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1、Module 2A Job Worth DoingI. 单项填空1For years,scientists have been worried about the_of air pollution on the earths natural conditions.Aeffect BresultCaccount Dcause答案A句意为:许多年来,科学家们一直担心空气污染对地球的自然环境带来的影响。effect影响;result结果;account叙述,账目;cause原因,事业。根据句意及on可知此处为effect。2A hard sleeper to Beidaihe tomorrow.So

2、rry, sir.Only the hard seat is _at the moment.Ausable BsuitableCavailable Dcomfortable答案C考查形容词辨析。句意:“一张明天到北戴河的硬卧。”“对不起,先生,我们现在只有硬座了。”available“可获得的”,符合题意。usable“能用的”;suitable“合适的”;comfortable“舒适的”,均不符合题意。3I never thought of it before,_all that cleaners had done for us for granted.From now on, Ill_th

3、eir hard work.Ataking;respect Bmaking;appreciateCtook;thank Dtook;grateful答案Atake.for granted为固定短语,意为“视为当然”,可排除B项;从句子结构来看,第一个空应选现在分词形式作状语,而不能用过去式took,如果构成并列谓语,则需在took前加and;第二个空应选respect表示“尊重清洁工的辛勤劳动”。4It is_in the regulations that you_other people the password of your email account.Arequired;not tel

4、l Bhoped;not tellCrequired;not to tell Dhoped;not to tell答案Arequire后接从句时,从句中用should do的虚拟语气形式,should可以省略。句意:规定中要求你不能把电子邮箱的密码告诉别人。5If we let this situation go as it is, our environment will_a great destruction.Asuffer Ballow Capply Ddeliver答案A句意:如果我们让这种形势持续下去,我们的环境将遭受巨大的破坏。suffer“遭受”;allow“允许”;apply“

5、申请,应用”;deliver“递送”。6A small bad deed may have a deadly ill_on children while a small kind will do the opposite.Aaffect Beffect Cpower Dcontrol答案B考查名词辨析。affect为动词“影响”;power“力量,权力”;control“控制”;effect“影响”,用于短语have an effect on“对有影响”。7Knowing that her neighbour had just sold their car because of financi

6、al problems,Daisy_to drive them to the station.Aadded BappliedCoffered Dreferred答案C考查动词辨析。句意为:Daisy知道她的邻居因为经济问题刚卖了车,所以她主动提出送他们去车站。offer to do (主动)提出(愿意做某事),符合题意。add to增加,增添;apply to向申请;refer to指,参考。8My father_the shopkeeper 400 yuan for that new bike.Aasked BchargedCsold Doffered答案Dask“问,邀请”;charge“

7、要价,控诉”;sell“卖”;offer“给予,出价”。根据句意“我父亲出400元钱买了那辆新自行车”可知,只有D项符合题意。9Im_in the afternoon.We can discuss our plan for our summer vacation then.Aavailable BconvenientCabsent Dqualified答案A由后一句“那时我们可以讨论暑假计划”可知,“我”下午有空。available作“有空的”讲,符合语境。convenient方便的,常用于Its convenient for sb.to do sth.表示“某人方便做某事”;absent缺席

8、的;qualified合格的。10All the candidates are excellent,but I like the last one_his experience is just what we need at the moment.Ain brief Bin totalCin advance Din particular答案D考查短语。句意为:所有的选手都很优秀,但我特别喜欢最后一个他的经验正是我们现在所需要的。 in particular特别是,符合题意。in brief简言之;in total总计;in advance提前。11According to the survey

9、,_one out of three students likes surfing on the Internet.Ain common Bin particularCon average Don display答案C句意:按照调查结果,平均每三个学生中就有一人喜欢上网。on average“平均”,符合题意。12Although I warned him of the possible danger, he never took any_of what I said. Aattention BremarkCobservation Dnotice答案D考查固定词组。take notice of

10、意为“注意”,表示有意注意。句意:虽然我警告他可能发生危险,可是他对我说的话从不注意。13The opposition have demanded that all the facts_public.Amake Bare madeCbe made Dshould make答案Cdemand后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,谓语用“should动词原形”的形式,should可以省略。14The crazy fans of Jay Chou arrived at the concert hall two hours earlier to_the front row seats.Atake out Btak

11、e off Ctake on Dtake up答案Dtake up“站好位置以备”,符合题意。take out“拿出”;take off“起飞,脱下”;take on“呈现”。15On AIDS Day that year, President Hu Jintao demanded that the problems_ paid special attention to.Areferred to being Breferred to beCrefer to being Drefer to be答案B该题demanded后面宾语从句的主语为the problems, referred to为过去

12、分词短语作后置定语,表示“被提到的那些问题”,be为宾语从句的谓语,是(should)be的省略。II. 阅读理解AI grew up with a birth defect known as spina bifida, a disability that affects my sense of balance, causing me to walk with a limp.As a young child, I could remember the way other children would look at me and stare because of the way that I

13、walked.There were many times that my schoolmates would laugh at me and call me names simply because of their lack of understanding of why I was a little different.Now that I am an adult, I have noticed that the stares and names have begun to fade, and judgments that once were negative have begun to

14、turn toward acceptance.Now I look beyond what I cant do and focus on what I can.I have learned that limitations open doors that have been closed, showing other ways to meet our needs.I have always looked at life as a challenge, grasping each obstacle with open arms.There is nothing in this world that comes easy.I must stand tall and look forward, to be ever so ready for what still lies ahead.People often feel sorry for those who were born with some type of disability.But their compassion is misplaced.Yes, I may not be able



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