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1、考研英语一小作文预测及范文跨考教育英语教研室应用文考察类型:书信类和告示类预测种类:投诉信、征询信、感谢信、申请信、建议、道歉(回绝邀请)信、祝贺信、告知1.投诉信Dect: uboughaEghdctnary fa fmu e-coercsie only ofid i nt as go asyou epecte. Witean email oth cutom eicecentert1) cmpite porqlyof thdictior, ad) give raooyou mlaintDea r. Wan,soe of te egulr cusors of ur erce sie,e bao

2、 trobe oubt am afaid hat I havet mae a ompint ao thedciry.ha av to complain lies in he foing two spect.n the fi ace, t papr of h ditoy is of poor alit.I ddiio,manypagesthe dicnryre msig dsmeof hepagear rersed.Uder ecicusance, I fin thi to copltey ctbe I appreiate i very muh ifo cudchae i for a ne ne

3、.Pefab,I o ca gv meafulrundAnd w li to v thsterseted oe wek. e yocan lk ntothi mater s son asposibe andIam look forrdtyou prprepy.ur ine, iMin2.征询信Wri letter inquirin atravl agency abt th tript Mont uanshan. omneceaydetailm be nclude. ot sigronnamea h eof r lett, using “LiMng”itead.Dear Si o adm,I w

4、oul leto raveltoMuntHuangsath umer. writinto ask it i osile for uo provid me wih omnfomation regdithio Mount ushnFt o l,wuldyou ind elneho muc t tricoss for ecpesn?ndly, how masil the ri ke?Thirdl, I od b hily rtefulf y cu let me ko atth ccommoation n dealdplns.I ou ond som rlevn boles on h bove-ent

5、ied aspecs, ould moe thanhppy. Thakyu ryu kidnss, andyur romt atento tothileter will e hghlyapeied.Yur scerey,iMin33.感谢信ietions:Yohve just retuned froma viit ta niersitynGrat itai.Andyo wee wamlreated the Profesor Smith. Pasewite a lter xprs our thank to hm fo h sitty.Dear Prof. mth,I am wrti oext i

6、cere raitude to yu.I am eerringoyor wamtreGreatBritai.en arr iOxord Unieity,it waou o noducd o n offaous rsor ncelebrated scolarst ou Uivrsit m. You alsoinvied meoyour hmand treated m with dcioufood.f it hdnt benforyurssistane, I aha wuld not hve asuc a plesas inGreat ritai.My aprecain tyu elflss hl

7、p is bond word. I ieyope h I cnrpay yo kinessin he earfure ceagai, plas ccept y eltrtue am lokng frard t your rey. Sneey your, Li in.申请信Dreins:o antto aly for the folowng job: apersa ecrery t heral maag, wit letr r. ro to:)sh r iterst,2) decrbe yoursl, an) expain why you woud ital fort job.Dr M. Bro

8、n,Im wrin to apy(求职)te posin she pesonal secear tothe genanage./(求学)(the oprtuit or frheuy inyourunivrt)Iam fulyconfient taIam therigt cadiat. Teinth, I mjorisertard wl grduat rmeking Unversit. hae a gooaadi eforance inhol nd hve be he top ivuents or fryes inmyrade.In addo,I a diligent a ooperae grl

9、Enclosed is rumo viadtonl iformatonThnk ou yur te ndoniration. Iam ookn rwardto yorepl tyourarest veniene.Yor sinel, Li ig5建议信Wrea etter to o uniersty cante,making ugetins formprig iserv. Yu should rite aou100 wodon NSWST .ear SirorMa, sude ofunvrst, ho oftnhas mealsin ocante.Geeraly peng, ourcantee

10、nrovdes qutod food.wever, stil have sme ggeions for tmake ourcneenr poplar mog snts.To begi wit, wonderheth o ulpdeme varieti of fd Wed thave ma ptnshn etig nou cantn o.ontnue, ome tudents ave copind t pice of fod ther,ouldyo pleaslo it dwn? do hope to veabettercaeen.And I woud hghly grateful if yo could takuggesionsinonsieration.Yurs nce,


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