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1、国家宝藏台词IGrandpa! 爷爷!Youre not supposed to be up here,looking at that. 你不该上来I just wanted to know. 我好奇想知道Well, youre old enough, I suppose. 嗯,我猜你也差不多够年龄了You should know the story. 可以告诉你这个故事了OK, here we go. 那我开始说了It was 1 832.那是在1832 年On a night much like this. 一个跟今天差不多的夜晚Yah! Charles Carroll was the l

2、ast surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence.查尔斯 卡罗尔是最后一名健在的独立宣言签署者He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons. 他同时也是一个叫做“共济会”的秘密团体的成员And he knew he was dying. 他知道自己来日无多He woke up his stable boy in the middle of the night 于是半夜叫醒马童and ordered him to take him to the White H

3、ouse to see Andrew Jackson. 要他送自己去白宫晋见安德鲁 杰克逊 because it was urgent that he speak to the president. 因为他有话要立刻跟总统说Did he talk to him? 他说了吗?No. He never got the chance. 不,没有The president wasnt there that night. 总统那晚不在白宫But Charles Carroll had a secret. 但他有个秘密So he took into his confidence the one perso

4、n he could 所以他只能告诉一个他相信的人my grandfathers grandfather 我爷爷的爷爷Thomas Gates.托马斯 盖茨What was the secret? 什么秘密?A treasure 一笔宝藏A treasure beyond all imagining. 一笔无法想像的宝藏A treasure that had been fought over for centuries 一笔暴君,法老,皇帝,军阀们by tyrants. pharaohs. emperors. warlords. 争夺了几个世纪的宝藏And every time it chan

5、ged hands it grew larger. 每一次易手,宝藏就会变得越来庞大And then suddenly. 突然有一天.it vanished. 它凭空消失了It didnt reappear for more than a thousand years. 过了一千多年才重现踪迹 when knights from the First Crusade 第一次十字军东征的骑士discovered secret vaults beneath the Temple of Solomon.在所罗门神庙的下面发现了几间储藏室You see. the knights who found th

6、e vaults 发现这些储藏室的骑士believed that the treasure was too great for any one man - 认为宝藏的规模太大了,不能为一个人所独有not even a king. 即使是国王也不行They brought the treasure back to Europe and took the name the Knights Templar. 他们把宝藏带回了欧洲,给自己取了个名字 圣殿武士团 Over the next century they smuggled it out of Europe 在接下来的一百年间,他们偷偷把宝藏运

7、出欧洲and they formed a new brotherhood called the Freemasons. 他们又建立了一个叫做“共济会”的新团体in honor of the builders of the great temple. 用以纪念神庙的建造者War followed. 战争接踵而来By the time of the American Revolution the treasure had been hidden again. 到了美国独立战争的时候,宝藏又一次被藏了起来By then the Masons included 那时候的共济会成员包括George Wa

8、shington. Benjamin Franklin. Paul Revere. 乔治 华盛顿,本杰明 富兰克林 保罗 李维They knew they had to make sure 他们为了确保the treasure would never fall into the hands of the British. 宝藏不落到英国人手里So they devised a series of clues and maps to its location. 于是他们设计了一系列的线索和藏宝图来指示宝藏的藏匿地点Over time the clues were lost or forgotte

9、n, 时光流转,许多线索都被人忘记或者失传until only one remained - 最后只剩下一条线索and that was the secret that Charles Carroll entrusted to young Thomas Gates.那就是查尔斯 卡罗尔留给小托马斯 盖茨的Charlotte.夏洛特The secret lies with Charlotte.秘密藏在夏洛特 Whos Charlotte?夏洛特是谁?Oh. not even Mr. Carroll knew that. 哦,即使是卡罗尔也不知道Now look here, Ben.看这里, 本T

10、he Freemasons among our Founding Fathers left us clues. 那些开国的共济会员们给我们留下了线索Like these.看这些The unfinished pyramid. The all-seeing eye. 未完工的金字塔,看透一切的眼睛Symbols of the Knights Templar, guardians of the treasure. 圣殿武士团的象征宝藏的守护者Theyre speaking to us through these. (man) You mean laughing at us.通过这些,他们在告诉我们

11、你的意思是在嘲笑我们You know what that dollar represents? 你知道那张美元代表了什么吗?The entire Gates family fortune. 整个盖茨家族的命运Six generations of fools. chasing after fools gold.六代傻瓜们.子虚乌有的“愚人金”(Grandpa) Its not about the money, Patrick. Its never been about the money.这跟钱无关,派屈克 跟钱从来都没有关系Come on, son. Time to go.来吧,孩子,该走了Y

12、ou can. say your goodbyes.你们. 可以道别了Grandpa?爷爷?Hm?嗯?Are we knight?我们是骑士吗?(chuckles)Do you want to be?你想做骑士吗?All right Um. kneel.好吧,嗯. 跪下Benjamin Franklin Gates,本杰明 富兰克林 盖茨you take upon yourself the duty of the Templars, the Freemasons 你将承担起圣殿武士,共济会 and the family Gates. 和盖茨家族的责任Do you so swear? 你愿意这样

13、发誓吗?I so swear.我发誓(man) I was thinking about Henson and Peary, 我想到了汉森和派瑞crossing this kind of terrain with nothing more than dog sleds and on foot. 仅仅凭借狗拉雪橇或者徒步穿越这种地形Can you imagine?Its extraordinary. 想像得出吗? 太了不起了We getting closer?快到了吗?Assuming Bens theorys correct and my tracking models accurate, 如

14、果本的理论是对的,我的追踪模型也精确的话we should be getting very close. 我们应该非常接近了But dont go by me I broke a shoelace this morning. 不过别听我的,我今天早上还拉断了一跟鞋带Its. its a bad omen.Shall we turn around and go home? 这可不是个好兆头 那我们是不是应该掉头回家?Or we could pull over and just throw him out here. 要么停车把他丢出去OK. 好吧Riley, youre not missing

15、that little windowless cubicle we found you in? 雷利, 你不会还在想着我们发现你时,你待的那个没窗子的小房间吧?No, no. Absolutely not. 不,当然不Why are we stopping? I thought we were looking for a ship. 为什么停下?不是在找船吗?I dont see any ship.Shes out there. 船在哪儿 就在那儿Look. this is a waste of time. 简直是浪费时间How could a ship wind up way out here? 船怎么会跑到这里来?Well, Im no expert, but. 我不是专家,可是.it could be that the hydrothermic properties of this region 可能是这个地区的暖流属性produce hurricane-force ice storms 产生了飓风级别的冰暴that cause the ocean to freeze a


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