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1、听力部分(共20分)I.听句子,选择适当的答语:(5分)1. A. Sure, I will. B. Thanks.C. Happy birthday. D. Follow me, please.2. A. I like my work. B. By bus.C. Im a nu rse. D. Youre right.3. A. Can I help you? B. I like that.C. Tha nk you. D. OK.4. A. Excuse me. B. Sure.C. Where is it? D. Let me help you.5. A. They watch TV.

2、B. They like an imals.C. They are talk ing. D. Lets sing a song.II. 听句子,选择与你所听到句子意思最接近的选项:(5分)1. A. That woma n is my mother. B. That woma n is my sister.C. My sisters mother is that woma n.D. That woma n is my aunt.2. A. Mr. White is from Ca nada. B. Mrs. White is from Can ada.C. The White family a

3、re from Can ada.D. Mr. White has a family in Can ada.3. A. I am at school with my friend and bike.B. I ride to school with my frien ds.C. My friends help me ride a bike.D. I take a bike to school with my frien ds.4. A. There is someth ing wrong with my car.B. I have a good car.C. I n eed a new car.D

4、. There is nothing wrong with my car.5. A. We wash our faces.B. We have a way to wash our faces.C. We want to wash our faces.D. We wash our faces in this way.III. 听对话,选择正确的图片:(5分)1.A.B.UII听短文,回答下列问题:(5分)1. How many people are there in Mr. Whites family?2. What does Mr. Whites son do?3. Do Mrs. White

5、 and her son help Mr. White?4. Where are Mr. Whites childre n?5. Which of Mr. Whites childre n is a stude nt?笔试部分(共80 分) I.选出与划线部分意义相同的选项:(10分)1. -How are you, Jenny and Danny?-We are all fineA. sunny B. OK C. sure D. h appy2. Today is Sun day. I would like to buy a hat.A. want B. begi n C. stop D.

6、forget3. Look!This pen cil case is cheap. Ill take it.A. sell B. have C. like D. do4. Do you have a lot of friends in Ton ghua?A. lots of B. much C. a lot D. any5. -Can I help you?-Id like a pair of pants for my son.A. What about you?B. Can I go with you?C. What are you?D. What can I do for you?II .

7、用所给词的正确形式填空:(10分)6. Tom has a( 头痛)today. He does nt feel very well.7. December is the( 十二)month of a year.8. A warm wi nd is blowi ng from the (东南方)9. Li Min gs pen cilcase is(坏了)He n eeds a new one.10. My father grows a lot of (蔬菜)in the garde n.III .单项选择:(20分)11. Sam is a good stude nt. Heearly ev

8、ery day.A. get up B. is getti ng upC. gets up D. got up12. Dont readthe sun !lts not good for your eyes.A. at B. in C. on D. to13. Dont worry!Tomorrow niyou some pictures from the USA.A. see B. show C. watch D. look14. -Do you have a ruler?-Yes,.A. here we are B. give youC. here you are D. here are

9、you15. -Do you go to school by bus every day?A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I haveC. Yes, you do D. Yes, have16. We walk for a long time. Letsa bottle of orange juice.A. eat B. to eat C. drink D. to drink17. -What does the flag of Can ada have?-It has.A. stars and strips B. a leafC. five yellow stars D. Niaga

10、ra Falls18. Its snowing no w. I feel very.A. hot B. cool C. cold D. warm19. We all know Tuesday is theday of a week.A. first B. sec ond C. third D. fourth20. -What colour is Jenn ys hair?A. Its hers B. YellowC. They are blue D. Its hereIV. 根据对话内容,从后面所给的句子中选择合适的句子:(10分)A: Hi, please look at the photo

11、. Its my new photo.B: Oh, its so beautiful!21A: Its Australia.B: Great!22A: She is my good friend. Her n ame is Jenny.B: Je nny? A good name. 23A: Oh, she is from the U.K. But she is in Australia now.B: Australia? My un cle is there, too. 24A: No, she lives in a town. I think its far from Ottawa.B:

12、I see. 25A: Yes, she is. She is in a middle school, just like me.B: Me, too!A. Where is she from?B. Is she a stude nt?C. Who is the girl?D. Where is it?E. Is her home n earOttawa?V. 阅读理解:(30分)(A)Its Jimmys birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents from his familyand one of them is a

13、beautiful big drum. His gran dfather gives it to him.Jimmy likes it very much. He makes a terrible noise(可怕的声音 ).His father works in theday and Jimmy is in bed whe n he gets home in the evening. So he does nt hear the no ise. His father does not mind(介意)But Mrs. Black does nt like the no ise, so one

14、 morning she takes a sharp knife(把锋利的刀)and goes to Jimmys room when he is hitting his drum. She says to him, Hello! Jimmy.Do you know there is someth ing very nice in side your drum? Here is your knife. Ope n the drum and lets find it.An swer these follow ing questi ons:26. How old is Jimmy?A. Four.

15、 B. Nine. C. Six. D. I dont know.27. Who gives Jimmy a drum?A. His mother. B. His father.C. His uncle. D. His grandfather.28. When his father gets home in the evening,what is Jimmy doing?A. He is hitting his drum.B. He is watching TV.C. He is sleeping.D He is having a walk.29. Whats the Chinese meaning of hear in this passage?A. 看见B.听到C.知道D.听说



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