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3、的绝招帮小煜把作业做完了。”“去去去,别学你哥哥,你这样做作业,不但没记在脑袋里,而且,会养成坏习惯。”我听了,便去小煜家,和他决心不再用这招。第二天,没想到妈妈还不忘这事情,去告诉了老师,结果,我与小煜被狠狠的批评了一顿。哎,倒霉真倒霉。这就是我,一个普普通通的我,听了我的介绍,你们会喜欢我吗?My name is Chen, and it is called energy.It is a very ordinary boy, with a round head and a beautiful hair.There was a pair of bright, bright eyes unde

4、r the thick brows.The high nose did not seem to attract attention, but it was the chattering mouth that was so charming.I'm in fifth grade now, but I'm only 1.35 meters tall.I'm worried about my height.I'm not a top student in my class.But if it's more than sports, I'm in the

5、 top.(I'm sorry to have said some of the proud).I am also a “road sees rough, draw out a sword to help”, as long as nothing, I rushed over to help him first, so that my friend is more and more.That's probably the case.I've been so busy, I've lost my mind, and I've been more and m

6、ore busy.Remember that time, because Chinese test result is rotten to add rotten, at most is only 90 cent.The teacher was so furious that he almost killed us.The homework asked us to copy the e_amination papers twice.It was a piece of cake for the seniors, but it was more difficult for our third gra

7、de classmates.But I did “OK” at noon because I had a secret weapon.In the evening, I went to my good classmate _iao yu home, found little yu still copying, I am an_ious to play with him, helpless under, I revealed my secret weapon to him.First recruit: cut corners: some of the problems are intention

8、ally omitted.Two strokes: two strokes in the right hand, double the effect, and that is the speed horse whip.It worked.It took little yu an hour to get it done.The two of us were basking in the joys of fun.When I got home, I said to my mother, “mom, I have done my homework with my brother.”Go, don&#

9、39;t learn your brother, you do your homework, not only in your head, but also in your bad habits.“ I listened, and went to little yu's house, and he decided not to use it again.The ne_t day, I didn't realize that my mother had not forgotten this thing and went to tell the teacher.As a resul

10、t, I was severely criticized by _iao yu.Well, bad luck.This is me, an ordinary me, listen to my introduction, will you like me?自我介绍英语翻译2我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,我的名字叫陈硕,看了这个名字,可能有的人会认为我是一个男孩子,其实我是一个性格比较外向的女孩子。因为我爸爸姓陈,又是硕士,所以全家人都希望我能够像爸爸那样也是硕士。我有一头乌黑发亮的头发,喜欢梳一把马尾巴。我有一个椭圆形的脸蛋,像一小鸡蛋,在那椭圆形的脸上,长着一双又大又灵的眼睛,眼睛里的黑眼珠,像一个


12、了两个柜子。虽然我平时一向很节约,但是对买书却毫不吝啬,只要是我喜欢实用的书,而且不是很贵,我一定会马上买下来。有时候我遇到一本好书,又因为价格太贵而不能买,我一定会翻来覆去地看好几遍才甘心,所以每次我一进书店,都要看上大半天。高尔基曾经说过:“书是人类进步的阶梯”。而我也坚信:好书能伴我一生。我常常因为看书而误了其他的事情,因此爸爸、妈妈经常开导我说:“看书要学会适而可止”。为此有时我也很伤脑筋,想来想去,我下定决心,以后一定要学会克制、克制再克制!这就是我,一个爱读书的小女孩。I am a lively and cheerful girl, my name is Chen shuo, lo

13、ok at this name, perhaps some people will think I am a boy, actually I am a character pares e_troverted girl.Because my father's name is Chen and master's, so the whole family wants me to be able to have a master's degree.I have a black shiny hair and a horse's tail.I have an oval fa

14、ce, like a small egg, in the oval face, with big, bright eyes, black eyes, like a black grape.My nose is high, my mouth is red, I never stop talking, I really like this face my mother gave me.I am twelve years old, the only child in my family, and the ”apple of the eye“ in the family.My father and m

15、other spoil me.Learning while no one in the class, I was a minor celebrity, my popularity is very good also, have more than half of the class are my good friend, and my ”bosom friend“.Not only do I have many friends, but I also have a lot of hobbies, such as: ”draw, play puter, swim, play the piano,

16、 read a book.I like reading books best.When I was very young, my father bought me a lot of literacy manuals, and often read me some storybooks.I could say that my childhood was spent in the book sea.As I grew older, my book more and more, and now my house is like a small library, books are everywhere, is my own book, countless put two whole cabi.Although I am always very economical, but I am not mean to buy books, as l



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