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1、-【育才毕业作品翻译实践与评析文简要】中文封面页西南大学育才学院本科毕业作品?欧洲的前景:临近眼前的深渊?翻译与评析学院外国语学院专业英语年级2021级*指导教师成绩二一二年四月. z-英文标题页,单独用一页Translation and ments on The Future of Europe: Starring into the Abyss论文作者名,斜体Supervisor指导教师名,斜体A ThesisSubmitted inPartial Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the Degree ofB. A. in EnglishSCHOOL O

2、F FOREIGN LANGUAGESYUCAI COLLEGESOUTHWEST UNIVERSITYApril, 2021. z-致,单独用一页,向指导教师及相关人员致Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to show my deep gratitude and respect to my supervisor for her / his careful guidance and hard work. Her /His e*periencedsuggestions and continual encouragement have guided me

3、 through all my writing process of this paper.Without her /his guidance and assistance, the pletion of this thesis would have been impossible.Secondly, I want to e*press my heartfelt gratitude to the professors and teachers of The School of Foreign Languages who instructed and helped me a lot in the

4、 past half and three years.Finally,I wish to thank my parents and friends,whose spiritual and practicalsupport ensures my courage in face of difficulties.(目录,单独用一页,各层次安排、标题与页码按具体情况写入)ContentsAbstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5、. . . . . . . . . i容摘要. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12. Translation of the Te*t. . . . . .

6、. . . 23. ments on the Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.1 Basic Concepts of the Functionalist Translation Theory9Three Rules in Skopos Theory.10Theory of Translational Action.113.2 Analyses.12Difficulties of the Article.13Highlights of the Translation

7、143.3 Inspiration164. Conclusion17References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Appendi* Source Te*t.19. z-英文摘要与关键词,单独用一页,摘要150200字,关键词最多5个Translation and ments on The Future of Europe: Starring into the AbyssAbstractThe

8、future of Europe: Starring into the abyss is an article from The Economist Jul. 8th 2021, describing the disagreements between France and Germany about what measures should be taken to save the single currency of EU. The purpose for translating this article is not merely for acquisition of European

9、economic information, but for the capability of proof of the guiding values of application of functionalist translation theory in practice. The theory, put forward in Germany in the 1970s, has opened a new approach to the development of modern translation studies in the course of its formation, the

10、thesis, therefore, will on the basis of the introduction to the theorys three functionalist principles, make some of mends on the translation strategy and techniques used in the translation of the given te*t. Today, in the progress of the globalization in the world economy, shadowed by the financial

11、 crisis since 2021, our Chinese people have main concerns for our development, as well as for Europes, and the worlds. The thesis certainly hopes to be a testimony to the authors translation practice and to the integration of functionalist translation theory into application.Key words:translation; m

12、ents; functionalist theory; pragmatic application中文摘要与关键词,单独用一页,摘要250300字,关键词最多5个?欧洲的前景:临近眼前的深渊?翻译与评析论文作者名西南大学育才学院外国语学院,合川 号 容 摘要?欧洲的前景:临近眼前的深渊?是摘自?经济学人?2021年7月刊上的一篇文章。该文较详细地介绍了法国与德国在如何挽救欧元货币上出现的分歧。选择此文翻译,除传递必要关注的欧洲经济信息外,更希望探索将功能主义翻译理论应用于翻译实践所能获得的启示或指导意义,并通过翻译的亲身实践体验,取得对时政应用翻译策略与技巧有价值的点滴经历。功能翻译理论源于2

13、0世纪70年代的德国,经历了四个阶段的开展,为现代翻译理论的开展开拓了新的思维途径,对翻译实践有着很高的理论指导价值。本文将评介功能翻译理论的三条原则,并通过翻译实例对功能翻译理论指导下的翻译策略与翻译技巧的选择做了根本阐释与总结。当今,经济全球化进程不断提升,而世界各国并未完全摆脱2021年以来经济危机的影响,我国民众也更为关注自身开展,关注西方与全球经济的开展趋势。本毕业作品将验证功能翻译理论原则,也实现毕业翻译实践的一个阶段性目标。关键词:翻译;评析;功能理论;实际运用. z-正文容包括:题目、引言、译文、翻译评析。要求如下:?欧洲的前景:临近眼前的深渊?翻译与评析1. 引言主要交待选题

14、理据,即,为什么要选译该作品.主要从该作品出处以及自身的意义与影响等方面入手阐述。中文行文,500-800字左右2. 译文学生在导师指导下,将英美报刊、杂志上的文章以及一般文学原著译成汉语;或将中文报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语。译作或原作长度均按汉语版本字数统计,要求不少于3000字3.翻译评析对自己的翻译过程和翻译成果进展反思与评析。这局部可用中文行文,不少于1500词,至少包括以下三个方面的容:1翻译中发现的难题,解决难题的思路或途径,以及采取最终解决方案的理论依据翻译理论或翻译名家的实践指导等;2自己的翻译作品中最令人满意的地方有哪些,择要指出并评析3-5处;3通过翻译该作品,发现或提醒的关于翻译理论与实践问题的具体启示。翻译评析须尽量运用适当的翻译理论来支持自己的观点,其中直接或间接引用他人的文献,必须按照APA规定格式注明出处或加以注释,并在评析之后列出参考文献。翻译评析中的引用他人文献不能超过评析局部的四分之一。文中引用,APA参考格式举例如下:1)


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