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1、口语测试:(15min)第一部分:1-2mi 简朴对话寒暄,3-4min 熟悉的话题(平常生活、文化习惯、个人爱好等)第二部分:4n ue Ca. 模拟事件、环境或状况,考官提问与卡上主题有关(提供纸和笔,准备1分钟)第三部分:-mi双向讨论 根据第二部分浮现的问题提问第一部分:Qstion about hemele, ther home/famiiy, ti jo/sudis, theinteresand wid rngeo iilar famliar topic area.Examle1:1. amily: youhav alarge family small amly?2. C you

2、tell m someting aout them?3. H muchtime oyou anae tospend wihmebes fyorfami?4. Wha srtsoftigs o youlke t o togeher?5. iddo you t o ell wthyou amly? (Why?)xample2:1. Tl me aot themo impoant esival in your.2. Whapecial otites ae connete wth this festial?3. Wha you mot enjoyabouit?4. D yothink festival

3、sr ipotantfo a cut? (h?)xamp31. What wuld yousust a itor should se and so in ourounry?2. re tre e radiiol artsousic y wuld reoend?3. ell me abot th nd of oegn visitorsor tourists wog t you coury.4. In hat ways as trsm chnd yor cot?Emle41. Wh wul ou lke t chage inour aly routi?2. Aell your ds theame?

4、3. Tel bout yor typil wed ad you tpical weekend.4. Whas the blance fok/study adfre tie i your norma day?Exal1. Areyor iends mstly orge ordifren ges? (Why?)2. Do ou sll see yorrendduring e week a eekes? (Why?)3. he last time you sa your friend, whatdid youo teher?4. Inwha ways are yo friends mportat

5、toyou?Exmpl61. at knd ffod do yo likoa?2. What kind f w od ould you ik to t?(y?)3. D ou ike cookin? (Why/Wh not?)4. wa the last yocoked?5. o you preerhom-cooked ood o food frmrestuants? (Why?)Eaml1. o you hav any hbbie orinteret? (Wht ar they?)2. Hw diyou becme iereted in (weerhoby/inerest tecndidat

6、e entios)?3. ht s tre to din our frte n (canidtesome on/village)?4. Hoo you usuly spend your hoidays?5. Is theeanwhr yuwould rticulrly like to vsi? (Why?)Exame81. htplcedo yu mostltovisit?2. Howen do you vit this pl?3. Whd ou li it so muc?4. Is it pplrwith manyother pople?5. Has changedery much seyo

7、u fitwet hre?(nwh way?)Eample91. Wha is the mng f our name?(cial eig?)2. HowdoChins pent nam their cilden?3. hat are the ommon nams n hina?4. Ae you wrkng o stdig?5. doo spnyr eken?6. Doyou readalo n or saetime?7. Tell e somethingaot you as life in leisre tme?8. Whyd peopl ee lesre? sit imprtant?9.

8、Whaarete ays trelax ourself?10. Dothe peopeave mo tim to rea nw?SortsReadingTV prgramMucPainigHome towCiy1. Dscie a tche hhasinflence you i youreuction.ou soud s:Whereyo mehm/eWubect e/sheaughht wa cal abo hm/hernd exin why his pson inflenced u so mh2. Desib afilm or V progame wich has made a rong m

9、reson on you.You houd sy:Wht ind offil orTprograme t was, . CmdyWhen you say e ilm o T ogrmmeWhat thefe r V rograme wasaboutan explain why hs film r TVpgrmme mde such a mpresin onyou.3. eib amemore evenn r if.You hould say:When thevent took placee the eet ook place Wat hapned eacyandexplain hy tis n

10、 was mmoblefyu.4. escib etin yo own wchis veyimportant o you.You shoud say:her you got f fromHow loou hadithayu use f forandepaiw it is soimpotant yu.5. ecrbe aninteresihisoric lace.You sholdsay:Wha i i Where it s lctd Wh ou canse threowand explain why thi place isinteresting6. srbe an ntest or hbby

11、 thayo enjoyYoshoud say: you beme interested in iHow og hae een doing it Why you ejoyit nd xplinht beefit you ge fromthi iterestoobby7. escrberiver,lake or ea whih k.You shoud say:What he ir, ake r ea s cledWhr itisWhat thel nea i is lkAndexplain hy youlikethi rive, lae or sea.8. Decribe auful wesit

12、you ave sitedYou shold say:Wht the webt wasHow yo found the addressfo this websiteWat thewbte onaidAd explanyt was usful to you.9. escrie soeone inyour fmiy ho yulike.ou sholy:ow ti pern isreated to yWht thiprn look likeW ino pso eshesandexpln why ulikethis prs.10. Desribe smething healy you ejy doin.You should sy:W


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