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1、虚拟语气Subjunctive mood虚拟语气:表示说话人的主观愿望、假设、怀疑或推测等(一)虚拟语气在简单句中的用法1 虚拟语气可用在口语中,使语气显得比较客气委婉。通常谓语由“should, would, could, might加动词原形”构成1)陈述自己的看法I should like to have a talk with you.I would like to say a few words about it.2)提出请求或邀请Would you mind opening the door?Could you come and see me tomorrow?3)提出建议或劝告Y

2、ou might as well tell me the truth.Youd like some coffee, wouldnt you? 4)提出问题What would you advise me to do?Could you tell me your telephone number?2 虚拟语气可用于简单句中,表示祝愿、诅咒、禁止或命令等1)用动词原形Long live the Communist Party of China! 中国共产党万岁!God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!God damn you! 该死的!Heaven forbid! 上天不容!Somebody

3、fetch a basin of water. 谁去打盆水来。Everybody come in! 大家都近来!2)may用于句首,动词用原形May you be happy!May you succeed!(二)虚拟语气在if条件状语从句中的用法1对现在情况假设,即与现在事实相反主句-情态v.+ v.原形 从句-v.过去式(bewere)2对过去情况假设, 即与过去事实相反 主句-情态v.+ have done(v.现在完成式) 从句-had done (v.过去完成式)3对将来情况假设,即将来不太可能实现的情况主句-情态v.+ v.原形 从句-v.过去式(bewere) should +

4、v.原形 were to + v.原形虚拟语气中常用情态动词为:would, should, might, couldEg. If they had time, they would study Russian, too. If I were you, I should go and see the doctor at once.I could have met her if I had come a few minutes earlier.If she hadnt got up late, she wouldnt have been late for school.If it rained

5、tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off.If it should rain tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off.If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off. 省if在书面语和正式文体中,从句中有were, should, had可省if,把were, should, had放/提到主语之前。Eg. If it were not for their support, we would be in a very diffic

6、ult position.Were it not for their support, we would be in a very difficult position. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. Had I left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. If it should rain tomorrow, what would we do? Should it rain tomorrow, what would we do? 错综

7、时间 有时候,条件从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作,发生的时间是不一致的(如一个是过去发生的,一个是现在发生的)。这种句子被称为错综时间条件句(Conditional Sentence of Mixed Time)。这时主、从句中谓语动词的形式应按各自时间变化。Eg. If you had seen the doctor in good time, you would be quite all right now. If we hadnt repaired the roof last summer, the living room would be wet now.(三)wish宾语从句用在wi

8、sh后的宾语从句中,表示不可实现的愿望。主句通常为I wish, 从句用下列形式:1与现在事实相反,即目前未能实现的愿望 从句-v.过去式(bewere)2与过去事实相反,即过去未能实现的愿望 从句 -had done(v.过去完成式) 情态v.+ have done(动词的完成式)3将来不太可能实现的愿望 从句-情态v. + v原形注:如果将wish改为wished,that从句的动词形式不变;动词hope的that从句用陈述语气,而不用虚拟语气。Eg. I wish I were young again.Sometimes I wish I were living in a differe

9、nt time and a different planet.I wish you had told me sooner.I wish you would have called yesterday.I wish they would tell us the truth.(四)特殊v.后的宾语从句中 特殊v.为表示“命令、建议、要求、请求、坚持”等意义的动词;宾语从句中动词形式为:(should) + v.原形 这些动词常见的有:ask, require, request, suggest, propose, order, advocate, agree, command, demand, d

10、irect, insist, advise, prefer, second, urge, move, recommend, permit, allow, intend, desire, beg, forbid, decide, arrange etc. Eg. He suggested that we should start at once. Would you prefer that I _ with you? A am going to fishing B will go fishing C would go fishing D go fishingWe desire that the

11、tour leader _ us immediately of any change in plans. A inform B informs C informed D had informed1 上述动词的名词后的同位语从句或表语从句中也要求相同形式的虚拟语气。 advice, agreement, requirement, request, suggestion, proposal, order, demand, insistence, preference, second, urge, motion, recommendation, permission, intention, desi

12、re, etc.Eg. His suggestion was that we should start at once. The order soon came that all civilians should evacuate the village. We knew his insistence that he do the work himself.I second Mr. Greens motion that the meeting be put off until next week. 2上述动词的形容词后的that主语从句也要求相同形式的虚拟语气。 advisable, desi

13、rable, preferable, urgent, It is advisable that you (should) go to see a doctor.It is desirable that you (should) speak the language fluently.3 上述动词的被动式引出的主语从句中也要求相同形式的虚拟语气。 It is decided that. It is arranged that.Eg. It is recommended that the project _ until all the preparations have been made. A

14、not be started B will not be started C is not started D is not to be started(五)as if/as though引导的方式状语从句中 真实方式状从:He looks as if he is young. (He is really young.)虚拟方式状从:1与现在事实相反从句v.过去式(be在一、三人称后可用was/were,通常用were较多)2与过去事实相反从句v.过去完成式(had done)3与将来事实相反,即将来不太可能发生从句-情态v. (might) + v. 原形Eg. He talks as if

15、 he were a scholar. (In fact, he is not a scholar.) He speaks as if he had seen it with his own eyes. (Actually, he didnt see it at all.)It looks as if it might rain.(六)lest, for fear that, in case (惟恐、以免、以防)引导的目的状语从句中从句中谓语动词用should + v. 原形lest 引导的目的状从中,should 常可省略in case 引导的目的状语从句有真实和虚拟两种,真实条件句中不用虚拟语气。例如:Take an umbrella in case it rains.Eg. Ill be kind to he



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