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1、Statue of Zeus at Olympia 钟逸倩The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek sculptor Phidias, circa(大约)432 BC on the site where it was erected in the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Description:The seated statue, some 12 meters (39feet) tal

2、l, occupied the whole width of the aisle(通道)of the temple built to house it. It seems that if Zeus were to stand up, the geographer Strabo noted early in the first century BC, he would unroof(除去屋顶)the temple. The Zeus was a chryselephantine sculpture(用金和象牙做成的雕塑), made of ivory and gold-plated bronze

3、. No copy in marble(大理石)or bronze(青铜)has survived, though there are recognizable but approximate versions on coins of nearby Elis and on Roman coins and engraved gems. A very detailed description of the sculpture and its throne(宝座)was recorded by the traveler Pausanias, in the second century AD. The

4、 sculpture was wreathed with shoots of olive worked in gold and seated on a magnificent throne of cedarwood(杉木), inlaid with ivory, gold, ebony(乌木)and precious stones. In Zeus right hand there was a small statue of crowned Nike(胜利女神), goddess of victory, also chryselephantine, and in his left hand,

5、a sceptre inlaid with gold, on which an eagle(鹰) perched. Plutarch, in his Life of the Roman general Aemilius Paulus, records that the victor over Macedon, when he beheld the statue, “was moved to his soul, as if he had seen the god in person,” while the first century AD Greek orator Dio Chrysostom

6、declared that a single glimpse of the statue would make a man forget all his earthly troubles. The date of the statue, in the third quarter of the fifth century BC, long a subject of debate, was confirmed archaeologically by the rediscovery and excavation of Phidias workshop.According to a legend(传说

7、), when Phidias was asked what inspired himwhether he climbed Mount Olympus to see Zeus, or whether Zeus came down from Olympus so that Pheidias could see himthe artist answered that he portrayed(描绘) Zeus according to Book One, verses 528 530 of Homers Iliad: Coin of Elis illustrating the Olympian Z

8、eus (Nordisk familjebok)He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows,and the immortally anointed hair of the great godswept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shakenThe sculptor also was reputed to have immortalised his eromenos, Pantarkes, by carving Pantarkes kalos i

9、nto the gods little finger, and placing a relief of the boy crowning himself at the feet of the statue. Coin of Elis illustrating the Olympian Zeus (Nordisk familjebok)Loss and destruction:According to Suetonius, the Roman Emperor Caligula gave orders that such statues of the gods as were especially

10、 famous for their sanctity (神圣)or for their artistic merit(荣誉), including that of Zeus at Olympia, should be brought from Greece, in order to remove their heads and put his own in their place. Caligula was assassinated(暗杀)in AD 41. In Rome other interpretations were placed on the phenomenon: accordi

11、ng to Suetonius, Caligulas approaching murder was foretold by many prodigies(奇才). The statue of Jupiter at Olympia, which he had order to be taken to pieces and moved to Rome, suddenly uttered such a peal of laughter that the scaffolding collapsed and the workmen took to their heels. The circumstanc

12、es of its eventual destruction are a source of debate: the eleventh-century Byzantine historian Georgios Kedrenos recorded the tradition that it was carried off to Constantinople, where it was destroyed in the great fire of the Lauseion, in AD 475. Others argue that it perished (消失)with the temple w

13、hen it burned in 425. According to Lucian of Samosata in the later second century, they have laid hands on your person at Olympia, my lord High-Thunderer, and you had not the energy to wake the dogs or call in the neighbours; surely they might have come to the rescue and caught the fellows before th

14、ey had finished packing up the swag. Phidias workshop rediscovered:Perhaps the greatest discovery came in 1954-58 with the excavation of the workshop at Olympia where Phidias created the statue. Tools, terracotta moulds and a cup inscribed I belong to Pheidias were found here, just where the travele

15、r Pausanias said the Zeus was constructed. This has enabled archaeologists to re-create the techniques used to make the great work and confirm its date.宙斯神像宙斯神像(the statue of Zeus)大约建造于公元前432年,当时神像放置在奥林匹亚宙斯神庙(Temple of Olympian Zeus)中,位于今希腊奥林匹亚城,是最伟大的古典雕刻家古希腊雕刻家菲迪亚斯(Phidias,约公元前480年前430年)于前432年完成的作品

16、。宙斯神像也是当时世上最大的室内雕像,雕像高12米(39英尺),为由镀金的铜与象牙镶嵌而成。宙斯神像原本是放在希腊雅典卫城东南面的宙斯神殿内。然而这座神殿于公元5年被大火摧毁。宙斯神像虽因被运到君士坦丁堡而幸免于难,但最终亦难逃厄运,于公元462年被大火烧毁。宙斯是希腊神话中的众神之神, 希腊神话中的主神,第三任神王,是奥林匹斯山的统治者。克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,掌管天界;奥林匹斯的许多神祇和许多希腊英雄都是他和不同女人生下的子女。他以雷电为武器,维持着天地间的秩序,公牛和鹰是他的标志。他的兄弟波塞冬和哈得斯分别掌管海洋和冥界。附:世界七大奇迹名称所在位置兴建年代兴建者毁坏年代毁坏原因吉萨大金字塔埃及吉萨前2584至前2561年古埃及人


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