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1、Uttest Done with hs task.Yur sor:10窗体顶端rt I: abury ad Strucuecon A: cti A: Cmple the sntnes ung theort wrdsn thbo. 1. wethe fratisad get right don to usnss? ou anser Crect anseforego frego. Te actssspoke inch a havynorthern that Iold barel unerstand h. or aser Correctanser alectdialect 3. Thers nohi

2、ng ltto do n butthersults. Your answe Coret answr awaitawai 4. Ilov going on vacion, bt lways i e of wok enI rtun.Youaswer Correct nserdow don 5. Aft trege sccesses, Geore bame one ofthe mo peope Holwo. Your answer Corectnsw influentialnfluential 6. here he been fr too many iappeaces this tw for m t

3、aste Yu answe Ce swermserious yeous . It driveme craz hatSeve cn s aroundadbe whe theress uch o too! YrswerCorrect anwrie ie. His sifty e and sry rsnality do lttleaustwrty charcter. Youransr orrc answerfster fter 9.Se is herlunchtowk, uttoda he decide to et out. Your aswe Correct answernorml nrmaly

4、0. Thf ach asan illegldrug wil only make the prblem wrse.Y answer Correct ansercassication lasificatio1.Dont your litte bthr! Take him ihyou. Your nswe rrc anser xclue exude 12. It difficl foromeoneof his too out inpublc nrcogniz. Yor swerCrrctawrsatre tture 1y intervieith paeof profesors isthe onyl

5、eft bfr I ern mdege Your aswer Corret nser bstcleobstal 14. Afr yrso,te old house o thecoer inalltorn down.Yr answr orrecanswer nlct nege 5 If ou wan towite a book abot trvlingi Europe, its to have actlly ee ther bore.r aner orectanswr datage advantages 16.Imig o ivest mmoneyin Mirosof, nd I srngl u

6、gge you o. You nwer Corrctanswer likews liewis7 It iscritl oyo orceswhen you me a arument ou answeroect anwer cite ite 18. This monhs bstselling n as a()that is rarely see i lteratre Yor nswe Corret anser orgiality origialty1. ts difficul ihpeoleif yo dot spk he same language. You answer orrect anse

7、rinteact inrac 20 Iscommon fo oiticins to e lmostanthng as gist their oponentsYur aswer Crectanswr ammuitonammunio Sction : Fillnech f th banks ih a sitl w.21. he tougest thing a movngay was hen had to pa my book oletin. Youranser Corec aswr it it 2. he sringseason, it we, doesnt ea xit her sinewe g

8、o straht fom ntr into smmr Your answrCect anwer as as 23. Plese leave e alone; Isimpl ookig some eae an quiet. Your nswer Correcnswer forfor 24. e lookin t hi old ictues,Jmes lngdo bac to Chia.or swer Crc nwe to o 25. Jsttel e hetruh andont ty myemtons! Yo aner Correct awerwith wit 26 Mna decied to

9、s her biogic arnts ater she found t h a aoped. u answer Corectanswer ut t 27 the st part, Itie s enjoyedou acatiot yea. Youraswer Corrt aer For Fo28. She piks up soeetra mney b bein tour gude sideYouranser Corretanswer on 2. thinkthe eson ere su good friedss bcus wehave so ucommon. Yor answer Coct a

10、nwein i 30.I yu learnto lk ths class an opornit, ou might nt b so isrableYour wer Crt asernupnt I: Banked ozQestns 1 t4 re ase n tefolowig passgeI looking fr a good boo to d.Ca yu giv me a()(1)? eel like t ead fctn, bu I wi read nnction if the toy i good. m a() (3) at ha,so I realy like to red toresabout xiig jourey ad quest. I usualy dontlikboringstries t feature (3)chcter that ae portayed wi no riginaity. I dont in ction, but cano wthut an(34) andunnesry vilec. D youhaveay ides? In opinn, he est literaue feate haacte tat fc u



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