能力。5帮助学生来确认其他同学的物品。.教学重点(1)词汇:excuse,me,thank,teacher,about,yours,for,help,welcome(2)句型:Are these your pencils?No,theyre Bobs.What about this dictionary?Its Helens.Thank you for your help.Youre welcome.教学难点1培养学生

3、运用所学知识进行完整的对话练习的能力。2让学生能够正确的确认物主关系。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking建议1:学生小组成员之间对话表演学生利用自己的学习物品,以及上节课所学语言知识进行小组成员之间的对话。(要求表演的学生到教室前面来表演,训练学生对语言知识掌握的熟练程度,激发学生的兴趣,培养他们的自信。)For example:S1:Is this your dictionary?S2:No,it isnt.Its his.Is that her eraser?S3:Yes,it is.Its hers.Are these your rulers?S4:No,

4、they arent.They are hers.Are those your pens?S1:Yes,they are.Theyre mine.建议2:值日生报告让值日生利用上节课所学的物主代词,对同学的学习用品进行简单的物主确认,并做成报告形式向同学们汇报。教师根据值日生报告的内容进行简单的提问,目的是检查学生的家庭作业,同时也训练学生听短文获取关键信息的能力,从而提高学生的听力能力。(也可让值日生自己设计与报告有关的问题,并在作报告前板书到黑板上,让其他学生带着问题听报告,如能坚持使用此方法,效果很好。)For example:S:Hello,everyone!Im Li Lei.Thi

5、s is my book.That is my eraser.And these pencils are mine.This is Toms dictionary.The pens are his,too.That is Lucys schoolbag.And those rulers are hers.T:Now I will ask you some questions.Is this Li Leis book?S1:Yes,it is.T:Are those Lucys pens?S2:No,they arent.They are Toms.T:Are these Li Leis pen

6、cils?S3:Yes,they are.建议3:复习单词和句型教师在黑板上写出几个学生的名字,并在名字旁边贴上学习用品的图片,来复习所学的单词和句型。For example: T:Is this your schoolbag?(Point to Picture 1.)S1:No,it isnt.T:Is this her schoolbag?(Point to Alice.)S2:Yes,it is.Its hers.T:Are those your erasers?(Point to Picture 2.)S3:No,they arent.T:Are those his erasers?(

7、Point to Bob.)S4:Yes,they are.Theyre his.(Get the students to ask the questions in turn.)Step 2:Present the new words教师主动选择一位学生与其作对话,在对话中侧重于:学生说出上节课所学的句型,教师说出本课的新词汇,让学生在情境中理解新词汇的意思。For example:T:Excuse me,Wang Tao.Is this your pencil?S:No,it isnt.Its his.T:And is this his book?S:No,it isnt.Its hers.

8、T:What about this dictionary?Is this yours?S:Yes,its mine.T:Thank you for your help.The teacher helps the student say:Youre welcome.让学生在对话中猜测新词汇的意思,并学会使用这些词汇。(First ask the students to read the new words by themselves.Then ask them to read after the teacher.)Step 3:Practice the new words建议1:训练学生拼读单词

9、具体操作建议:先让学生跟着听力磁带读,然后让学生进行操练:先让学生齐读,再分组齐读,最后单个学生试读。通过这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生熟练掌握本课所学词汇。建议2:单词拼读竞赛把学生分成若干小组,让学生先在小组内竞赛拼读单词,然后教师给出单词的汉语意思,学生以抢答的形式拼读单词,回答出最多的为获胜组。(通过抢答,不仅可以帮学生记忆单词,更调动了学生学习单词的积极性。)Step 4:Listening1课本2a的处理。建议1:练习听力之前,先让学生说出图片中物品的英文名称,进一步强化重点单词。For example:T:Please look at the pictures in

10、2a.Can you say their English names?(The teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)S1:This is.S2:This is.然后让学生看着课本听并在2a中选出所听到的物品。建议2:让学生把听到的物品选出来,放在自己的桌子上。让学生动手去做,比单纯的单词辨听更容易引起学生的兴趣。For example:T:Now please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk.You will listen to a dialog

11、ue and please pick out the things you hear.(Play the recording for the students to listen.)T:Now lets check the answers.Please hold the things you hear and say their English names.(Make sure the students hold the things to show them to the other students.)2让学生再听一遍录音,完成2b的对话。教师也可以把对话用多媒体课件展示出来。Tom:Ex

12、cuse me,Grace.Is this your pencil?Grace:Yes,thank you.And those are my _.Tom:And Jane,is this your _?Jane:No,it isnt.Its hers.Tom:OK,and these are my _.This is your _,Jane.Check the answers in class.3让学生跟读2a/2b部分的听力材料,目的是让学生熟练掌握句型“Excuse me.Is this your pencil?”和“These are my./Those are my.”。4对学生进行由

13、集体到个人的机械操练,先让学生齐读,进行集体操练,然后再让学生三个人一组进行小组操练。Step 5:Practice the sentences1让学生根据2b中的对话,小组之间进行对话操练。(选出几组同学在班级内表演。)2教师可以设计一个表格,并以多媒体课件的形式展现出来,让学生根据表格信息,仿照2b的对话,进行对话练习。物品pencilpencil boxerasersrulerbooks物品主人S2S3S1S2S2For example:S1:Excuse me,S2.Is this your pencil?S2:Yes,thank you.And those are my books.

14、S1:And S3,is this your ruler?S3:No,it isnt.Its hers.S1:OK,and these are my erasers.This is your pencil box,S3.3让学生利用教室里的物品编出新的对话并进行操练。Step 6:Present the new sentences教师先与一名学生做示范,然后让学生根据表格所给信息,进行对话练习,并加上新学的单词和短语。物品pencilpencil boxerasersrulerbooks物品主人mine(Sam)BobsAnnasHelensmine (Sam)For example:T:Ex

15、cuse me,Sam.Is this your pencil?S:Yes,its mine.T:And is this your pencil box?S:No,its Bobs.T:What about this ruler?S:Its Helens.T:And the books?Are these yours?S:Yes,they are.T:Thank you for your help,Sam.S:Youre welcome.Then let the students practice the dialogue in pairs.Step 7:Roleplay the conversation1教师可以把2d的信息设计成表格,通过多媒体课件的形式展示给学生,让学生根据表格信息分角色表演对话。2学生根据2d的对话,利用实际物品编



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