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1、【课程名称】经济全球化环境中的跨国管理Transnational Management in the Era of Globalized Economy【授课教师】姓 名:林小华 Xiaohua Lin国 籍:加拿大 Canada职 称:教授/国际研究中心主任Professor/Director of International Research Institute来自学校:加拿大怀亚逊大学管理学院School of Management, Ryerson University, CanadaEmail地址: hlinryerson.ca【授课对象】高年级本科生、研究生 senior unde

2、rgraduate,postgraduate【授课语言】英语 English【先修课程】【授课方式】以课堂讲授为主, 案例分析和时事讨论为辅Lectures aided by analysis of cases and current events 【课程考核】(1) 出勤考核与课堂参与 30%; Presence and participation 30%(2) 时事讨论 10%;Current event discussion 10%(3) 小组案例分析 30%; Group case analysis 30%(4) 期末考试(闭卷) 30%; Final examination (clo

3、sed book) 30%【课程学分】2 学分 2 credits【教师简介】教师简介林小华,1982 年获中央民族学院哲学学士,1986年获中国社会科学院经济学硕士,1996年获美国俄克拉荷马州立大学管理学博士。曾任教于宾夕法尼亚州立大学和温莎大学;现任加拿大怀雅逊大学管理学院国际商务及创业学教授,国际研究中心主任。在各类顶尖国际商务学术期刊发表文章,2008年被亚洲管理杂志列为该领域世界排名前70位学者。获得多项加拿大国家社科基金研究项目。获温莎大学和怀雅逊大学优秀学术奖。在国际上担任3本杂志编委会成员。兼任国际商业学会加拿大分会主席,加拿大中小企业及企业家协会副会长。特聘为清华大学华商研

4、究中心学术委员;曾任武汉大学,成都电子科技大,北京工业大学,清华大学海外客座教授、访问学者等;目前为上海“海外名师”项目候选人。为推动海外华人专业人士创业创新,在多伦多创立海鸥创业平台;特聘为无锡530项目海外顾问,为中国招才引智作出积极贡献。2010年,被加拿大移民杂志提名为“25位加拿大杰出移民奖”候选人。Curriculum VitaeXiaohua Lin (Ph.D., Oklahoma State University) is Professor of International Business & Entrepreneurship and Director of the Int

5、ernational Research Institute at the Ryerson Universitys Ted Rogers School of Management. He previously taught at Penn State University and University of Windsor. Dr. Lin is Canada Chapter Chair of the Academy of International Business and Vice President (research) of the Canadian Council for Small

6、Business & Entrepreneurship, and serves in the editorial board for three journals.He has published his research in top scholarly journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of Internatio

7、nal Marketing, and Journal of Business Ethics. He is ranked 70th among the most prolific authors in the five leading international business journals between 19962006 according to a survey published in APJM (2008/25, pp.189207). His research has been funded several times by the Social Sciences and Hu

8、manities Research Council of Canada. He has received awards for research excellence in both University of Windsor and Ryerson University. He has been visiting scholar/professior at Wuhan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of Chengdu, Beijing University of Technology and Tsin

9、ghua University, and currently serves as the academic committee of the Center for Overseas Chinese Business Research at Tsinghua University. Dr. Lin is the founder of the Canadian Entrepreneurship & Innovation Platform, a non-profit organization that promotes and facilitates Canada-based transnation

10、al entrepreneurship in the Chinese commnunity. He has been instrumental to Chinas effort in attracting overseas talents and serves as an advisor to the 530 project in Wuxi. In 2010, he was nominated for Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Awards by the Canadian Immigrant magazine.【课程简介】本课程旨在帮助学生掌握在经济全球化背景下分析

11、企业战略挑战的知识和分析能力。在掌握了战略管理的基本概念之后,本课程进而分析研究在跨国管理所面临的种种的严重挑战,包括如何培养企业的多种能力,跨国界的创新和知识管理,建立复杂的组织结构,开展多元的外部合作,以及应对社会/环境可持续性发展的要求。为了实现上述学习目标,本课程将采用以下的教学/学习方法:课堂讲授,案例分析,以及对当前事件的分析和讨论。本课程重视学生的参与,期待学生在课堂讨论和其他类活动作出有意义的贡献。Course Description This course aims to equip students with skills and knowledge concerning

12、strategic challenges in the context of economic globalization. It builds upon core international strategy courses and proceeds to examine key strategic challenges facing by managers in globalizing environments. These challenges include capacity building, knowledge management, international organizat

13、ion, external collaboration, and social/environmental sustainability. To achieve above-mentioned learning objectives, this course will incorporate the following teaching/learning methods: lectures, case analysis, student-led discussions of current events. This course is grounded in student participa

14、tion. Students are expected to attend class and to make meaningful contribution to class discussion and other in-class activities each time we meet. There are ample opportunities for students to share their personal experience in class, which is appreciated and encouraged.【课程大纲】第1章经济全球化环境下的企业成长案例1:林

15、肯电力集团的全球战略第2章回应多元的环境压力案例2:中国玩具召回事件第3章发展多层次的竞争优势案例3:“100元手提电脑”的推广第4章建立跨国的组织结构案例4:飞利浦与松下的战略和组织选择第5章实现世界范围内的创新案例5:麦肯奇的全球知识管理第6章从事跨境合作案例6:马辛德拉兼并江陵拖拉机公司第7章提高战略实施能力案例7:那坡里在印度遇到的挑战 第8章可持续发展的挑战案例8:哥伦比亚反可口可乐运动Course contentsCHAPTER 1 Expanding in Global Economy Case 1: Lincoln Electric CHAPTER 2 Responding to Conflicting Environmental ForcesCase 2: Mattel and the Toy Recalls (A) CHAPTER 3 Building Layers of Competitive AdvantagesCase 3: Marketing the 100 Laptop (A) CHAPTER 4 Developing a Transnational OrganizationCase 4: Philips versus Matsushita CHAPTER 5 Creating Worldwi


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