2021届高考英语一轮复习外研版必修五 Module 5课时提能练

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《2021届高考英语一轮复习外研版必修五 Module 5课时提能练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021届高考英语一轮复习外研版必修五 Module 5课时提能练(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时提能练(二十九)必修 5 Module 5 The Great Sports PersonalityA:知识层面.语境语法填空()用所给词的适当形式填空Free from work stress, 1retired (retire) people have much spare time to do what they wished to do when they were young.However, theres a distinct 2.disadvantage (advantage)Most of them feel bored and useless without the pr

2、evious duties and tasks.In my view, attending singing lessons after 3.retirement (retire) seems a great idea for them.Singing without any 4. competition (compete) can help these old people relax and at the same time share their talent with others.In fact, many old people like singing and some even f

3、orm a group, giving a 5. performance (perform) now and then to people in their community.()填入一个单词Fast walking is commonly seen in all Chinese cities.People walk fast in groups for a long distance, not to compete 1for medals or prizes but to build up their bodies.The number is still 2.on the increase

4、.If you make a list 3.of popular ways of exercising, you will find fast walking tops all exercise activities.Fast walking has advantages 4.over other sports like cycling due to its accessibility and low cost.Citizens join fast walking groups and take advantage 5.of the time after supper, walking or

5、jogging for miles.However, no one knows how it started.It seems to have become fashionable in Chinese cities quite 6by chance.语境短文改错(共有 5 处错误)Those days, the number of people who signed up for the English Speech Contest were on the increase.Everyone had his own advantages and wanted to be the final

6、champion.Fortunate, I performed good and scored the highest mark in the final.When the host declared that I was the champion, I rose on my feet, and walked to the platform for the prize.I think it was my teachers guidance as well as my constant practice that guaranteed my success.Every time when I t

7、hink of it, I always feel proud of myself.答案1/8FortunatelywelltwerewasThose days, the number of people who signed up for the English Speech Conteston the increase.Everyone had his own advantages and wanted to be the finalchampion.Fortunate good, I performed and scored the highest mark in theonfinal.

8、When the host declared that I was the champion, I rose my feet, and walkedto the platform for the prize.I think it was my teachers guidance as well as myconstant practice that guaranteed my success.Every time feel proud of myself.I think of it, I always.根据提示补全句子1你应该利用这次好机会练习你的英语口语。(advantage)You sho

9、uld take advantage of the good chance to practise your oral English. 2这种洗衣机质量上乘,因此在全国销量很好。(quality)This kind of washing machine is of high quality so that it sells well all over the country.3他们很可能赢得比赛,因为他们都是优秀选手。(the chances are that .) The chances are that they will win the match, because they are

10、all excellentplayers.4正是教练的鼓励使他重建信心,在比赛中获得了第三名。(强调句型) It was the coachs encouragement that made him win third prize in thecompetition.5正在为下一届亚运会建设的新体育馆将会是目前的三倍大。(倍数句型) The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times aslarge as the present one.B:能力层面.阅读理解(2020 沈阳市教学质量监测一)Sinc

11、e the age of three,Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer.That ambition nearly ended one night in 2010.Hill ,then a 17 year old high school senior in Pacific Grove,California,was in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down.For most people,that would have dashed any hope of a

12、 dancing career.For Hill , it was the beginning. “ I wanted to prove to my2/8communityand to myselfthat I was still normal,” she told Teen Vogue. “Whatever normal meant.”“ Normal ” for her meant dancing , so Hill did it in her wheelchair rightalongside her nondisabled high school dance team.“It defi

13、nitely took a lot of learning and patience” Hill told Today.After graduation ,Hill wanted to expand her dance network to include women like her.She met people online who had suffered various injuries but shared her determination,and she invited them to dance with her.Hoping to affect more people in

14、a larger city,Hill moved to Los Angeles in 2014and formed a team of dancers with disabilities she calls Rollettes.“I want to breakdown the stereotype (模式化观念) of wheelchair users and show that dance is dance, whether youre walking or youre rolling ,”she told CBS New s.Dancing on wheels , Rollettes di

15、scovered,can be just as fast paced,artful,and fulfilling as the foot based variety.Theyre having fun,and the fun is touching.Hill has attained what many of us never will: her childhood dream.But Rollettes have helped her find something else just as fulfilling.Every year she holds a dance camp for wheelchair users of all ages and abilities with an eye to helping them find their inner Ginger Rogers or Julianne Hough.The dancers arent the only ones feeling inspired.One woman saw a video of the team competing and commented ,“You guys are so awesome!



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