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1、优质教案教 案2021年小学六年级英语教案湘鲁版学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021年小学六年级英语教案湘鲁版语是一门语言学科,只有说出来才能让英语融入生活之中,对此教师应该充分利用多媒体等教学工具,为学生创设相应的语言环境,让学生能够大胆地读英语、说英语、用英语。今天在这给大家整理了一些小学六年级英语教案湘鲁版,我们一起来看看吧!小学六年级英语教案湘鲁版1课 题 Review Module学目标 Talk about their holiday from May,1st to May,7thDictate the words .教学过程Ste

2、p1.Greeting between the teacher and studentsSs:Hello,Ms Zhao.T:Hello,boys and girls.S:.Step2.Talk about the holiday with students.T:Were you happy?Ss:T:Why?Ss:.T:Who travelled in the holiday?Ss:.T:What did you saw ?T:Who stayed at home all the holiday?Ss:.T:What did you do at home?Ss: 1.I watched TV

3、.2.I did my homework.3.I read a book.4.I played basketball.5.I played football.6.I played table tennis.7. I cooked dinner and helped my mother.8.I wrote a letter to my mother.9.I learned maths and ChineseStep3.Play a game:Let atudents read the sentences two minutes,then clean up the sentences .Then

4、let students say out the sentences.Step4.1.Give students five minutes to write the words ,then dictate the words.2.Let students check the words each other.3.Correct the wrong words.教学札记:本课为复习课,让学生通过复习巩固所学知识,主要复习动词的过去式,通过看、听、说,让学生加深记忆。课 题 Revise module2教学目标 Ss can grasp the present future tense.Ss ca

5、n express their plan with be going toStep1.Sing the songwhat do you want to eat?Step2.1.Play the tape for students and let them follow it.2.Let several groups read the text in groups.3.Let them try to remember the text.Step3.1.Let students look at the pictures on Page 7,then make sialogue like this:

6、A:What are we going to do ?B:We are going to go to the park.A:When are we going to go to the park.2.Let students discuss in groups of two,then let them show hteir dialogue.B:We're going to go to the park at 11.Step4.Let student turn to Page 45.1.And explain:The Smart Family are on holiday.They a

7、re going to beach for a day. Do you know what are they going to do? Let see together.1.have breakfast2.take a bus3.go swimming4.go clcying5.go to the park6.have a picnic lunch7.look at the big ship8.go to the theater2.Then students close the books ,then listen and fill in the box with the time.3.The

8、n let them answer like this:They are going to have breakfast at 8 o'clock.Step5.T:I think they are going to take some photos.Look. These are their photos. Can you gusee what I am saying.1.They are seeing a film.(Picture 5)2.They are looking at the big ship.(Picture 4)3.They are having a picnic.(

9、Picture 3)4.They are riding bikes.(Picture 2)5.They are swimming.(Picture 1)小学六年级英语教案湘鲁版2一、教学内容:Part A Lets read. Lets play. Part C Pronunciation二、教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认读Lets read部分的内容,并完成相应活动。2、能够了解双元音音标/ /、/ /、/ /的音与形,能够读出例词并选择音标与单词和配图正确连线。三、教学重点1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2)was, busy, It was s birthday.四、

10、教学难点1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2)was, busy, It was s birthday.五、课前准备1、教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。2、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。3、学生准备本课时的单词卡片。六、教学过程1、Warm-up(1)Lets sing: The days of the week.(2)Ask and answer:What did you do last weekend?What did you do yesterday?I ( did) last weekend/ yesterday.2、Preview结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让

11、学生进行快看快拼的比赛。3、Presentation(1)Lets learn.从上面的问答中,老师总结并板书呈现:busy, was busy last weekend.根据学生的回答,教师可提出更细节性的问题:T: What did you do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening?A: I (did)last Saturday morning/ last Sunday eveningT 根据学生A的回答,再向其他学生提问:T: What did A do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening

12、?引导学生将第一人称改为相应的第三人称进行回答,并将学生的回答(选择一个)以短语形式填入课前准备好的表格中。见附录。完成表格后,T 再次重复:A was busy last weekend. 根据板书及表格,引导其他学生以:_ was busy last weekend.为开头转述其他同学上周周末的活动。(2)Presentation of the sentences T: A was busy last weekend. B was busy last weekend. And Wu Yifan was busy last weekend, too.(可用课件展示) Now, lets li

13、sten to the short passage and answer some questions.( T 可根据段落内容顺序设计问题)A:What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning?B: Whom did he visit? Why?C: What did they do together?D: What did they do in the evening?E: What did Wu Yifan do Sunday morning? With whom?F: What did Wu Yifan do in the afternoon? 听完两遍录音,学

14、生可以同桌讨论并回答问题。如果有不同答案,大家一起讨论,寻求答案。 听音跟读,再齐读。 要求学生独立完成课本中“Finish the sentences”. 再进行组内讨论并校对答案。1) Lets playT: Look at the calendar. Today is ( date ).Yesterday was (date).What did you do yesterday?A: I (did) yesterday.2) Activity 1 :滚雪球Pronunciation(1)听音模仿. 教师要以夸张的口型带学生跟读。(2)认读双元音音标。/ / , / /, / /.说明音标与字母的区别和联系。(3) 拼读单词。老师请学生自己拼读并读给大家听。(4) 读单词,连线。(5) Activity 2: Play basketball4、Consolidation and extension(1)用词组或短句来描述自己爸爸或妈妈上周末的活动情况。(2)完成活动手册相关内容。七、板书设计:Busy was busy last weekend.八、教后小结:小学六年级英语教案湘鲁版3教学目标:知识与技能目标:1.学生能过灵活掌握有关做家务的动词短语并能应用到日常对话中。2.掌握祈使句的构成方法及其答语。情感目标:1.如何有礼貌地请求别人帮助自己做某件事。2


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