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1、Unit 7 The Birthday Party.Topic 1 When is your birthday?一、重点单词:was were v. (am, is are 的过去式)是 be born adj.出生 thousand num.千 birthday n.生日 celebrate v.庆祝 party n.聚会;晚会 date n.日期;约会 plan v.n. 计划;打算present n.礼物,赠品shape n形状ago adv以前surprise n.惊奇, 诧异;v.使惊奇,使诧异 candle n.蜡烛do some cleaning做扫除just now刚才12 个

2、月份:January n.月 February n.二月 March n.三月 April n.四月 May n.五 月 June n.六月 July n.七月 August n.丿八月 September n.九月 October n.十月 November n.十一月 December n.十二月二、词组例析:1. be born 出生当表达某人出生于某时或某地时,用一般过去时 waswere born.Eg:-When was he born?他什麽时候出生的?-Where were you born?你在哪里出生的?2. plan to do sth.计划做某事Eg: -How do

3、you plan to celebrate your birthday?尔打算怎样庆祝你的生日?-I plan to have a birthday party 我打算办一个生日晚会。She is pla nning to cook a special dinner for her mother她正计戈 U着为她妈妈做 一顿特别的晚餐。3. a mome nt ago= just now 刚“才Eg: What shape was it a mome nt ago?= What shape was it just noW它冈 U才是 什麽形状? Was it like a flower jus

4、t now?= Was it like a flower a moment ago?它刚 才像一朵花吗?4. use-for doing sth. = use-to do sth用 -做-Eg: -What do we use it for?我 们用它做什麽?-We use it to keep pen cils, rulers, erasers and so on我 们用它来放铅笔、尺 子、橡皮等等。= We use it for keeping pencils, rulers, erasers and so on. .We use this room for hav ing meet in

5、 gs. = We use this room to have meet ings我 们用这个房间开会。5. a surprise一个惊喜Eg: That would be a surprise for Mrs. Brown对于布朗夫人来说,那将是一 个惊喜。to one s surpris使某人惊奇的是 Eg: To my surprise, he can speak En glish so we使我惊奇的事,他英语说的那 麽好。6. have a birthday party for sb为某人举办生日晚会Eg: We will have a birthday party for him.

6、我们将为他举办一个生日晚会。My parents want to have a birthday party for me. 我父母想为我举办一个生日 晚会。7. talk about sth.谈论某事 talk to with sb.和某人交谈Eg: They are talki ng about their favorite sports star 他们正在谈论他们最喜爱 的体育明星。I want to talk about your family with you. 我想和你谈论一下你的家庭。8. be afraid 害怕 be afraid of sb. sth.害怕某人、某事 be

7、afraid of doing sth.害 怕做某事Eg: I m afraid I can t come to your birt恐0怕我不能参加你的生日晚 会。Do n t be afraid of the dog别害怕狗。The little girl is afraid of goi ng out alo ne at n ight .那个小女孩害怕晚上单独出 去。9. buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. Sth为某人买某物Eg: He wants to buy a dress for his mother.= He wants to buy his mother a d

8、ress. 他想为她妈妈买一条裙子。10. do some cleaning做扫除 do some + v-ing Eg: do some shopping购物 do some washi ng 洗刷Eg: He ofte n does some clea ning on Sun day他经常每个周日大扫除。三、重点语法:1. 带有 be 动词的一般过去时:When was he born? He was born in June, 1986.Where was he born? He was born in Maryland, the USA.When were you born born?

9、 I was born in January, 1995.2. 日期的表达法:英语中日期可以有两种表示法:(1)把月份写在日期前面 .Eg: May 21, 2001 2001年5月21日,读作: May (the) twenty first, two thousand and onest(2)先写日期,再写月份和年。Eg:25April,1997 1997 年 4 月 25 日,读作: thetwenty fifthofApril,nineteenninety seven询问日期的句型:What s the date today? 今天几号了?询问星期的句型:What day is it t

10、oday?今天星期几?3. 介词 on, in 在年月日前的用法:在具体的某日前用介词on;在月份或年份前用介词in.Eg: on April 1, 2009在 2009年 4月 1日 In June, 1970在 1970年 6月 In 2004 在 2004 年4. 数词:基数词: one, two, three序数词 : first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh,twelfth, thirteenth, twentieth, twenty first, one h

11、undredth5. 计量方法及描述物体的方法 英语中表达长、宽、高时,常先说数字,再说单位,而表示长、宽、高的形容词放在最后。Eg: That man is 2 meters tal那人身高 2 米。It s 6.4 centimeters wide.该物 有)6.4 厘米宽。询问物体形状的句型:What s the shape -o-f-? = What shape is -? It s rounsdquare.询问物体长宽高等的句型:How long wide high is ? It -s-meters centimeters long wide high.四、本单元话题及重点句型:本

12、单元话题 SectionA 和 SectionB 通过生日这一主题,呈现话题,谈论和学 习日期的英语表达方式及如何询问出生日期、地点。主要句型:When was he born? He was born in June, 1986.Where was he born? He was born in Maryland, the USA.When was Kangkang born? He was born on May 13, 1996.When were you born born? I was born in January, 1995.What s the date today? It s May 8.Section C主要学习如何描述物体的形状、尺寸、用途等特征,掌握计量的 表达法。主要句型: ththstthWhat s the shape of your present? It s round.How long is it? It is 24 centimeters long.How wide is it? It s 6.4 centimeters wide.What do we use it for? We use it to keep pencils, rulers Secti on D是对日期、出生时间、出生地点及物体特征描述的综合语言运 用。#/ 5



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