Starter unit 3 (The 1st period section A la—lc) 教案初一英语上册

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《Starter unit 3 (The 1st period section A la—lc) 教案初一英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Starter unit 3 (The 1st period section A la—lc) 教案初一英语上册(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开教学视频动画全册播放Unit 3 What color is it ?(The 1st period section A lalc)Teaching aims (教学目标)1、学会识别颜色和谈论物体颜色2、学会字母SsZzlanguage points(语言点)1、要求掌握以下句式: What color is it? Its red .2、要求掌握以下字母:Ss T t V v V v W w X x Y y Z z3、要求掌握以下词汇:red green blue yellow white blackTeaching steps1、warming- up and

2、revision (课前热身和复习)1)Daily greetings to the students (日常问候)T:Good morning/afternoonHow are you today?How about you, Jim ?How is your mother? 如S1:Good morning. S2:Good morning.S1:How are you today? S2:Im fine, thanks, How about you? 2) Revision (复习)A). T:Whats this in English?S1:Its a bag. S2: Its a h

3、at. B)T:Whats this?S1:Its A Or T:Wheres A?S1:Its here. .2、Presentation(呈现新知识)T:(从复习中引出)Whats this?S:Its U . T:What color is it? S:Its red .(通过这个句型引出要学的新字母和六种颜色,可以做字母卡片,并在每个字母上涂上一种要学的颜色。)3、work on la ( 完成P12 1a )T:Now lets listen to the tape and repeat Please try to imitate them . Tape script A :What

4、s this ? B : Its V .A : What color is it ? B : Its red.4、Work on 1 b ( 完成P13 1b )T:Match the words with the colors(给学生两分钟时间来完成此项任务,并让同桌学生讨论,校对答案)T:Now lets check the answers5、Practise1) GamesT:Lets look at our classroom and find the colors T:red red a red flagS1:red red a red hatT:green green S3:gre

5、en green a green S4:2)chantred red a red pengreen green a green tree white white a white kiteblack black a black catblue blue a blue ruleryellow yellow a yellow pillow6、work on 1c (完成P131c)T:Now you see many things in our classroom . Look, whats this? S:Its a pencil-box. T:what color is it ? S:Its b

6、lack.(引导学生参考教室里的物体,运用上面的句型编类似的对话)7、work on 2a(完成P142a)T:Listen and repeat the letters(学生在跟读字母时,可适时教他们字母的发音拼读如Sses、Tt t+ i: ti: )8、Work on 2b ( 完成P142b)T:Now lets play the game “Who can find your partner fastest?”T : Look at the picture in 1a . Find the big letters for these small ones .( 给学生一分钟时间完成任

7、务,然后校对答案。)9、work on 2 c ( 完成P142c)T:listen and number the letters you hear.(可以根据情况播放2遍,第一遍学生听后写上顺序,第二遍边听边校对答案)10、Work on 2d( 完成P15 2d)T:Whats the small letter for S? Can you write it?(在黑板的三线格上,教学生书写这几个字母的大小写)T:Now who can come here and write on the blackboard?(让学生上来写在黑报上,然后评论并纠正书写的错误,使学生印象深刻)11、Foll

8、ow up(进一步扩展)T:Do you know what these letters mean?S/M/L UFO CCTV UN(先出示字母组合,让学生猜出其代表的意思,然后出现相应的图片给学生直观上的感受)T:Do you know these?CH AME AD ID WC(老师补充其它字母组合,让学生猜出其意思)T:Do you know other letters like these?S:KFCT:What do they mean?S1:肯德基(可用汉语表达)。12、Homework :Oral work(1)Listen to la and repeat .(2)Make

9、up your dialogues with your classmates like 1c .Written work(1)Copy the letters S-Z twice. (大小写各抄2遍)(2)Copy the six words of colors twice.Unit3 what color is it? ( The 2nd period Section A 4 - 5 )Teaching aims (教学目标)1、继续学习识别颜色2、学习谈论房间里物品的颜色Language points (语言点)1、要求掌握以下句式:(1)Whats this in English? It

10、s a key.Spell it ,please . K EYWhat color is it? Its yellow.2、要求掌握以下词汇:color ( V .)Teaching steps (教学步骤)1、warming- up and revision(1)Daily greetings to the students(2)RevisionT:Whats this? S:Its w.T:What color is it? S:Its black.Well done! Good job! Super! Great! Pretty good!2、Presentation(呈现新知识)(呈现

11、空心字的颜色词卡片或画在黑板上或打印在worksheet上)T:Whats this word ? S:Its BLACK.T:Color it black ,please . S1:OK .(老师让学生完成在空心字里涂上正确的颜色,并校对)3、Work on 4T:Look at the picture . Whats this ?S:Five RingsT:(给学生两分钟完成任务,然后用CAI来呈现五环旗的图片,让学生校对)4、Follow Up (1)T:Whats this ?S:Its a Chinese /English / American.flag .T:Can you col

12、or it ? S:Yes .(2)T:Take out your palette.T:Whats blue and green? Whats red and yellow? Whats black and white? Whats blue and yellow? 5、work on 5T:Look at the picture of a bedroom, whats this? S:Its a bed.T:Spell it, please. S:BEDT:What color is it? S:Its yellow.6、HomeworkOral work:(1)read the words

13、 of colors(2)Read and recite the dialogue on P15(3)Go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it .Written work(1) Draw your bedroom and write about it .(描写你的卧室里的物品的颜色)为了使学生尽快进入上课的状态,建议分别向不同的学生提问以上的问题,也可以设置情景,引导学生编出类似的对话。老师运用实物,幻灯片或CAI等手段复习学过的名词,可以采用快速回答或平面图猜测等竞赛方法,由于这些是已学过的词汇,所以应采取一些形象、生动的方法来巩固。老师用字母卡片或生活中像字母的东西来复习字母让学生排成一列或一排,每个手中拿一字母卡片,被问到的同学迅速站出来。借助这种方式可以较好地训练学生的听力。学生应听一句跟读一句,老师强调学生对语音语调的模仿,可让学生标上语调,先全班跟读,再让个体学生跟读,可主用


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