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1、精品文档1.1 Research BackgroundThere was a film named Kung Fu Panda shown in the ChineseCulture Festivalin 2008. It received continuous attention,notonly in the North America, but also in China. Since its firstrun, itgained an unprecedentedbox office.The filmbecame thefirstcartoonmovie whose box officew

2、ent over a hundred millionand took overthepositionof The Lion King,also making itthenew No.1 cartoonmovie ininlandmarket.Itcaused theculturalexchange and the collisionbetween the China and Western world.Because offactorslike culturaldifference,a foreignfilmwhowants to attainthe acceptationofChinese

3、people isnot an easything,buttheKung Fu Panda had done it.Whats more, the thirdsequel of Kung Fu Panda, during its first run in January thisyear,was stilllookedforwardand warmly welcomed bytheaudience. The reason of such situation is this Hollywood filmincarnatedthe traditionalChinese culture.Involu

4、ntarily,thefilm received acceptation from the mainland audience. And atthe sametime,ithas given risetoreflectionand introspectionon the cultural difference between Chinese and Western.1.2 ObjectiveThe KungFu Panda was regardedas anew culturalbridgeforChinese and theWestern peopleinthisnew age, it al

5、soshowed。1 欢迎下载精品文档a new cognition of China that Western people have recentlyattainednow. The filmdirectoronce said,“Wehad preparedthismovie for over ten years, every one of us had a heroic dreamof defeatingeviland be the helperof the weak in our childhoodtime. And as my own self, I am crazy about C

6、hinese culture andChinese Kung Fu. Thus, the creative idea of the Kung Fu Pandacame up to me gradually. In other words, Kung Fu Panda is myvery own lovers letter to China.”In this film, the Chinesecultureis expressedincisivelyand vividly,the manifestationof differences and collisions between the Chi

7、nese culture andWestern culture can be spotted everywhere in this film, whichis meant to attract the audiences whether they are Chinese ornot. This thesis of this study is to recognize the differentculture between Chinese and Western; and from the culturaltransmissionofKungFu Panda,to discussthediff

8、erencebetween Chinese and Western culture.Therefore,thisthesishasa definite practical significance.1.3 Significance of the ThesisThisthesisstudiesdifferentculturesbetween Chinese andWestern from the film, Kung Fu Panda. The aspect of the film is to present the results after comparing the two sides o

9、f culture. The film has a good cultural fusion of Chinese and。2 欢迎下载精品文档Western culture; certainly, we could easily find out that thecharactersyllogismofpanda isinnovatedby Western. And also,as for ournationalfilmdevelopment, ithas seta good exampleto be compared to.1.4 The Organization of the Thesi

10、sThisthesisisdivided intofourparts,startingwithresearch background, and introduces the main contents of thethesis. The second part is the literature review, includingthree parts: the synopsis, themain culture differencebetweenChinese and Western, and the discrepancyfrom the Kung Fu Pandaexpressed of the Chinese and Western world. The discussionmainly narratesthedifferenceabout thepanda in two nationalcultures,andtheexpressionofthe“dragon ” in such twodifferent cultures.。3 欢迎下载精品文档欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。4 欢迎下载



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