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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除Module 3 Sports Language in use学习目标:1. 复习并学会灵活运用本模块重点词汇和句型2. 巩固熟练运用本模块所学知识比较不同的运动学习重点:通过复习巩固熟练运用本模块重点词汇和句型比较不同运动的差异教学活动:一、回顾完成下列表格:1. 单音节及部分双音节形容词、副词比较级的变化规则:条 件变 化举 例1. 一般的形容词2. 以不发音的字母e结尾的形容词3. 以重读闭音节“辅 + 元 + 辅”字母结尾的形容词4. 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的形容词2. 多音节形容词、副词的变化规则:_3. 不规则形容词、副词比较级的

2、变化:_二、情景导入:借助Language practice中的句子回顾本模块重点三、质疑探究(一) 句型总结评讲预习自测部分,巩固有关比较级的语法(二) 逐步完成本单元练习1-4,巩固词汇和句型的运用四、当堂检测完成本单元练习5 6,然后组内交流核对,最后全班探讨核对课后反思 _课后训练一、口语运用:根据对话内容从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Jim. (1)_B: I am going to the stadium.A: (2) _B: Im going to take part in the football match there. (3) _A:

3、 Of course Id love to. Ill go there to cheer you on.B: Oh. Its very good. (4) _A: Yes, I do. But I cant play very well.B: (5) _A: Yes, youre right. When will the match start?B: At five oclock.A: Oh, its ten past four now. Lets go. A. I think you need more practice. B. What time is it now?C. Would yo

4、u like to go with me?D. Where are you going?E. Do you also like playing football?F. What are you going to do?G. Im sure that you will win the match.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二、综合填空 A. 单词拼写:根据句子意思及所给的中文提示完成单词。每空只能填一词。来1. We played basketball well, so our PE teacher was very _ (开心的). 2. If I have a _ (机

5、会) to go to Beijing, I will visit the Great Wall. 3. When I am tired, I often listen to music because it is _(使人放松的). 4. If you want to play baseball well, you need more _ (练习).来5. Tony is _ (粗心的), so he didnt pass the exam this time.B. 选词填空usual loudly pity against warmLast Wednesday, our school te

6、am had a basketball game. We played (1)_ No. 3 Middle School. Before the game, we practiced every day after school. We trained harder than (2)_ because we wanted to win the game. On that day, we arrived early so that we have enough time to (3)_up. Before the game, our coach Mr. Lin told us some usef

7、ul ways and asked us to play carefully. Many fans watched the game, and they cheered us on (4)_ . We felt very confident. But in the final minute we lost the game. What a (5)_! We felt sad, but our coach was pleased and he said that we did better than last year. 三、根据中文意思完成句子 1. 为了能上一所好大学,他努力学习。 He s

8、tudies very hard _ _ he can go to a good university. 2. 汤姆,下次不要上学迟到了!Dont _ _ _ _ next time, Tom. 3. 那场足球赛很无聊,我们一点也不喜欢看。The football match is too _. We dont like watching it _ _. 4. 明天我们要尽可能早点到校。We will arrive at school _ _ we can tomorrow. 5. 球迷们将要去为篮球运动员们加油。The fans will go to _the basketball play

9、ers _.Module4 Planes ships and trains Language in use学习目标:1. 复习本模块新单词、短语和重点句型。2.复习形容词和副词最高级的构成及用法。3.能运用交通方式的表达,能介绍自己或他人的旅行以及乘坐的交通工具。预习任务:1、完成本单元的练习题2、 复习运用形容词及副词比较级和最高级的用法。3、为假期家庭出游写一个出行计划。重点难点1.掌握形容词和副词最高级的构成及用法。2.掌握交通方式的表达并能运用形容词和副词的最高级介绍常见交通方式的特点。课堂活动:一. 检测课前预习完成的情况二. 质疑解疑(小组互助)三. 读并写出本模块的单词短语路 _

10、 交通事故 _ 除之外 _选择 _ 同班同学 _ 远,遥远 _近的_ 拥挤的 _做迟了 _乘出租车_ 最舒服的方式_ 骑自行车 _有点_ 大多数的_ 小心 _和一样_ 远离_ 一直 _旅行 _ 预订 _ 停放(车)_在之外_ 然而 _价钱为,花费_计划做某事_ 预订某人的票_第二便宜 _ 待在外面_ 市中心 _ 不得不_ 拥挤_ 和一样_ 因为 _等候_ 四Listening practice. (Activity 7 and 8.)五阅读本单元的Around the world部分,根据其内容补全下列句子,每空一词。1. The TransSiberian Railway is the_ r

11、ailway in the world.2.It is not _ _ _ to travel from Moscow to Vladivostok, but it is_ _ _ and also the _ _ way.重点词句:1.What happened? 发生了什么事情?Jack is telling the teacher what is happening. What happened next?2.by taxi 乘出租车 by bus/train/plane/boat/undergroundHow does Tony go to school? - How does Dam

12、ing go to school? - He walks.3 the same as Your opinion is the same as mine. His dress is different from mine.4.The more information, the better!the more the more The more dishes, the more we will eat. The more you eat, the fat you will be.5. book v. 预订 多指预订_He booked a set on the plane to London.I have book


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