2022年高中英语北师大版必修五教案:Unit15 Lesson4

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《2022年高中英语北师大版必修五教案:Unit15 Lesson4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高中英语北师大版必修五教案:Unit15 Lesson4(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高中英语北师大版必修五教案:Unit15 Lesson4集 体 备 课 教 案备课教师:王雯斐 郑东明 梁孟廷课题Unit 15 Lesson 4 Understanding课型Reading第 4课时教学目标知识目标1. To practice using linking and reference words to help understand a text.2. To practice using adverbs.3. To make students know how to gain knowledge.能力目标To develop students ability of

2、fast reading and linking words to understand the text.情感目标To make students know how to gain knowledge.内容分析重 点1. To develop students ability of fast reading and linking words to understand the text.难 点1. To practice using linking and reference words to help understand a text.关 键 点The words, phrases a

3、nd the grammar教法学法Team-work and communication approach.教具学具Multi-media A tape recorder教学过程教材处理师生活动修改与创新I Warming-upII Pre-readingIII While-readingIV. Post-readingI Warming-upQuestion students: By what ways do we acquire knowledge?Reading booksWatching TVGoing through the InternetLearning from teache

4、rs or friendsListening to radioAsk some students to answer the question. They can add more choices to the question.II Pre-reading1. Can you think of the process/way to gain/understand knowledge?2. Which of these things help you to understand things?1) being relaxed and happy 2) having time to think

5、about what you are learning3) being interested in the topic4) discussing topics with friends5) asking questions3. Will you completely believe in what your teachers said? What about the great scientist? Will you fully believe in them?We have our understanding about things, but we are always affected

6、by the authorities and lose our thoughts. It seems that not all that the great people said is correct.Do you believe the following sentences said by the great?Knowledge is power. Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority.All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is

7、to discover themEarth must be the centre of the universe because it felt like the earth was standing stillIII While-reading(I).Read the text and answer the following questions.1) Does the writer believe that the Baconian Method of scientific thought is a good way to gain knowledge?2) What image does

8、 the writer use to explain how men like Bacon and Galileo helped educate people?3) Why did Aristotle assume that the sun moved around the Earth?4) Would the writer describe the people of the church during Galileos time as having open or closed minds?5) Do you think people like Bacon and Galileo woul

9、d have thought it was a good idea to open libraries and set up universities? Why?(II).Read texts 1-4Which of the underlined linking words mean the same as these?Example as = whenafterwards, but, since, so he could, so, to start with, when, next(). Vocabulary: Words about learning, Ex.5(). Complete t

10、he sentences with the correct form of the words below. Ex.6IV. Post-readingComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.accustomed, bureaucratic, tend, approve, beneficial, worthy, urge, vital, unwilling, assumption, defence, BC, kingdom, rank1. Ben to lie whenever he feels he mig

11、ht get into trouble.2. You might find to STUDY before your next exam!3. I dont of the man she is marrying, Hes not of her.4. He me to give up smoking. He said it was for my health.5. I work for the government so I am to ding a lot of work.6. David ruled his for 40 years, from 1000 .7. Im to make any about my new job in case Im wrong.8. In the war, men of all different helped in the of the city.板书设计教学反思


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