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1、2019年“珍珠山”杯教学竞赛教学片段设计表 金凤桥中心小学 学校 组别 小学 科目 英语 教学片段标题: Unit 1 Whats he like? A Ask and answer学情分析:五年级的学生处于一个学习的关键期。有一定的英语学习基础,能够听懂简单的课堂指令,且已经形成比较单一的学习形式,但对英语的学习也产生一定的疲倦感。因此,如何在课堂上战胜五年级学生的英语倦怠情绪是一个非常值得去思考的问题。教学目标:1、知识目标:1)能够听、说、读、写单词old, young, funny, kind, strict并能在上下文中理解其意思。2)能听懂问句:Whos your art tea

2、cher? Is he young? 并能做出正确回答。2、能力目标:能实际运用重点单词与句子。3、情感目标:培养和激发学生尊敬和热爱老师的美好情感。教学重点难点:要求学生在学习过程中能结合新单词old, young, funny, kind, strict以及所给句型替换关键词对话。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-upT:Boys and girls, we will learn an interesting class today. First, I want you to listen to a song. 1 Listen to a song My new teacher.用影音的方

3、式激发学生兴趣,并对本课知识的学习有一个良好的开端。After listening to the song, we know this lesson is about teachers, right? Now, please look at this picture. Who is he ? 2用体育老师的照片来使复习旧知识tall,short,thin,strong. old, young, funny, kind, strict结合实际情况,增加学生的探究精神。并引申出句型:T: Whos he /she ? S: He s/Shes my P.E/art / computer/scien

4、ce teacher. Step 2 Presentation1.构建情景学习,设计一位转学来学校的新朋友Oliver, Mike正在给他介绍学校老师。T:Mike has many teachers, too. Today, there will be a new student in his class. His name is Oliver.Look! Mike is talking about his teachers with Oliver. Lets have a look! 2用上课打铃后老师进来的方式,营造情景对话,引导出句型:1)-Whos your music teache

5、r?-Mr Young.-Is he old? (教师用体态语帮助学生理解 )-Yes, he is.2)-Whos your art teacher?-Mr Jones-Is he old?-No, he isnt. He is young.(教授学生否定回答的用法。)3)-Whos your science teacher?-Miss Green-Is she _?-Yes, she is.(结合课本知识,设置填空,让学生回答。)4)-Whos your _?-_.-_?-_.(后面两则对话,完全由学生根据老师之前的例子来编写,不仅让学生学会模仿又让他们学会有效的思考)Step 3 Pra

6、ctise Group work假如你是Oliver,你的同桌是Mike。请你介绍你的老师们给Mike。Make your own conversations(对话) with your partner.-Whos your_teacher?-Mr/Miss/Mrs_.-Is he/she_?-Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt. He/She is _. 在学生对话过程中,仔细听他们对自己本班任课老师的描述。多鼓励学生去了解自己的老师。Step 4 Summary 1、Guessing game! 让一位学生上台,先在心里想好一个老师,然后教师点台下的同学提问题,三个

7、问题后能猜出来的同学加分,没能猜出来的,台上的同学自己说出答案,并加分。2、Make a new chant to summarize what we have learned. Music teacher is old.Art teacher is young.English teacher is kind.Maths teacher is strict.Science teacher is funny.We are funny, too.3、Who is the best group?(小组评分,表扬优秀的小组;并提醒落后的小组需要更加的努力)Step 5 HomeworkIntroduc

8、ing your teachers to your parents.Step 6 ConclusionT: Mike has many good teachers, we have lots of wonderful teachers, too. Funny English teacher, kind Chinese teacher, strict maths teacher. We meet them every day. They help us and care about us. So we should love our teachers. Do you love your teachers? Good! We should also say Thank youto them, yes?Now, Stand up and turn back! SayThank you!Teachers!123Go!



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