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1、2012年高考英语作文满分技巧-提纲作文写作指导 (2) 提纲作文提纲作文是近几年高考英语书面表达的热点题型。命题者通常把提纲作文与其他常用文体形式(如书信、报道、通知、日记等)有机结合在一起进行考查,使该类书面表达试题综合性越来越强。1提纲作文的特点提纲作文就是把文章的情景和内容要求分成块,以条目的形式列出,请考生据此进行写作。这实际上是对考生思路和文章写作范围所作的明确限定。因此,提纲中所列举的要点要全部涉及到,一个也不能遗漏。2思维空间灵活、开放为了提高文章档次,考生应在保证内容要点齐全的同时进行合理而又紧扣主题的发挥。因此,该类型的书面表达具有一定的灵活性,能较好地体现考生的英语思维能


3、20150。Dear Editor,With the development of economy,its more and more important to have a good command of English._Yours sincerely,Li Ming案例分析.第一步:审题。分析题目和提纲可知,这封书信的体裁应该是议论文。论点是“高考英语听力测试的必要性”,论据包括要点所提供的三点。因文章需要发表自己的意见,故使用第一人称。第二步:构思。文章应该按照“总分总”的结构分为三段。第一段提出问题(论点):It is quite necessary that listening t

4、est should be added to the College Entrance Examination.第二段分析问题(用论据论证):(1)Listening is very important.Listening,speaking,reading and writing are the four basic parts of learning a foreign language.(2)The English examination itself wouldnt be complete and perfect if there werent listening test.(3)In

5、communication with foreigners,if we cant understand what they say,how can we express ourselves freely?第三段解决问题(给出结论):So we must take advantage of every chance to practise listening to develop our English to meet the needs of our society.第三步:完稿。根据要点,按照逻辑顺序重新组织材料,力求拼写正确,行文连贯,链接自然,语言规范,词语丰富,句型多样,语法结构准确无

6、误,表达简明扼要,慎用长难句。Dear Editor,With the development of economy,its more and more important to have a good command of English.I think it is quite necessary that listening test should be added to the College Entrance Examination.As we know,in the study of English,listening is very important.Listening,spea

7、king,reading and writing are the four basic parts of learning a foreign language.Without listening,wecant get along well with the others.Furthermore,the English examination itself wouldnt be complete and perfect if there werent listening test in it.It also cant reflect the overall ability of the stu

8、dents in learning a foreign language.Whats more,in communication with foreigners,if we cant understand what they say,how can we express ourselves freely?So we must take advantage of every chance to practise listening to develop our English to meet the needs of our society.Yours sincerely,Li Ming你的英国

9、朋友正在做一个课题:世界各地的生日庆祝方式。他请你介绍中国学生过生日的方式。请你根据以下要点写一篇短文:一、通常方式1生日聚会2生日礼物3生日祝福二、我认为更有意义的庆祝方式和理由词数:120150【参考答案】Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways,but the most common way is to hold a birthday party,at which friends get together to have fun drinking,singing and dancing.On the birt

10、hday,one usually receives nice gifts and good wishes from friends and parents.Sometimes,parents will prepare a special dinner or a cake to show their love for their children.Since birthday celebration is one of the important activities in ones life,it can be done in more meaningful ways.For example,we can buy some flowers or cook a delicious meal for our mothers on that day.In this way,we express thanks to our parents in return for their love. 第 1 页 共 6 页


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