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1、面试外企的英文自我介绍模板6篇 当进入一个生疏环境,须要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍可以给生疏人留下一个好的印象。信任大家又在为写自我介绍犯愁了吧!下面是我为大家收集的面试外企的英文自我介绍篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。 面试外企的英文自我介绍篇1 I a athr year master majr in autmation a ShnghiJiaTog Unversiy, P Chaiheedusier n Inustrial Enineerg, I am riting toappy fraceptace into ouh.D.graate program In 95,I e

2、ntee teNanjng Univerityof cience&echlogy (NUST)- widyconieed eoftheCas bst engieering ols. Duig t folloing undergraut tudy, myacademicrecods ept disngsaog he hole eartment.wasganted rst ClasPize vremeter, and verall PA(.50) anked No. amng 3tuents. In99,I go the privileg to nre guae porm waie f theai

3、ontest slectedheShagai Jiao Tng Uivri to continue my udyor its et putai on CminatoralOptmitionn work Sceuing he myrserch nteest lie. At teperod f y gruae tuy, m overal GA(3774.0) rankd top 5% ih etmnt. n th scond semeser, Ibeameteacerassitat that e o alened andmatured tuents only. Ts yer, I wonhe Ae

4、 Scholasi as e oe ad only candidt inmydepartmen, wich isthe uimate accde istnguie studts enowed bymyunierit Presently, I m preparin y radaion this an tying fr thhono of EcellentGaduatio Thesi. Resach xerence andacdemc actvity,When sopmore, oie th Assoaton f AI Enhuias an bega t naow ownm iteres for

5、y tur researc. In 997, artipated in simuat oldevelopent for he sceulin sstem in Prf.angs ab Wih the to of OpnL nd Matlab, Idsigne simulatonprogrm fr trortaonscheulig sstm tisnw wdelyusedby differnt sea p n UT.In 998, I ssum an fulfilda sewageanalyss & dse proctfor Nanjing sewgereamentplan.iswas y ir

6、stpractice tconertalaorator ideato a commeria rdc. I 999, oined the dstiguhed rofessor Yu-ng s research goup i at Ntwork low pobe soving and Heuistialgorthm researh oonI wsengagn th FuDan Gene Daase Dsn.y uty s to pick up th sfulinformaion amon dfferntinds o gen maching format.Throgh t oarnad analys

7、is formany hurisic algoriths, I ioduc anrove evolutyalgorihm- Mu-population enet lgoritm. By iviing a ole oulation into several subopulations,tis improved alorihmcan ectyrventGA from lcl convrgence ndpromote aru evolutionayorientation. Itproed mre efntly than SG ineeiets,to In tesecon seester,I jine

8、 he workshop-cheduin reseach inShanghai Hevyuty Tyre plnt. Theschedgws designe for tue-kin prcess tht coee noonl icrete butlso continuou irumstnces Tomake abaanc pointetweenopimiatin ality an time cost, I proposd a Dyni Lare Scheuin ethod aseon hyr etiNets he ractica apcatin shwedhat th avaemaean ws

9、shnd yaarge cal. as plicizedwo papesincore journls with this idea. eentl, I am oinrsearchinthepoite Predict te lect Poerste assistd ihthtechnoo of Data Minin forao See I try to comine e Dcsion Tewith RecediOpimiation to provid ne solut for he Coposie Predie rolem Tiprojectisow uder constucti. Beies,

10、 I Ju 20x, I got theopptuniy give alcurn Englisn i ControConfrene (CC) hich soof t to-level conferencesamg he word in tara of cotrol ad automaton.n my snor ear, Imet Pof.Xio-Sng Ln, a iiingofssor f mhemaicsfrm nierity of Califoria-Rivrside, Ileanegrph theorro himformy neworresearch. Thse eperienes a

11、l rpdlyepnded klege o nglishad the unstdin of estern utre. I hope t sdy dept nretroect, I fid myelf stndn onaoid bs in both teory and experece, hich a reparedme or th Ph.D.rogram. My fure researc intersts clude: Nwrk Schduling Problm, HuritAlgorithm rsearch (eilyn G and Nera etwok), Suply cain etwor

12、 esch, Hybid ystperfomane analyi wit Petinetsan Data Mining. Pleaseive myapcaion matrial a seious csdration. Tank yu very much.面试外企的英文自我介绍 篇2 good morning, my nme ick,it i aly a gt honor to have thisoportunty fora ntview, iwould lik to aswe hateveu myai, andI can mak godeormnce tda, eventually el this prestigou nivery n setemr. now i wl introu myself briely,i am 1 yearsold,on inheilngjiang rvince ,noheas ha,and i am curuetl a sor tuden atbeijng nimy majr is



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