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1、Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab课标词汇A. v. expand, contract, react, form, dissolve, rustB. n. stage, conclusion, electricity, aim, equipment, facility, balanceC. adj. electrical, ordinary, astonished词汇拓展1. science n.-_adj. 科学的-_n. 科学家2. expand v. -_n. 膨胀-_-v. 收缩3. part n. -_adj 部分的-_adv. 部分地4. reaction n.-

2、_-v 反应-_adj. 易反应的5. electricity adj. -_-n. 电-_adj. 与电有关的6. visible adj-_n 洞察力-_(反义词) adj 看不见的7. equipment n. -_vt 使装备-_adj 已装备的重点短语at the bottom of, add to , make sure, keep out of, at leastused to , 理应,应该; 与反应; 为感到骄傲; 把按顺序排列重点句型1. It is hard to think of a world without metals.2. Here is a table wit

3、h the metals that react most at the top, an the metals hat react least at the bottom.3. The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. 语法1. Degree of comparison1 (比较级 1 )2. Degree of comparison2 (比较级 2)课时划分:Period 1 Introduction &Vocabulary and speakingPeriod 2 Reading and VocabularyPeriod 3 Re

4、ading and Vocabulary Period 4 Grammar 1&2Period5 Listening Period 6 Cultural CornerPeriod 1 Introduction Vocabulary and speaking一 学习目标: 掌握并应用新单词。掌握英语中数字的读法.二 文本研读:1. Read the Introduction on page 41.Finish Activity 1,2,3 . 2. Read the Vocabulary and Speaking on page 42 and Vocabulary on page 46.三 情境

5、解读:1. 通过阅读p42 Activity 1,总结基数词的读法。_2. 序数词的读法序数词一般以与之对应的基数词加词尾_ 构成。如tenth(第十),但下面这些基数词在变序数词时,有特别的地方。如 one- two- three- five- eight- nine- twelve-3. 分数(fraction)的读法 通过阅读p42 Activity 2,总结分数的读法。_ 另外还有几个特殊表达的情况 1/2 1/4 1/3 3/44. 百分数的读法百分数的读法只需在基数词后加上percent.5. 小数的读法通过阅读Activity 1 on p46, 总结小数的读法_四知识结构 小组

6、合作,总结各种数字的读法. 数字五 自我检测 1,234,980,566 7/1086% 100.3223/4 0.5Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary一.学习目标 1.掌握快速默读文章,搜索信息的能力。 2.通过练习快速默读文章,提高阅读理解的能力。二文本研读1. 完成44页活动12. 快速默读44页文章,完成活动2,3。2. 快速默读45页文章,完成45页表格及46页活动5,6。三情境解读再次阅读44,45页两篇文章,回答下列问题。Passage A1. Which of the following metals reacts the most with wat

7、er? A. Copper B. Iron C.Aluminium D. Sodium2. When heated in oxygen, _ will react partially. A. zinc B. copper C.potassium D.all metals3. According to the passage, it can be inferred that _ will have less use in making kitchen tools. A.aluminium B. iron C. steel D.copperPassage B4. The experiment sh

8、ows us _.A. how iron rusts with air B. iron is quite easy to rustC. how to prevent iron from rusting D. how iron reacts with air and with water5. “Air-free water”means _. A. air with a lot of water B. air without a lot of water C. water with a lot of air D. water without air6. If some clean iron nai

9、ls are put in a damp place for a week, the nails will_. A. rust B. not rust C. form an xoide D. keep the place dry四知识结构I. Words: 1.结论_ 2.目的_ 3.结果_ 4.方法_ 5.燃烧_ 6.电_ 7.设备_ 8.生锈_ 9.局部的_10.普通的_11.氧气_ 12.实验 _II. Translate the phrases into Chinese.1.和反应_ 2.使有秩序_ 3.往加入 _ 4.想到,想出_ 5.确信,确保_ 6.弄清,找到_7.在顶部_ 8.

10、在底部_ 9.科学实验_ 10. 把阻止在外_五自我检测I.再次阅读文章,根据课文完成下面短文,每空一词。 From Passage A we know the _ of metals with some substances such as water and oxygen can be put in order. It can be seen the metals react _ at the top and the metals react least at the _. When you heat calcium in oxygen, youll find it burns to fo

11、rm a(an) _. And it can easily be seen copper doesnt _ with water. In the first part of the experiment in Passage B, the _ is dry, not wet. It shows that iron doesnt _ when the air is dry. In the second part of the experiment, you must _ the water to make sure there is no _ in it. You add some _ to t

12、he water because this keeps air out of it. It shows that nail doesnt rust in water that has no air in it.II.用适当的介词或副词填空:1. Im sorry but I cant think _ your name.2. I warned Bill to keep _ trouble while Im away.3. Dont add oil _ fire.Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary 一学习目标 理解重难点句型,掌握重点词汇用法二文本研读 1. Its hard to think of a world without metals. 本句中,it 为_,真实主语是 _,这是一个


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