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1、东海晶都双语学校九年级第一次月考试题满分分 第卷(5分)一、单选题,从如下四个选项中选出最佳答案(共10题,每题1分,共0分)( )1. Usuall, ts eier to make decision han t take actn.A. a; anB./;anC./;/a;( )2. I Wesern countries, won ae aw dessed wte heir wedn dy,bcause hitei the olour f purity. o;n Bn; n C on;inD. n; on( )3. len fomLiFen Dayi nl two wek from now

2、. W nedto_a panabout it.A. coe up with B. put up wit C cll u D.et up( )4.Waing lue clothes cnae_ easirto eel es ressd.I wl wa blue T-hirt today. A. hat B. me . itD.mself( )5.I m looking wd _te Gretll n day.A. o vitig B. toviit C vsitng D. vst( )6. I onder_he ta iltakelace xtweekornot._so, I eed tote

3、ll itto friendTmA. if,her.whethr, Whete . i, If. pu up( )7 Our tcher said theEarh_round th Sun.A.traveldB.travsC. traelD. o trvel( )8. ul you tell me ? Callme Jak, pease.A. what ourame is B. hatour am was . whatis our namD. what was y ne( )9. Than yo forsring yur ruer thme hat what ieds ror.nmeioni.

4、 B Itdesnt matter. CNever minD Allrght.( )1. -Tellu omthg abou Canaa,ok? -I sory._Jack _I he evr b thr. Eith,oB. nt nly, b also C. Both,andD.Neither nor二,完形填空(共5题,每题分,共15分)veryoeneds friens. W al like to _1_ cose o eo . _12_ i to have ariendtotl , laug ,an do tigswith._13_,sometims we d tobe aone .W

5、e don alas ant pople _14_. Bu e ould fee loney ifwe 5_ had a fiend. N wopeopl ar _6_.riends_17_ dontget n well .That dsn mean_8_ ey nlongerlike eachthe.osofthe tm hy ill mknd coe_19_ gain.Somemefrind ove aay Thnw eel ery _0_. W iss thm verymu, b e an _21he nd wrteo em It coulde that e couv ete agai.

6、 A e can_22_ efiends. I i srprising to fidu_23_ele ew peoplehen e gettok tm Theres more good news fo peopl whove riends hey iveonger than peple wont . Why? Itcldbetha teyae24_.Being ppy helps you stay well Or it ould be jus knowing ta someoe arI smenecares au you, yu take_2_ areof youself.( )11 A. l

7、ook . wtch C. fl . s( )12. A.I B. H CTr D. ene( )13 A .al Neary . Sddeny D.Cetin( )4. A aone B .away C. ll er . aron( )1. . erBer. just D.really( )16 A. frenl B .ind C. jus thesme D.quite ifferent( )7. A .aways . oime Cofe D. usualy( )18 a B.whether .ho Dwhy( )9. A. frienly B. good lase D.rind( )20

8、Aangry a Cap D. alone( )21 Aa B. ak . tel D. alk wt( )2. A look B.in C. ak D.knw( )3.A .h often . hwlong C.howmany D. how uch( )24.happer .stoger C. kidr D icher()5.A less better .litle D. no三、阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,共3分)Iman the stuaton.You aredriinglong a dse o oa mountain. Yo hv n ie hereyou a. You passd

9、 th last house w ours agoThen yurca bres d. It is night andit is oYo havenomoile one.What doyodo?Wl,nextime take P with ou. hs vtonmaye abl to hep y. It i aevic(装置) ich uses saellites(卫星)tofind teuersposiion(位置) It can fn our stion to within 20 metres. A PS canot start yur cr,bua es yu lko whe u are

10、.GPS, wich eans Glbal Poitonng ste, s a smll raio recive. It os like a mobiepone. Yo canhl i inyr hnd, or in yur poket s someties p ino a ath or a telehoWe alsofin GP evie rs, paes, or oa. Soe o thesedevices hae elrni mps, s y knw wreyu ar.For xampe,n a ty theycan tel yuthe nameof the street.ere a t

11、hree pars to t Gobal ostioing System. The fist partis the eceivr.Yu cn hldi i you hnd, orhave t fixe in our,pne,ecThe seco partisa gouf sateit inthe Eart. Thereeivercntct a last r o the sateltes and alcules(计算) itsposiion. h thirp of teysemis a newor ofgound staios. Thyr a ove th wor. They onto thsaellits an make sure theyare workin eome eole think thatin



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