必修一 Unit1Friendship之知识点讲练

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1、要点解读活学巧用一、词汇详解1.add vt.增加;添加;补充说vi.加;加起来;增添【典型例句】The fire is going out; will you add some wood?火快熄了,请你加些木柴好吗?I should add that we are very pleased.我要补充说的是我们非常高兴。Add up these figures,please.请把这些数字加起来。Her arrival added to our pleasure.她的到来增添了我们的快乐。【相关链接】add in算入; 包括add on加到上; 附加; 包括add to 增加,加到add up加

2、起来,总计add up to总计共达; (总起来看)等于说单项填空(1)The pair of giant pandas called Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan the pleasant atmosphere at the Spring Festival Evening Party.A.added B.added to C.added in D.added on提示:added to在此句中表示“增添了春节晚会的愉快气氛”。答案:B(2)_is known to all,good friends_happiness and value to life.A.It;add B

3、.As;add C.It;add up D.As;add to提示:as引导非限制性定语从句,意为“正如”。句中已有介词to,所以只能用add。答案:B2.point n.点;尖端;分数【典型例句】It looks like the point of a needle.它像是针尖。 Do you have a pencil with a sharper point?你有尖一点的铅笔吗?Our team scored five points.我们队得了五分。【相关链接】(1)point作名词用时,可用于引申义,意为“有意义;有道理;要点”。例如:I cant see the point of w

4、hat you said.我看不出你说的话有什么意义。(2)point还可作动词用,意为“指向;指出来”。例如:Its rude to point your fingers at people.用手指指人是很不礼貌的。The hands of the clock then pointed to half past three.那时时针指向三点半。He pointed out that they were mistaken.他指出他们错了。(3)point构成的短语:on the point of doing sth.正想做某事point at sth.指向某物point to 指向(强调方向)

5、point out指出;把注意力引向in point of就而言;关于make a point of 特别注意to the point 切题单项填空(1)The most important_of his speech was that we should all work for the people whole-heartedly.A.element B.spot C.sense D.point 提示:point在这里是“要点;要领”的意思。sense意思是“意识,意思”,element意思是“元素”。答案:D(2)It is bad manners to talk to other pe

6、rsons with your_him or her.A.pointing to B.pointing at C.pointing out D.pointing on提示:point out的意思是“指出”,point to 和point at 都有“指着”的意思,然而point at多指具体的东西,而point to侧重方向。答案:B(3)Im glad youve come;I am_telephoning you.A.at the point of B.to the point of C.on the point of D.in the point of提示:句意:你来了我真高兴,我正想

7、给你打电话呢。on the point of意为“正要做某事”。 答案:C3.upset vt.&vi.(upset,upset;upsetting)使不安;使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的【典型例句】Dont upset yourselfno harm has been done.不要难过并没有造成伤害。Im always upset when I dont get any mail.我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱。He has an upset stomach.他胃不舒服。【知识小结】upset作动词用,其现在分词upsetting意为“令人不安的”;过去分词upset已转化为形

8、容词,在句中可作表语或定语。【相关链接】(1)upset作动词用时,也可表示“打翻,弄翻”。例如:I upset the soup all over the table.我把汤打翻在桌上了。(2)upset作名词用时,意为“翻倒;倾覆;推翻心烦意乱”。例如:She had a major emotional upset.她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。完成句子(1)他因为儿子的意外事故而十分懊恼。He_his sons accident.(2)这坏天气会把我们野餐的计划打乱。The bad weather will_for a picnic.(3)她把茶打翻在桌子上。She_over the tab

9、le.(4)人家没有邀请他,他很不痛快。He was_not being invited.答案:(1)was upser by/over(2)upset our plan(3)upset her/the tea(4)upset at4.ignore vt.不理睬;不顾【典型例句】Ignore the child if he misbehaves,and he will soon stop.孩子胡闹时,别去理他,不久他就会不闹了。He ignored the doctors advice.他不顾医生的忠告。【相关链接】ignorance n.无知;不知be in ignorance of sth

10、.不知某事from ignorance 出于无知单项填空I tried to persuade him not to keep in touch with her,but what I said was always_.A.accepted B.received C.ignored D.noticed提示:accept“接受”;receive “收到”;ignore“不理睬”;notice“注意到”。根据句意“我竭力劝他不要和她联系,可他总是不听”可知答案。答案:C5.calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定【典型例句】You should keep cal

11、m even in face of danger.即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静。The high wind passed and the sea was calm again.大风过后,大海又恢复了平静。Have a brandy and itll help to calm you (down).来点儿白兰地,它能使你静下来。【相关链接】(1)calm构成的短语:calm down使平息,使平静Keep calm!安静!保持镇静!the calm before the storm暴风雨前的平静(2)calm/quiet/still/silent的区别:calm常指天气平静、无风,海无浪,心境

12、镇定,无忧虑,镇静自若,强调外表等。quiet “静止的、宁静的,没有激动、烦恼、忧虑的”,强调没有扰乱,没有兴奋活动或闹声的“宁静”或“心神安逸”。例如:Ask the children to make less noise and keep quiet.让孩子们小点声,保持安静。still “静止不动”“平静”,突出不发出动作。例如:Please stand still while I am ready to take the photograph.站着别动,我给你们照相。silent “声音极小的、沉默的、寡言的”。例如:John is a silent,thoughtful boy.约

13、翰是个不爱讲话,喜欢思考的孩子。选词填空calm/still/quiet/silent(1)Although she was frightened,she answered with a_voice.(2)The house was_because every-one was asleep.(3)The roads are usually_in the afternoon.(4)After the storm it became_again.(5)It was very late and the night was_.(6)There was no wind and the trees were_.答案:(1)calm(2)silent(3)quiet(4)calm(5)still(6)still单项填空(7)The waters of the lake were so_that it looked like glass.A.silent B.calm C.still D.quiet提示:silent强调“没有声音”;calm强调心情的平静或没有波动,因此符合题意;still强调没有走动,如stand still;quiet强调井然有序。答案:B6.concern vt 涉及;关系到n.关心;关注;(利害)关系【典型例句】These problems conce



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