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1、图表作文常用体现总结10种趋势类.上升,增长: g p, asced, ro ,cibp incease, ris, ( v / n) sw anur tren 增长了 icreaseb 增长到 inre 2. 急剧上升,大幅度上升:(1), soo up, sre, soa (不加修饰语)(2).g up / ascend row icrease / s /clb up + ply /rapidly draatically rticllysteepl/ signiicnly/ sustantialy 3. 小幅度上升:gop / scnd / gow increase / ise/ limb

2、up+mdstly / sligly /mrgill /morate expereceaslight growth in4. 平稳上升,逐渐上升:go up / ascnd / grw increae is+gradualy / cnsistenty / steay / slowy/ te by tp 5下降,减少: / N :ecease, decline, fa, ropV. go down, descend, inksow oward end 体现出下降的趋势6. 急剧下降,大幅度下降:(1). plumet / png (不加修饰语) 骤然跌落, 暴跌,骤降 (2).下降个大幅度个(副

3、词)7小幅度下降:下降7个+小幅度4个(副词)8. 平稳下降,逐渐下降: 下降个+平稳5个9.波动,(在间)起伏不定:fluuae. flutation n. 用法:flutuawn and fucteoere ro fluctuatevr 4 years/dui theyr名词用法:ris wi some fluctuais 保持平稳,平衡,静止不动:1) lelof a, evl otat +数字比例(平衡、稳定)2) hover at , stbliz at, rah a lateau (稳定期期,停滞时期)3)emai / stay/ kee + stable/steady/ ncha

4、nged + at图表作文常用体现总结4种数字类:1.倍数基本体现法:A isime +as+j.原级+as BA +istims+ dj比较级+h B+stmes+te szength/heightwdt/depth +of + Thesize/lengthh/wd/depthof+ A+times o BThe +n.+is i+ wa从句.g.这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍大。 tae is3 me bg as thatne hs able is 2 times iggerthantatone. This tbl is 3 tmeth sizeof t . The sze f this tab

5、leis3 time ofthat ne.今年的产量是的3倍。The outpuof th yer is 3 imes wht t wa in . 一半:lf,50adj. Hal te pple arebad. . af of the apples are badad. Mywork is ot lfdoeyet.3.大概,估计:bou,arud, oughly, inte rug, in he nigbrhod of,apprxmely, hereabout, jusove, jus uer, orso, 例:oun/ oughly / aproximaely 0 nthe negbroo

6、d of 2 2 so, 0 n teu4.比例,比例:prcntag, poport , rio ,sha成比例 bei tio 不成比例 be out fratio, be ill-ropted成正比 be i ict ratio 成反比 be in revers ratioThaoof A t is X o Y.Th rtifpuils to teaceri3 to1学生和教师的比率是30比.图表作文常用体现总结6种比较类1大,达到最大值,达到最高点:rech t mximum / th arge arofpak atrah tepka reach iges oint at2. 小,跌到

7、最小值,达到最低点:reach he um/ thesmaest pat f bottom out at reaebottom areac thelwestointat3.多于moe ta , oe, above, xcee, surass, vtke,-v.4.少于less tha, fer than uner, blo,witin, 5. 相似和相似:相似beidenical / the samewith Th same s true f . 也有同样状况, 也合用于I thesam ay, Inle manner, eeual be a lieess, ba similarty, equ

8、ally, 大体相似,相似:mre r les aike, rughly he sae, showgrat resblace, becal t sam as相似点: similaity n.6 不同:be diffeet be f grea diffeencee iffrntom be contayto iffer from ,ayfrom不同,变化iffrence, ariaton, change n句型eg.: A, unlke / asppsedt / as isticfom B, as xprienedsome chanes over his prio.图表作文常用体现总结其她10类常

9、用体现:. 达到多少数量: rea, hi, coe ,tan at(表达最开始的数值是多少), arrive at, munt to,2.占多少比例:occpy, represn, constitue,akeup, take up,accoun for,.由构成 ,涉及几部分:b ade up, e compsed of,cosist of ompse becmprsed of . 分别:rsectvely,epartely,: 常放在句尾e.g.emal rt-imers ad hseives hv 40 ad 50 hou of eisr ime, specivey. 5比较:类比:sm

10、ilarly, ikwise, 对比:unlike, converely, n / by cntrst , nthe contrary, i cmaon, 句型:A ws a harp ise, whl /weres /whlst remaie seay al thee yers.6分类,分组:名词:lasses,tye,grop,divos, st, asects, pars, ctegois动词:be clsifid int ou gup b divd ittwo categries may beraed accordngto /on the bsis/ ependg o7时期体现法:ov

11、er / durig theprioof two edes /2 ous / seven ays, drigtis -ear eio, urighis sen-moth stage time fro tobetwe and 8对方观点或对方数据:th da of noergroup, Thecorrepondig daa, Th stisics of is counterpart,9.剩余的h so + 名词heraining +名词Th remande (后不需要加名词)10.然后,后来,之后,在那后来,ten, ater, Next, ad tn, ater that, thereat, afterwards, fr thispoint nwards, r hefollowin thee-year period,在接下来的三年里



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