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1、六年级冲刺班上学期期末试卷Name_Score_听力部分(40%)一Listen and write.听音,写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。(12%) 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音选择你所听到的单词。(6%)1( ) A.mountain B.morning 2 ( )A.cloudy B.running3( ) A.turkey B.corn 4 ( )A.Sunday B.May5( ) A.winter B.water 6 ( ) A.October B.August三在你所听到的句子前面打钩,并写上中文意思。(6%)1 ( )In winter,

2、 they had a big dinner party. ( )In spring, they had a big family dinner._2( )When did she get up this morning? ( )When does she usually get up?_3( )It will be cool and warm on October 2nd. ( )It will be cool and warm on August 1st._四、听音,对T,错F。 (10%)1. ( ) In the past my mother cleaned my room.2. (

3、) In the morning I learned English.3. ( ) They had many food in Shanghai.4. ( ) Ben did his homework on Sunday.5. ( ) They thanked God for giving them food.五听问句,选择正确的答句。(6%)1. ( )A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didnt.2. ( )A. I had an apple. B. I had some dumplings.3. ( )A. Yes, please. B. We go to the fair.

4、笔试部分(60%)一 正确抄写,并在括号里写出中文意思(注意大小写,标点符号)。(10%)this morning( ) spring festival( ) when is teachers day ( ) 二、短语搭配, 在括号里填上中文意思。(12%)1. _to the fair( ) 2. _ the flowers( )3. have a _ dinner( ) 4. _ up( )5. _ the mountains( ) 6. _ the piano( )三 找出每小题不同类单词,填在括号里。(5%)( )1. got was have said ( )2. March Mon

5、day Thursday Friday( )3. fall spring winter cold( )4. ship boat plane party( )5. food yam basketball juice四写出下列动词的过去式。(8%)1. go_ 2. have_ 3. get_ 4. make_5. is_ 6. do_ 7. play_ 8. thank_五选词填空。(8%)clean, cleans, cleaned 1. Wang Tao _ his bedroom yesterday morning.2. Now he _ his bedroom on Saturday.

6、3. We_ our bedroom every week.4. She usually _ her office every Wednesday. in, on, at1. We will go to Wuyishan _ October 1st.2. _ spring, they learned to grow corn.3. Peter does his homework _ 6:00 p.m. every day.4. _ September 1620, some English people sailed in a boat.六选择正确的选项。(12%)1. She _ to sch

7、ool from Monday to Friday.答:我们每个人要做到不乱扔果皮,不随地吐痰,爱护花草树木,搞好环境卫生,保护好身边的环境。力争做一个环保小卫士,向身边的人宣传和倡议环保。A. go B. goes C. went2. Candy is bad _ your teeth. A. for B. with C. at3. I usually_ rice, chicken and fruit for lunch.A. had B. have C. like4. _ did you come back?On November 2nd. 6、重新使用是指多次或用另一种方法来使用已用过的

8、物品,它也是减少垃圾的重要方法。A. What B. Where C. When5. 我将要去中国。AI will visit China. B. I went to China.2、你知道哪些昆虫?6. Do you often do housework at home?A. Yes, I dont B. No, she dont. C. Yes, I do.9、淡水是我们人类和其他生物生存的必需品,但是地球上的淡水资源十分有限,地球上的多数地区缺水。7. Where will they stay?_.A. November B. A nice hotel C. A camera12、放大镜

9、和显微镜的发明,大大扩展了我们的视野,让我们走进微小世界,让我们看到了微生物和细胞。8. What did you do in the afternoon?4、小苏打和白醋混合后,产生了一种新物质二氧化碳气体,这种气体能使燃着的火焰熄灭,这样的变化属于化学变化。A. We go on a raft trip down the stream.B. We goes on a raft trip down the stream.7、食盐、白糖、碱面、味精的颗粒都是有规则几何外形的固体,人们把这样的固体物质叫做晶体。自然界中的大部分固体物质都是晶体或由晶体组成。C. We went on a raft

10、 trip down the stream.9. Did you go to see the waterfalls?18、大多数生物都是由多细胞组成的,但也有一些生物,它们只有一个细胞,称为单细胞生物。如草履虫、变形虫、细菌等。A. Yes, we does. B. Yes, I did. C. no, I didnt.10. He is good _ running. 2、1969年7月,美国的“阿波罗11号”载人飞船成功地在月球上着陆。A. at B. of C. in11. When does Li Hong usually get up?9、在17世纪,人们发现把两个凸透镜组合起来明显

11、提高了放大能力,这就是早期的显微镜。 _.A. She usually gets up at 6:30. B. She got up at 7:30.12. Would you like some turkey? _.A. Yes, thank you. B. No, please. C. No, thank you.七阅读理解,对T,错F。(5%)Im going to Wuyishan tomorrow. Ill go there by train. Im going to take a big bag with me. Im going to take a camera, an umbrella and some food, too. Im going to wear my hat and sports shoes. I am sure Ill have a good time.1. ( )Im going to Wuyishan today.2. ( )Ill go to Wuyishan by train.3. ( )Im going to take some pictures.4. ( )Im going to wear my skirt.5. ( )Ill be happy in Wuyishan.


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