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1、大学英语口语演讲稿推荐cu.There is aknd o eaut, it ns the iteneeotion to l. tbg hswet tlifeThs inof euyis thebtyof armonos. Wl, thisstday tp:A hrmonioucamus. aonios, sone of t mospopua wo in the scietyatpresnt ime.Nw or governs radocaing buildig hamonioussocety.Bt ahmonios lood itup in th cionay. Itsays “in

2、 ageemen, fre froml feling” n smeshools,here are a ot oblems. For insane,tece do ae patece with stdent, some eversht atthem. Studts fall in see dring theclass.latut is widespread. Ctter languagesofen hardCmpus, which i o coeoneparto theprojec, laysanesetial role i he sciet. Iwewant o buid a armnis s

3、ty,first we old buld a hamonious ampu, ad get iof the problems. To a hroniou ch,the surrodng s ry impont. nurcampu, coonut reesgrowlineon the road. eren grass is the lways fie sprngd.Th varios floersad te ae he beutiflseny, the geenouside the cassom showits gave to tds. Wen the studetreaking unthmpu

4、s, thr bodies n midsarepleasant. If w thin of harmoiuscamus as a ree, hen hermonious environent is thleaves fthe . The odhman eation of ampus s he oo. Only thecampu wit goodhman relationhips can be caled a harmonios ampus.armoiouscamu s hrmious relationp between ter a stuents che, hich i th ersn o t

5、eachesou knege,should erespct y u. We shoul chestchers'; pays, espc thirwrks.hus we n reae aarmnous stuy atmospere.A rmoiosamus also eed godrelationshiaong students. Weshould h tho who he polms, and gt aon wittem Thus t create a harmnou socl retinshi. ring oe to the lsess, bring powr o th youg, b

6、ringlght tothe lid, and bigcnfidece t teea. Ourcamp sa harmnious amu: it is afmily f s all. 大学英语口语演讲稿(二)Inmy 18 yeas f ife, terehae ben manthings vrity days the bet pat f them. I can nver forgt th das when I stepeto myniversit. asipessed by its gardnlike camus, its enthusisti stents ad espeiallyit l

7、earningamsphe. I at onc ellin lov wih t.Aftr the rduou miitr rinin, I get aoel absorbe in stdi. hclssesiven b th teachers are ceent. They provie with infomatin not only fom ourtexbooks bt frm many ohersources aswell. Th esily arou my insatiabedesire t tae i a mch as I can. rkly speakig, atfirs hadoe

8、difiultyllwigthe teachers. Hweve, through my own effort and thksto my teachers39; guidance, I maderemaral pogres. No I&39;vebefteda lot fo ecture ad anyotheracademc rorts.Learninis og roess;I lkeepexlring in te trar house o knowledg oenrchsef. Tis summer got out the oy we and etred the rea ord. A

9、publihing se ofed m pat-tejbin copilation andrevson. At the ginnig wa bited by m colguesut tyerely surrised we I transltd seven nglish articles ver 5,00 wrdoonly one da radualy, they an to lootme with repcfu eyes. Ithr pni turned ut to eausfu and trstorhycolleu als realiz tat onl ths who ringapiness

10、forohrscn betruly happyS I oftn take prt acivtes cocernn publcefre. onc wt to barmouninillage withmy casmats. We taughhkids theewho cold not afford school.While showing them hobrdand ho civiied thoter wrldis, I a deeply tuhd bhir agernss to earn, heir honesty and eir purity. ould';t toly eason t

11、dayen we left. The prcious expericih the orids mde m awre ofthe eonsbiliy on thshouldero s, fuue tahrs. eidesstudy andsoil ractice, r are trtinets asell. I o body buldin eery da, hoing tokeathy and energetc. We so wite a pla andut i on in our pare ie. Campus lfeis the mostendid time.Bt diernt eople

12、have difren choice.h majrito students cherish teir beauu esn and cheish te oe tt oned the';ll becoeoustandig u tere are ndee sme sudets tllundrignorance They gther tgthe o aing, drinkingorlayig cars. Tey#9;e busy searchi oa girlfriend or aoyfrnd. Thy frg cpletlabot thei missionascole studensand the ho o thei otelandill, do ope everybod can ty theirbes to bcome a wortcitien f e ouny. do hoe verydy cn bo h bakoneoour nation and me gra co



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