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1、- # -(新课标)2020年普通高等学校招生统一考试英语模拟卷6(时间:100分钟,满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A (2019 长沙市模拟)On average , America ns spe nd about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or otherelectronic devices(设备)and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors.That is a cla

2、im made by David Strayer , a professor of psychology at the Uni versity of Utah .In his 2017TED Talk , Strayer expla ined that all this time spe nt with tech no logy is making ourbrains tired.Using an electr onic device to an swer e- mails , listen to the news and look atsocialmedia puts a lot of pr

3、essure on the front of the brain , which , Strayer explains ,is important for critical(有判断力的 )thinking , problem - solving and decisionmaki ng.So, it is importantto give the brain a rest.Andbeing in nature , Strayer claims ,helps get a tired brainaway from too much tech no logy.More tha n 15,000 cam

4、pers fromaround the world attended an internationalcamping festival in September.That is when friends and family take time off and escape to nature for several days.They take walks , climb , explore , swim, sleep , eat and play.Camping may be just what a tired brain needs.Take Carl for example.He li

5、ves in West Virgi nia and enjoys camp in g.He says thatstay ing outdoors makes him feel at ease .It also prepares him for the work he mustdo.Kate Somers is another example who also lives in West Virginia.She says she enjoys camping with her husband and two children.She calls ita “regenerative ” expe

6、rienee.At the University of Utah , David Strayer has studied both short- term and long -term exposure to nature.He found that spending short amounts of time in nature without tech no logy does calm the brain and helps it to remember better.However he found , it is the long - term con tact with n atu

7、re that does the most good.He and his research team found that spe nding three days in n ature without any tech no logy is eno ugh time for the brain to fully relax and reset itself.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。作者讲述了如今长时间使用电子设备对大脑的危害,鼓励人们放下这些电子设备,去户外让大脑休息一下。1. What is David Strayers opinion?A Americans dislike ou

8、tdoor activities.B Electronic equipment should be quitted.C New technologies ate a double- edged sword.D Electronic equipment brings great convenience.C 考查推理判断。依据第一段可知, David Strayer 认为过多使用电子设备导致大脑疲 劳,第二段中的 “ answer e - mails ,listen to the news and look at social media”暗示着电子设备给我们生活带来的便利,因此科技有利有弊,选项

9、C正确。2 Why does Strayer insist we go outdoors?A To try another lifestyle.B To refresh our brain.C To make better decisions.D To play with our family and friends.B 考查细节理解。依据前两段可知,过多使用电子设备会导致大脑疲劳,根据第三段 可知,我们需要让大脑休息一下,而走进大自然可以让我们疲惫的大脑远离电子设备,从而让大脑恢复活力,因此选 B项。3What does the underlined word“ regenerative ”

10、 mean?AReborn.BMemorable.CRemarkable.DTiring.A 考查词义猜测。画线词所在段中作者列举Carl 的事例说明,户外活动能使他放松并更好地工作,作者提到的“ Kate Somers is another example.twochildren ”暗示着, Kate与家人在户外的活动也给了她活力,因此选 A 项,画线词表示 “有再生作用的,有再造能力 的”。 B (2019 潍坊市统一考试)Digital grounding is when parents or caregivers limit or completely take away access

11、 to technology from children.According to a study conducted by Pew Research , 65%of parents have digitally grounded their teen by taking away their teens cellphone or Internet access as punishment.Because children are so connected with their technologies , digitalgrounding mayseem like a logical ste

12、p for parents.Take away a childs most cherished item and they will quickly learn from their behavior.But the idea of digital grounding isnt as clear -cut as that.Instead , it may be a lose - lose situation for parents and kids , alike.For most parents , the goal of grounding isnt to make their child

13、ren unhappy or sad.It is to teach a lesson in the hope that they wont engage in whatever behaviorgets them in trouble in the first place.Unfortunately, though , digital grounding isoften just punishment, not discipline.If a child stays out past curfew(宵禁时间 ) ,a punishment would be hitting or yelling

14、 at them.Discipline would be not letting them go out the next weekend because they fail to follow rules.Weve all been there weve caught our child doing something wrong and in theheat of the moment laid out a strict punishment.We may have been feeling hotheaded,embarrassed, or dismayed.Often, though

15、, these punishments arent aligned with thebad behavior.While digital grounding may solve the problem temporarily, it wont providechildren with the guidance they need to act appropriately in the future.Instead of grounding , show your child what they did wrong and give them the chance to act differently.This way, they will learn from their mistakes in a practical manner andfigure out ways to be safe and smart with technology.Theres no denying it: technology is here for the long- haul.This is why someparenting experts dont recommend digitally grounding your children.


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