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1、第三章语言测试的开发与设计语言测试的开发与设计主要针对的是测试命题和评估人员。本章目的是按照测试开发的 步骤说明每一阶段需要解决的任务以及具体内容:从测试目的、测试范畴、测试方式、试卷 构成到评分标准的使用等,用以为语言测试开发过程各环节的明确和规范提供帮助。总的来说,语言测试的开发设计可以分为三个阶段,分别是设计阶段、操作阶段和实施 阶段。具体来说,每个阶段又可以细分为多项任务,例如设计阶段,要对测试做出具体的规 划,也是该项测试应包括的基本信息,例如测试目的、类型、能力描述、对象、内容和其他 要素等六项;而操作阶段要解决的任务则有十几种之多。因此,要组织一项比较圆满的测试, 测试设计人员和

2、开发人员需要解决近三十个相关任务。这也是组织测试比较庞大复杂之所 在。而说到测试的精密性,也就是如何保证测试的信度与效度,则要跟踪测试设计与开发的 全过程,科学合理地设计,加上前后一致的测试开发理念、思路和方法。第一节设计阶段设计阶段是测试开发过程的第一阶段,需要做的工作有:明确测试目的,根据测试目的 选择适合的测试类型,确定测试的能力范畴,描述测试对象,确定测试的内容及其他等六项。1 .明确测试目的测试和教学的关系密不可分。一般在教学进行一段时间后都要测试,目的是督促学生学 习或检查阶段教学效果。无论哪种类型的测试,都应以测试学习者运用语言解决实际问题的 能力为主,而不应该机械地测量学生对语

3、言形式的掌握。测试是评估教师教学效果的重要工具。大型标准化测试多是为了选拔或者比较。小型测 试,如随堂测试,则多用来诊断教和学的效果。这类测试能够促进学生学习习惯的建立和改 善,帮助教师在教学过程中进一步明确教学重难点并从学习者整体和个体两个方面检查其落 实情况。从测试设计者的角度来说,每一项测试,无论大小,都应有一个明确的目的,即所设计 的测试旨在获取何种信息。这是测试开发的第一步。由此,测试设计者可以确定测试的类别, 选择切实可行的设计方法。所以,在测试目的的描述中,应当明确:为什么要考,考什么能 力以及具体应用范围。测试目的描述要清楚明了,不能模棱两可或自相矛盾。测试目的的描述,主要有文

4、字叙述式和列表式两种格式。文字叙述式描述以伦敦工商总会测试( London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examination Board, 1991 转自邹申,2008)为例:The aim of the examination is to test a high level ability to understand, write and variously process the general and special varieties of English used in business, and the ability to use appr

5、opriate formats.列表式呈现,以 BEC(Business English Certificates)(BEC Handbook for Teachers, 2000:3) 为例:The aims of BEC to assess candidates7 ability to operate in English in an international business environment to allow candidates to demonstrate to employers their ability to communicate in English with c

6、lients and colleagues to have a positive and beneficial impact on the content and delivery of BusinessEnglish language training courses to provide an examination to do this which is fair to all candidates and which is delivered to international standards to allow test users to compare ca ndidates re

7、sults with other qualifications which are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages此外还有结合式的,即先突出测试目的的主要条目,然后在每一分项中再详细阐述其内 容。以博思(BULATES, Business Language Testing Service)测试为例:Evaluating the language skills of staff within a companyA company decides it wants a complete langu

8、age profile of its staff. BULA TS can be used to test some or all employees. The service can also be used at regular intervals to monitor the companys language profile.Evaluating the language skills of job applicantsA company is recruiting staff to work in its international sales department. BULATS

9、provides a simple way of testing prospective employees and providing the company with an up-to-date and accurate assessment of language ability.Placing learners on suitable courses for language trainingA business college provides language training courses for its students and needs to place them in

10、courses at the right level. BULATS can be used to place the students in suitable courses.Screening learners who are unsuitable for the training courses providedA company wants to concentrate its language training on employees who are already close to the level of language required. BULATS can provid

11、e a test to screen off unsuitable candidates and so help make best use of resources available.Evaluating language training givenThe training division of a company needs to assess the quality of language training being provided by an external training organisation. BULATS can be used to test people a

12、t the beginning and end of the course to monitor progress.Recommending suitable standard examinations for learnersAn organisation would like to motivate its staff by sponsoring them to take standard examinations which provide a certificate with international currency (such as the Cambridge First Cer

13、tificate in English). BULATS provides a test to help advise which standard examination would be most suitable.To provide testing support for language auditsLanguage audits are being used increasingly - BULATS can provide a valuable language testing tool in carrying out the assessment of a companys l

14、anguage requirements.2. 选择测试类型第三章中我们系统介绍了测试的不同分类方法,此处不再赘述。建议测试开发者从测试 目的、测试方式、测试语言、测试的评分方式、考分参照依据、测试时间等六个方面综合考 虑所开发测试的类型,从而对所开发的测试做准确定位。3 .测试能力范畴测试能力范畴的界定是规范制订中的一个重要步骤,直接关系到测试是否有理论依据或 有效度的问题。测试开发者请从如下三方面加以考量,按问题的先后顺序分为三步。第一步,测试的语言能力结构是什么?第二步,在试卷中具体体现在哪些具体技能上第三步,根据测试目的,规定被试能力结构以及该结构在测试中的具体体现。样本 LCCI C

15、hief Examiner SEFIC(Spoken English for Industry and Commerce) OralExaminations Soft skills are often the “deal breaker” in business:SKILLS LIKE: delegating listening presenting (of self - interviews -or of business) negotiating problem-solving contributing effectively to meetings/seminars/debates so

16、cial interaction - networkingSoft skills framework allows emphasis on interpersonal forces of language-use in a workcontext4. 测试对象描述测试开发者对受试群体的特征应有比较全面的认知,以便所开发的测试能更好地满足特 定测试群体的现状和需求。主要分四个方面:错误!未找到引用源。考生个人特征(personal characteristic),如年龄段、性别、 国籍、母语、所受教育层次以及考前培训程度等;错误!未找到引用源。考生文化或背景 知识(topicalknowledge),如对所学语言相应的国家社会、文化的了解,有关领域内的知识 等;错误!未找到引用源。考生语言能力(language ability),如



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