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1、高考英语课本回归早读晚练6早读:.词汇短语过关 1survive vt. 在之后仍然生存;逃生;比活得长 vi. 活下来;幸存survival n. 存活,幸存survivor n. 幸存者survive sb. (by) 比某人活得长(几年)survive sth. 幸免于某事survive on sth. 靠存活下来survive from sth. 从存活下来;流传下来即学即练1(1)It was lucky that the boy _ _.很幸运,这个男孩得以从大火中逃生。(2)She _ her husband by ten years.她比她丈夫多活了十年。(3)Many str

2、ange customs have _ earlier times.有许多古怪的习俗源远流长。survived the firesurvivedsurvived from2design n设计;图案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思by designon purpose 有意,故意have designs on/upon sth. (money/life) 图谋(钱、生命等)be designed for sb./sth.be designed to do sth.be designed as sth.为某目的或用途而制造或计划即学即练2(1)They have _ a lot of advan

3、ced electric equipments.他们已设计了许多先进的电子设备。(2)The experiment _ the new drug.实验的目的是试验新药。(3)These books are primarily _ the use of beginners.这些书主要是供初学的人使用的。(4)She attended a school _.她就读于一所服装设计学校。designedis designed to testdesigned forof dress design 3fancy adj. 奇怪的;异样的vt. 想象;设想;爱好 n想象力;幻想;爱好fancy onesel

4、f (as sth.) 自命不凡;自负fancyn.(to be)/asn. 认为是fancy (ones) doing 想象(某人)做某事have a fancy for 爱好catch/take ones fancy 合某人的心意;吸引某人take a fancy to sb./sth. 喜欢上/爱上某人/某物Just fancy! 口想想看!奇怪!Fancy (that)! 真想不到!真奇怪!fancy dress/clothes 奇装异服绕口令Fancy Nancy did not fancy doing fancy work. But fancy Nancys fancy aunti

5、e did fancy Nancy doing fancy work. 可爱的南希没有想象到能做出出色的工作,而可爱的南希的漂亮的姑姑的确想象到南希做出了出色的工作。即学即练3(1)Do you _this evening?今晚你想不想出去?(2)She _ a famous actress.她自以为是个有名的演员。(3)She _ she was being followed.她觉得好像自己被跟踪了。fancy going outfancied herself(as/to be)fancied that提示:fancy用做动词,有时用于祈使句,表示惊奇,不相信,震惊等,后加名词、代词、动名词

6、等做宾语,如Fancy meeting you here!想不到在这儿遇见你!4doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑vt. 怀疑;不信doubtful adj. 怀疑的beyond/out of doubt 毫无疑问地;确实地in doubt 不肯定;不确定no doubt 无疑地;很可能without doubt 无疑地;确实地I dont doubt that.我确信I doubt whether (if).我怀疑是否There is no doubt thatclauseabout.毫无疑问注意:doubt 在肯定句中用 whether或 if引导从句,但在疑问句和否定句中用 that引导从句。

7、即学即练4(1)_ they will agree with you on this matter.毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。(2)_ their football team will win the match.他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。(3)I dont doubt_ he can finish the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务。There is no doubt thatThere is some doubt whetherthat(4)I doubt_ they can swim across the river.我怀疑他们能否游

8、过河去。(5)This meeting has been, _ , one of the most useful we have had so far.这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。whetherwithout doubt5worth prep. 值得的;相当于的价值 n价值;作用 adj. 值钱的be worthn.“值”(仅限于少数表示钱数或某种代价的比喻性名词)be (well) worth doing “(很)值得做”(用 well修饰;用动名词的主动式表示被动含义)be worthy ofn./ofbeing done值得做某事to be doneIt is worthwhi

9、le to do sth./doing sth.做某事是值得的另外:worthy 可用做前置定语,表示“有价值的;可敬的”,而 worth不能做前置定语。如:a worthy gentleman 一位可敬的绅士。即学即练5(1)The trip was expensive but it _.这次旅行花费很大,但是花的每一分钱都不冤枉。(2)The book is _ worth _.这本书很值得一读。(3)The article is worthy _._._. 这篇文章值得仔细研究。 was worth every pennywellreadingof careful studyof bei

10、ng studied carefullyto be studied carefully6in search ofin ones search for 寻找;搜寻search.for.在里面/身上搜寻search forlook forhunt for 寻找search out 找出某人或某物search through 把仔细搜寻一遍make a search for.搜查,搜寻即学即练6(1)They started off at once _ the missing girl.他们立即出发,寻找失踪的女孩。(2)The police _ her _ drugs.警察搜查她,看她身上是否有毒

11、品。(3)We have been _ the lost boy all over.我们一直在到处找那失踪的男孩。(4)He _ the book and gave it to me.他找出那本书给了我。(5)He _ (through) his pockets _ a cigarette.他把自己的口袋找遍了,想找到一根香烟。 in search ofsearchedforsearching forsearched outsearchedfor拓展:in honour of 为了纪念;为向表示敬意in praise of 歌颂;表扬in memory of 为纪念in favour of 赞

12、同,支持in place of 代替in charge of 负责in possession of 拥有in control of 控制in face of 面对in need/want of 需要7belong to 属于;为的一员即学即练7(1)That dictionary _ the library.那本词典是图书馆的。(2)Do you _ the trade union?你是工会会员吗?(3)Where do these plates _?这些盘子该放在哪?belongs tobelong tobelong提示:(1)belong to不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。(2)bel

13、ong vi. “适合待在某处,放在某处”,没有含被动意味的过去分词用法。(3)belongings n. 财产,所有物,相关事物8in return 作为回报;作为交换in return for为作为回报without return 无赚头;无利润by return (接信后)立即回复return sb. sth. (return sth. to sb.) 将某物归还某人return to some place/life 回到某地/复活即学即练8(1)He gave her some roses _ her kindness.他送给她一些玫瑰答谢她的好意。(2)They let us use their computers, and _ we give them the results



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