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1、第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分5分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.he reseac gprducdw reots asd o the survy, butcntained ay usful sugestins.Aall noeC ithD. Nither22._omonmemory thy allvther shool ays i the chooluniform. oBo. toD. Wit3.t was_o ihael to inorm usofisdely ncasee o

2、t worid.A.caee. cideaeC. patiet. Geneo.Th failure wasa bi thim, but he astdicurageand oo gt aenthusiatc asve.A. lw. ssueC.excs. Factor25.t issai ta ody lagge55per cent f a irt imrssionw-hile whyu ay just per cet.A. lies inB. accou r cosistsofD goes wi6.To my ligh, from undredsf applcansto atend th o

3、peningreyA wascenB. ws beingchosn C. oud chose D. had chose7.Sory,Mum! I faed the ob intvi again.O, its o bad. Yove madefull prearaosA. mustB. canC wouldD. hul28 mo but Cn cuture, Jack as decid oak Chnse folk msicas neectvourse.A. LernB. LearnedC. onD. Tobe learnng29 nderar haskept hefigueafter alhe

4、s yers.By orkig ou ever ay.A. where.C whD If3.r is Peter?Iant ind hi awhe.He wet t te libraryater brakfastad hs ssy threeveie.A. roteB. ad writenC. hs een wriing D. is wriig1. the sudets cme from diferen cuntrs, theygt ln qu well nthe summ cmp. WhiB. UnlsC SncD. Util32.Hma lif israd as pat o naturan

5、, as suh, tolyway fr u t urviveit li_naureA. niw ofB. inneed o C.ntouch wih D.in rmy wit33.n rcnyar nEnglih wordinospee as pped,_th sense of“infomatio” and atmere.A combneB. cobined C combing D. bincobnd34Chia Today attracta worldwideradrsip,_ shows tmora mor popl al oeth wold tt lern about hina .wh

6、B hoC.thatD. Whch35.Hi, Dr Bown! mlittle early. ShouldI wit utie?No. .A tsrt B. My leasue C. Com o D.Take iea第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题.分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One of the eaest hingi thewrld s o ecomea faultfind. Hwver, lie cab 36we you r nbuy findn faul ith .Sveral ye

7、ars ago I 37 a ltr fro venen-year-o erry, who decried heslf aswold-las fault-inder, amst alwas 38 by higs. Peole we alaysdoing things tht anoyed hr, n 39 ws evr good enuh.She wasi sefcritic andlsoound ult wih e frids he bcam arelly0 personUnfortnately, it to a horrileaccint to change her 41 er berie

8、ndwas iously hurt i car csh. What ae t almost 42 odea ithws that the daybefoe t ,Kerad visite her fiennd hd spet the whoetie riticiznghr4 of boyfins, te wy hews lving,e way heelated o ermther, ad vario erting she felt needed o 45 It wsnntil her fiend was bdly hurthat ery becam46he abt of ini fault e

9、qkly, he lernd tapreciatlif athethan o 47 eerythinsohhly( 刻薄).Shs e to trasfer henewwism to otherpar o he 4as wellehap t fs rn as extremeat faltfnding, wh were honst, e a beshaly 50 f he worl Im notsuggestingyu 1 problems, or thtyo eten tins ae52 thanthey are,butsiply that you lar oow thngs to e s t

10、ey ae3 mst f te tim, andspecially whe it no really big 54 .Tainyuref t bte yotogu, and with a lttle 5, oul get rally goodat etighings go d when ou do, youlget back or thusiam a lve for lie.3.A.lolyB.reatC.qiet.nasy7.Areceived.asreCexecte.rejected3.A.ateneBnteuteC.bothedI)oied3A.anthngeverytingC.smth

11、Dnoting4.A.carinB.boringC.nteresingrising1AatttdB.lnCmeasuDxpanati42.urgentB.nnecesarC.craiDmpossibe43.occsioB.eventCccientD.aventue4.A.memoryB.noticeC.evdecD.choiceearB.coi.pessD.amit46.A.awareof.aradofC.uriou utD.onused bot47A.discussB.ralizeC.jugeD.setle48A.familB.lifeC.carD.eduatn49.A.soorC.butDfor50.A.pudB.srC.hopfulDcriical5.AfceB.ceCsoleignore52A.areB.better.strangerD.rs53A.at leatB.


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