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1、小学生简单的英语自我介绍导读: 篇一:小学各年级英语自我介绍范文小学各年级英语自我介绍范文 湖北襄阳市襄州区张家集镇中学张正斌 三年级 张文婷ll,eeryone!Nice to e o here. Myname is hang eting. I m ars old. am rom Zhagjiaj imary Schol I 篇一:小学各年级英语自我介绍范文 小学各年级英语自我介绍范文 湖北襄阳市襄州区张家集镇中学张正斌 三年级张文婷ello,eeyone!ice oseyo ere M name is Zh Wentig. I am 9 years l.I a fr Zhangii Pri

2、mySool. I am n s_ Gra_,.Tere are4 peoplenmy filymy fathe,m mother ,y brother and . Myfateris a_and y motherisa_ .Thy love mend ove the,to.After schoo, Ilike radin nd wathingTV, and y favorite olor is pink. Ihp can ernnglsh el, bcause init er portanButChinseismyavorite sbjec, becaue t is veryineresig

3、.I want to be ateache n he futue. I oemydream wil coetre.hats al. hnk yu. 三年级张灿怡Hllo, vyone!Ncetosee yu here!M name is hang Cai.I am years old. amrom Zhangjiai imayScool. I a Class_ Grade_. am a lovely gi.Lok, Iave a oun ace an myees re bigThe ae3ppl in my famymy father, my mothrand I . My father s

4、a worker,nd my moter teaer Theovem ad loe themtoAfter school,I ie edng, an y avrtcolour is white. As love daninerymu. IoeI ca learnEnh wel, becuse I tinitvery imortat. But Ciese is myfavrit subec, becausei er ntrestin.I want tb dacer in the uueI oemy ream wil coe true. Thas all.Thank y! 三年级 宋牧风 宋牧雨H

5、lo, teher!My nam i_ I yarsld. I mfrom Zhangjaji Pria School Im in ass Grde_.Thre re4 peol iny famiymy fath,m moher, mwi boter nd I . My far is a ath teacer,and my mother eaches his.hey lov e ad lov them.Afterschol ,I ikereding, ndmyfaorit colris greenlsooe at ery mu, chas paig and handwrting.I hop I

6、 cn ler nglsh wll,becaus I tink t veryimprta. ut mth is fvrt suject,ecuse t s vr intersing. Iwant t e an rtis in tefutre.And I hp m dramwillcom rueThats all.hank you. 三年级 张家乐 Ho,tecer!ce t se yu hee.Mynam is Zang Jiale. Iam 9 ars oldI rom hangjiaji rimary Shool. I am inlass_re_.Theree 3 eople imymil

7、ymyfathr,y mothern I My faher s aE teaher,a my mother teache hieeey le meadI lov tm.to.Ater schoo, I like reading, nd my faorieoou green.AloI ove art ery uch,I hop I canlan Elishwell,ecause I thkts an Bt math my favrit sb,becus it is veyineti I wntobe a thr i the uture.Ad I opy ram wi coe trThatsal.

8、 Thn yu 四年级 杨晨曦Hel,teachrs,Nie tose yohere! My name i Yang Chexi Im erod. I amfrom hagjiaj PimarySoo. I ain las_Gade_.There are 4 ole in my famly ate,mymothr,my rther ad I . My athr s a_ anmy mothr isa_. Tey loeme an I lve the,tooAter chool, ikeeg and wrtin, nd m fvrtecolou is ed. Aso loe mic very m

9、ch.hopeIcn learn Eglishwell, becaue tnkit veryimpotan.t Chinese is my avoriub, becs iis r interestn.Ad I ant to b a writein he fur. ope my dra willcome true.at s al.Tan o! 五年级 刘冰清Helo,acers,ic t seyu hee.Myam is Lu Bingqing. I am1 rs old.I amfrom ZangjiajiPrimay Shoo. I amin Cass1,Grae.There are epl

10、e in y familymy fater, y mer nd .My paet areters Thyloveme and Iloe thm,o. My fvrite cour s pink. My bestfrind isagXn.he al ndpretty.Werenoti he ame clas.e likeEnglish ery mc. I like lisengt musicaradingbooks. y favoitefood is chicken. Its tast adyummy. I often dmy hmework d rd boks I hope n learnEn

11、glshwell, ece its vry nteing But math i my aorte. I wt o beath i fuure.hope my dream will cme ue.hts all Tank you! 六年级英语自我介绍(宋子婷) Go mrnn,taher!Nice o see yo er. ImSg Ztin.Imfrom lass,ae 6 ofZhanjiaj Pmary Schl. I ha may bis,suc asinging,ancing, reading boks ando .My faourteood is hicen, beuse t tas

12、ty andyummy. Im a happy gir.ik gong otin, adingboks,r litning to us nSatrdys. But I hav aream. I an to be dcer,becuse I ike music vry much.I hope my deam wl come trThats all.Thak you! 五年级 张朝旭Helo ,teachers,Nie te youhere .Mynme is Zhang Chau. am1 yesold IamfomZhangjaj riaycholIam Class1 ,Gre5.Thee are4 ople


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